Strasbourg/Osaka/Kyoto Symposium on Organic Electronics

22 Novembre 2023
Scientific day on organic electronics as part of a visit by a Japanese delegation to Strasbourg's IPCMS

The scientific presentations will take place exceptionally at the amphitheater of the Institut Charles Sadron on November 29th (Wednesday) from 9H30 to 12H00.


9H30-9H40 Dr Pierre RABU, IPCMS Strasbourg


9H40-10H00 Dr Nicolas LECLERC, ICPEES Strasbourg

STELORG, a research consortium dedicated to organic electronics

10H00-10H30 Prof. Yutaka IE SANKEN, Osaka University

Development of Organic Semiconductors for Organic Solar Cells for Greenhouse Application

10H30-11H00 Dr Matteo MAURO, IPCMS Strasbourg

Taming metal complexes and their excited states for optoelectronics

11H00-11H30 Prof. Hironori KAJI, Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University

In-Silico Molecular Design, Device Fabrication, Multiscale Simulation, and NMR for OLEDs

11H30-12H00 Prof. Akinori SAEKI, Osaka University

Exploring Non-Lead Perovskite Solar Cells by Microwave Conductivity and Machine Learning