Publications 2022

A. Adam, S. Harlepp, F. Ghilini, G. Cotin, B. Freis, J. Goetz, S. Bégin, M. Tasso, D. Mertz, Core-shell iron oxide@stellate mesoporous silica for combined near-infrared photothermia and drug delivery: Influence of pH and surface chemistry, Colloids and Surfaces A-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 640 (2022) 128407.
T.F. Allard, G. Weick, Disorder-enhanced transport in a chain of lossy dipoles strongly coupled to cavity photons, Physical Review B 106 (2022) 245424.
A. Anadon, E. Martin, S. Homkar, B. Meunier, M. Verges, H. Damas, J. Alegre, C. Lefèvre, F. Roulland, C. Dubs, M. Lindner, L. Pasquier, O. Copie, K. Dumesnil, R. Ramos, D. Preziosi, S. Petit-Watelot, N. Viart, J.-C. Rojas-Sanchez, Thermal Spin-Current Generation in the Multifunctional Ferrimagnet Ga0.6Fe1.4O3, Physical Review Applied 18 (2022) 054087.
A.A. Andelescu, S. Ilies (b Motoc), C. Cretu, E. Popa, S. Marinescu, B. Heinrich, F. Manea, S. Negrea, B. Donnio, E. Szerb I., Pentacoordinated Liquid Crystalline Zn(II) Complex Organized in Smectic Mesophase: Synthesis, Structural and Electrochemical Properties, Applied Sciences-Basel 12 (2022) 8306.
C. Antuna-Horlein, F. Wu, C. Deraedt, C. Bouillet, J.-P. Djukic, Cobalt Nanoparticles Formed upon Reaction of Cp*Co(III) Metallacycles with Na[BHEt3] Show Catalytic Activity in the Hydrosilylation of Aryl Ketones, Aldehydes and Nitriles, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2022) e202200563.
G. Avedissian, J. Arabski, J.A. Wytko, J. Weiss, V. Papaefthimiou, G. Schmerber, G. Rogez, E. Beaurepaire, C. Mény, Exchange bias at the organic/ferromagnet interface may not be a spinterface effect, Applied Physics Reviews 9 (2022) 011417.
T. Baron, W. Naim, I. Nikolinakos, B. Andrin, Y. Pellegrin, D. Jacquemin, S. Haacke, F. Sauvage, F. Odobel, Transparent and Colorless Dye-Sensitized Solar Cells Based on Pyrrolopyrrole Cyanine Sensitizers, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 61 (2022) e202207459.
A.T.F. Batista, C. Chizallet, F. Diehl, A.-L. Taleb, A.-S. Gay, O. Ersen, P. Raybaud, Evaluating acid and metallic site proximity in Pt/gamma-Al2O3-Cl bifunctional catalysts through an atomic scale geometrical model., Nanoscale 14 (2022) 8753–8765.
W. Belayachi, G. Ferblantier, T. Fix, G. Schmerber, J.-L. Rehspringer, T. Heiser, A. Slaoui, M. Abd-Lefdil, A. Dinia, SnO2 Films Elaborated by Radio Frequency Magnetron Sputtering as Potential Transparent Conducting Oxides Alternative for Organic Solar Cells, ACS Applied Energy Materials 5 (2022) 170–177.
D. Bissessar, J. Egly, T. Achard, P. Steffanut, M. Mauro, S. Bellemin-Laponnaz, A Stable and Photoreactive Copper-Iodide Cubane Suitable for Direct Post-Functionalization, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2022) e202200101.
J. Bizeau, A. Adam, C. Nadal, G. Francius, D. Siniscalco, M. Pauly, S. Bégin-Colin, D. Mertz, Protein sustained release from isobutyramide-grafted stellate mesoporous silica nanoparticles., International Journal of Pharmaceutics: X 4 (2022) 100130–100130.
C. Blaas-Anselmi, F. Helluin, R. Jalabert, G. Weick, D. Weinmann, Asymmetric power dissipation in electronic transport through a quantum point contact, SciPost Phys. 12 (2022) 105.
