Les plate-formes de microscopie électronique en transmission et à balayage effectuent des recherches indépendantes ainsi que des travaux de service pour les académiques et les industriels. Les plate-formes sont certifiées ISO 9001.
La plate-forme de microscopie électronique en transmission est membre du réseau national de microscopie électronique et sonde atomique (METSA) et ouvert pour les utilisateurs externes des universités, des instituts de recherche et de l’industrie.
Two transmission electron microscopes (JEOL 2100F, Topcon 002B) are in operation with a periphery comprising specimen stages for in-situ electron microscopy and electron tomography as well as a specimen preparation facility. The standard techniques of nanocharacterization are available such as high-resolution imaging, electron diffraction, electron energy-loss spectroscopy, and electron tomography. The expertise is focused on in-situ electron microscopy and electron tomography where the group\’s own research projects are carried out.
Le personnel MET :
Formation CNRS : La tomographie électronique – théorie et pratique
Transmission electron microscopes
– Jeol 2100F (200 kV, Cs-corrected condenser, imaging filter, EDX, biprism, 2 CCD cameras) – Topcon 002B (200 kV, EDX, CCD camera)
Specimen stages
– single and double tilt – tomography (+/- 80°) – heating (< 1000°C) – cooling (liq. N2) – STM Nanofactory
Specifications of the instrumentation
– image resolution in STEM: 0.11 nm – image resolution in TEM: 0.2 nm – energy resolution in EELS: 0.7 eV – tilt range for tomography: +/- 80° – specimen temperature range: -190 – 1000°C
Specimen preparation facilities
– mechanical grinding, cutting, dimpling etc. – ion milling – chemical preparation
– scanning transmission electron microscopy STEM – in-situ electron microscopy – electron tomography – electron energy-loss spectroscopy EELS – electron diffraction – electron holography
– Independent research projects of the platform are carried out in the fields of: – carbon nanomaterials (graphene, nanotubes) – nanocomposites (carbon-metal nanoparticles) – atomic defects in nanomaterials – interfaces in nanomaterials – nanoparticles in catalysis
Services Work
for other groups concentrates on (at present): – spintronics – inorganic materials – catalysis
Electron microscopy is now part of regular courses for the bachelor and master level in physics at the University of Strasbourg. Courses are also held for the PhD school (Ecole Doctorale de Physique) in Strasbourg. Several PhD students carry out their research dedicated to electron microscopy.