Théorie et simulations computationnelles appliquées à la science des matériaux

Atomic-scale modeling in the area of material science is intended to provide a fundamental understanding of ….


The team works within the framework …

Membres de l’équipe :

Doctorant, Chimie des Matériaux Inorganiques (DCMI)
Tél: /Bureau: 110 (bât.33)
Doctorant, Chimie des Matériaux Inorganiques (DCMI)
Tél: /Bureau: 2011
Chargé de Recherche, Chimie des Matériaux Inorganiques (DCMI)
Tél: /Bureau: 2004
Voir la page personnelle
Post-doctorant, Chimie des Matériaux Inorganiques (DCMI)
Tél: /Bureau: 2014

Publications récentes :

C. Massobrio, I.A. Essomba, M. Boero, C. Diarra, M. Guerboub, K. Ishisone, A. Lambrecht, E. Martin, I. Morrot-Woisard, G. Ori, C. Tugene, S.D. Wansi Wendji, On the Actual Difference between the Nosé and the Nosé-Hoover Thermostats: A Critical Review of Canonical Temperature Control by Molecular Dynamics, Physica Status Solidi B-Basic Solid State Physics 261 (2023) 2300209.
D. Gentili, G. Ori, Reversible assembly of nanoparticles: theory, strategies and computational simulations., Nanoscale 14 (2022) 14385–14432.
F. Shuaib, G. Ori, P. Thomas, O. Masson, A. Bouzid, Multikernel similarity-based clustering of amorphous systems and machine-learned interatomic potentials by active learning, Journal of the American Ceramic Society 108 (2025) e20128.
M. Barbalinardo, G. Ori, L. Lungaro, G. Caio, A. Migliori, D. Gentili, Direct Cationization of Citrate-Coated Gold and Silver Nanoparticles, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 128 (2024) 16220–16226.
S.D.W. Wendji, C. Massobrio, M. Boero, C. Tugène, E. Levchenko, F. Shuaib, R. Piotrowski, D. Hamani, G. Delaizir, P.-M. Geffroy, P. Thomas, O. Masson, A. Bouzid, G. Ori, Quantitative assessment of the structure and bonding properties of 50VxOy-50P2O5 glass by classical and Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids 634 (2024) 122967.
A. Lambrecht, G. Ori, C. Massobrio, M. Boero, E. Martin, ADynMat Consortium, Assessing the thermal conductivity of amorphous SiN by approach-to-equilibrium molecular dynamics, Journal of Chemical Physics 160 (2024) 094505.
I. Bel-Hadj, M. Guerboub, A. Lambrecht, G. Ori, C. Massobrio, E. Martin, Thermal conductivity of crystalline Ge2Sb2Te5: lattice contribution and size effects in the cubic phase quantified by approach-to-equilibrium molecular dynamics, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 57 (2024) 235303.