P. Blumer, M. Charlton, M. Chung, P. Clade, P. Comini, P. Crivelli, O. Dalkarov, P. Debu, L. Dodd, A. Douillet, S. Guellati, P.-A. Hervieux, L. Hilico, A. Husson, P. Indelicato, G. Janka, S. Jonsell, J.-P. Karr, B.H. Kim, E.S. Kim, S.K. Kim, Y. Ko, T. Kosinski, N. Kuroda, B.M. Latacz, B. Lee, H. Lee, J. Lee, A.M.M. Leite, K. Leveque, E. Lim, L. Liszkay, P. Lotrus, D. Lunney, G. Manfredi, B. Mansoulie, M. Matusiak, G. Mornacchi, V. Nesvizhevsky, F. Nez, S. Niang, R. Nishi, B. Ohayon, K. Park, N. Paul, P. Perez, S. Procureur, B. Radics, C. Regenfus, J.-M. Reymond, S. Reynaud, J.-Y. Rousse, O. Rousselle, A. Rubbia, J. Rzadkiewicz, Y. Sacquin, F. Schmidt-Kaler, M. Staszczak, K. Szymczyk, T. Tanaka, B. Tuchming, B. Vallage, A. Voronin, D.P. van der Werf, S. Wolf, D. Won, S. Wronka, Y. Yamazaki, K.H. Yoo, P. Yzombard, C.J. Baker, GBAR Collaboration, Positron accumulation in the GBAR experiment, Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics Research Section A-Accelerators Spectrometers Detectors and Associated Equipment 1040 (2022) 167263.
M. Boero, K.M. Bui, K. Shiraishi, K. Ishisone, Y. Kangawa, A. Oshiyama, An atomistic insight into reactions and free-energy profiles of NH3 and Ga on GaN surfaces during the epitaxial growth, Applied Surface Science 599 (2022) 153935.
M. Boero, F. Imoto, A. Oshiyama, Atomistic insight into the initial stage of graphene formation on SiC(0001) surfaces, Physical Review Materials 6 (2022) 093403.
A. Bonfiglio, P.-W. Hsiao, Y. Chen, C. Gourlaouen, Q. Marchand, V. Cesar, S. Bellemin-Laponnaz, Y.-X. Wang, C.-W. Lu, C. Daniel, F. Polo, H.-C. Su, M. Mauro, Highly Emissive Red Heterobimetallic Ir-III/M-I (M-I = Cu-I and Au-I) Complexes for Efficient Light-Emitting Electrochemical Cells, Chemistry of Materials 34 (2022) 1756–1769.
H. Boudjehem, H. Moumeni, A. Nemamcha, S. Pronkin, J.L. Rehspringer, Effect of deposition conditions on the properties of Ni-Mo-W coatings as electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry 52 (2022) 217–229.
Y. Bouguerra, S. Mehani, K. Bechane, M. Maamache, P.-A. Hervieux, Pseudo-PT symmetric Dirac equation: effect of a new mean spin angular momentum operator on Gilbert damping, Journal of Physics A-Mathematical and Theoretical 55 (2022) 425302.
S. Bouzida, M. Battas, E.B. Benamar, G. Schmerber, A. Dinia, M. Abd-Lefdil, M. Regragui, Effect of volume of the solution and sulfurization on properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 thin films fabricated by spray assisted chemical vapour deposition method, Materials Research Innovations 26 (2022) 127–133.
A. Brion, J. Chaud, J. Léonard, F. Bolze, S. Chassaing, B. Frisch, B. Heurtault, A. Kichler, A. Specht, Red Light-Responsive Upconverting Nanoparticles for Quantitative and Controlled Release of a Coumarin-Based Prodrug., Advanced Healthcare Materials Early access (2022) e2201474–e2201474.
C. Burel, O. Ibrahim, E. Marino, H. Bharti, C.B. Murray, B. Donnio, Z. Fakhraai, R. Dreyfus, Tunable Plasmonic Microcapsules with Embedded Noble Metal Nanoparticles for Optical Microsensing, ACS Applied Nano Materials 5 (2022) 2828–2838.
C. Cebrían, M. Pastore, A. Monari, X. Assfeld, P.C. Gros, S. Haacke, Ultrafast Spectroscopy of Fe(II) Complexes Designed for Solar Energy Conversion: Current Status and Open Questions, ChemPhysChem 23 (2022) e202100659.
A. Chakraborty, N. Ahmed, J. Ali, S. Moorthy, J. Goura, S.K. Singh, G. Rogez, V. Chandrasekhar, Exchange-driven slow relaxation of magnetization in NiII2LnIII2 (LnIII = Y, Gd, Tb and Dy) butterfly complexes: experimental and theoretical studies., Dalton Transactions Early Access (2022).
R. Cheenikundil, J. Bauer, M. Goharyan, M. d’Aquino, R. Hertel, High-frequency modes in a magnetic buckyball nanoarchitecture, APL Materials 10 (2022) 081106.
Y. Chen, M. D’Antuono, N.B. Brookes, G.M. De Luca, R. Di Capua, E. Di Gennaro, G. Ghiringhelli, C. Piamonteze, D. Preziosi, B. Jouault, M. Cabero, J.M. Gonzalez-Calbet, C. Leon, J. Santamaria, A. Sambri, D. Stornaiuolo, M. Salluzzo, Ferromagnetic Quasi-Two-Dimensional Electron Gas with Trigonal Crystal Field Splitting, ACS Applied Electronic Materials 4 (2022) 3226–3231.
