The ADDEPT will organize a meeting where all postdocs of the lab are invited to share their “final push” experiences as former 3rd year PhD, tell about what they did wrong, what to be careful at, what they would do differently, useful tips, to the actual 3rd year PhD students of the lab (2nd year are also welcome). It will take the form of a 2hours (at most) free, respectful and kind discussion.
This meeting will take place on Wednesday 21st February, from 4p.m. to 6p.m., at the IPCMS cafeteria.
Prochains évènements
Retour à l'agendaSoutenance de thèse : Aliou Sadia TRAORÉ
Titre : « Microscopie électronique en transmission et spectroscopie d’absorption des rayons X "operando" appliquées aux catalyseurs bimétalliques »
Séminaire Axe 3 présenté par Pr Neso SOJIC
Titre : “Electrochemiluminescence detection and imaging of single entities: from biomolecules to cells”