B. Chowrira, L. Kandpal, M. Lamblin, F. Ngassam, C.-A. Kouakou, T. Zafar, D. Mertz, B. Vileno, C. Kieber, G. Versini, B. Gobaut, L. Joly, T. Ferté, E. Monteblanco, A. Bahouka, R. Bernard, S. Mohapatra, H. Prima Garcia, S. Elidrissi, M. Gavara, E. Sternitzky, V. Da Costa, M. Hehn, F. Montaigne, F. Choueikani, P. Ohresser, D. Lacour, W. Weber, S. Boukari, M. Alouani, M. Bowen, Quantum Advantage in a Molecular Spintronic Engine that Harvests Thermal Fluctuation Energy., Advanced Materials Early access (2022) e2206688–e2206688.
A.V. Chumak, P. Kabos, M. Wu, C. Abert, C. Adelmann, A.O. Adeyeye, J. Åkerman, F.G. Aliev, A. Anane, A. Awad, C.H. Back, A. Barman, G.E.W. Bauer, M. Becherer, E.N. Beginin, V.A.S.V. Bittencourt, Y.M. Blanter, P. Bortolotti, I. Boventer, D.A. Bozhko, S.A. Bunyaev, J.J. Carmiggelt, R.R. Cheenikundil, F. Ciubotaru, S. Cotofana, G. Csaba, O.V. Dobrovolskiy, C. Dubs, M. Elyasi, K.G. Fripp, H. Fulara, I.A. Golovchanskiy, C. Gonzalez-Ballestero, P. Graczyk, D. Grundler, P. Gruszecki, G. Gubbiotti, K. Guslienko, A. Haldar, S. Hamdioui, R. Hertel, B. Hillebrands, T. Hioki, A. Houshang, C.-M. Hu, H. Huebl, M. Huth, E. Iacocca, M.B. Jungfleisch, G.N. Kakazei, A. Khitun, R. Khymyn, T. Kikkawa, M. Kläui, O. Klein, J.W. Kłos, S. Knauer, S. Koraltan, M. Kostylev, M. Krawczyk, I.N. Krivorotov, V.V. Kruglyak, D. Lachance-Quirion, S. Ladak, R. Lebrun, Y. Li, M. Lindner, R. Macêdo, S. Mayr, G.A. Melkov, S. Mieszczak, Y. Nakamura, H.T. Nembach, A.A. Nikitin, S.A. Nikitov, V. Novosad, J.A. Otálora, Y. Otani, A. Papp, B. Pigeau, P. Pirro, W. Porod, F. Porrati, H. Qin, B. Rana, T. Reimann, F. Riente, O. Romero-Isart, A. Ross, A.V. Sadovnikov, A.R. Safin, E. Saitoh, G. Schmidt, H. Schultheiss, K. Schultheiss, A.A. Serga, S. Sharma, J.M. Shaw, D. Suess, O. Surzhenko, K. Szulc, T. Taniguchi, M. Urbánek, K. Usami, A.B. Ustinov, T. van der Sar, S. van Dijken, V.I. Vasyuchka, R. Verba, S.V. Kusminskiy, Q. Wang, M. Weides, M. Weiler, S. Wintz, S.P. Wolski, X. Zhang, Advances in Magnetics Roadmap on Spin-Wave Computing, IEEE Transactions on Magnetics 58 (2022) 1–72.
D. Cornu, R. Coustel, G. Renaudin, G. Rogez, A. Renard, P. Durand, C. Carteret, C. Ruby, Synthesis and characterization of a new monometallic layered double hydroxide using manganese, Dalton Transactions 51 (2022) 11787–11796.
A.P. Corredor, L. Wendling, D. Preziosi, L. Schlur, C. Leuvrey, D. Thiaudiere, E. Elklaim, N. Blanc, S. Grenier, F. Roulland, N. Viart, C. Lefèvre, Oxygen crystallographic positions in thin films by non-destructive resonant elastic X-ray scattering, Journal of Applied Crystallography 55 (2022) 526–532.
G. Cotin, B. Heinrich, F. Perton, C. Kiefer, G. Francius, D. Mertz, B. Freis, B. Pichon, J.-M. Strub, S. Cianférani, N. Ortiz Peña, D. Ihiawakrim, D. Portehault, O. Ersen, A. Khammari, M. Picher, F. Banhart, C. Sanchez, S. Bégin-Colin, A Confinement-Driven Nucleation Mechanism of Metal Oxide Nanoparticles Obtained via Thermal Decomposition in Organic Media, Small (2022) 2200414.
B. Croes, I. Gaponenko, C. Voulot, O. Grégut, K.D. Dorkenoo, F. Cheynis, S. Curiotto, P. Müller, F. Leroy, K. Cordero-Edwards, P. Paruch, S. Cherifi-Hertel, Automatic Ferroelectric Domain Pattern Recognition Based on the Analysis of Localized Nonlinear Optical Responses Assisted by Machine Learning, Advanced Physics Research n/a (2022) 2200037.
G. D’Avino, R. Hegger, D. Brey, P.K. Budakoti, S. Méry, I. Burghardt, Electron-Hole Separation in Perylene Diimide Based Self-Assembled Nanostructures: Microelectrostatics Analysis and Kinetic Monte Carlo Simulations, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 126 (2022) 9762–9776.
G.M.L. Dalmonico, D. Ihiawakrim, N. Ortiz, A.G. Barreto, C.F.C. Marcellos, M. Farina, O. Ersen, A.L. Rossi, Live Visualization of the Nucleation and Growth of Needle-Like Hydroxyapatite Crystals in Solution by In Situ TEM, Crystal Growth & Design 22 (2022) 4828–4837.
O. Darouich, W. Baaziz, D. Ihiawakrim, C. Hirlimann, D. Spehner, P. Schultz, H. Poncet, V. Rouchon, S. Labidi, C. Petit, P. Levitz, O. Ersen, 3D multiscale analysis of the hierarchical porosity in Coscinodiscus sp. diatoms using a combination of tomographic techniques, Nanoscale Advances 4 (2022) 1587–1598.
A. Das, J. Schleinitz, L. Karmazin, B. Vincent, N. Le Breton, G. Rogez, A. Guenet, S. Choua, L. Grimaud, M. Desage-El Murr, A Single Bioinspired Hexameric Nickel Catechol-Alloxazine Catalyst Combines Metal and Radical Mechanisms for Alkene Hydrosilylation, Chemistry-a European Journal 28 (2022) e202200596.
M.L. De Marco, W. Baaziz, S. Sharna, F. Devred, C. Poleunis, A. Chevillot-Biraud, S. Nowak, R. Haddad, M. Odziomek, C. Boissiere, D.P. Debecker, O. Ersen, J. Peron, M. Faustini, High-Entropy-Alloy Nanocrystal Based Macro- and Mesoporous Materials., ACS Nano Early Access (2022).
A. Demchenko, S. Homkar, C. Bouillet, C.T. Lefèvre, F. Roulland, D. Preziosi, G. Versini, C. Leuvrey, P. Boullay, X. Devaux, N. Viart, Unveiling unconventional ferroelectric switching in multiferroic Ga-0.6 Fe1.4O3 thin films through multiscale electron microscopy investigations, Acta Materialia 240 (2022) 118337.
W.-J. Deng, S. Liu, H. Lin, K.-X. Zhao, X.-Y. Bai, K.-Q. Zhao, P. Hu, B.-Q. Wang, H. Monobe, B. Donnio, Ditriphenylenothiophene butterfly-shape liquid crystals. The influence of polyarene core topology on self-organization, fluorescence and photoconductivity, New Journal of Chemistry 46 (2022) 7936–7949.
A.A. Dev, P. Dunne, T.M. Hermans, B. Doudin, Fluid Drag Reduction by Magnetic Confinement, Langmuir 38 (2022) 719–726.
R. Di Capua, M. Verma, M. Radovic, V.N. Strocov, C. Piamonteze, E.B. Guedes, N.C. Plumb, Y. Chen, M. D’Antuono, G.M. De Luca, E. Di Gennaro, D. Stornaiuolo, D. Preziosi, B. Jouault, F.M. Granozio, A. Sambri, R. Pentcheva, G. Ghiringhelli, M. Salluzzo, Orbital selective switching of ferromagnetism in an oxide quasi two-dimensional electron gas, NPJ Quantum Materials 7 (2022).
J. Egly, W. Chen, A. Maisse-Francois, S. Bellemin-Laponnaz, T. Achard, Half-Sandwich Ruthenium Complexes Bearing Hemilabile kappa(2)-(C,S)-Thioether-Functionalized NHC Ligands: Application to Amide Synthesis from Alcohol and Amine, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2022) e202101033.
T.K. Ekanayaka, K.P. Maity, B. Doudin, P.A. Dowben, Dynamics of Spin Crossover Molecular Complexes, Nanomaterials 12 (2022) 1742.
G. Fanciullo, I. Conti, P. Didier, A. Klymchenko, J. Léonard, M. Garavelli, I. Rivalta, Modelling quenching mechanisms of disordered molecular systems in the presence of molecular aggregates, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 24 (2022) 1787–1794.
C. Ferrante, G.D. Battista, L.E.P. López, G. Batignani, E. Lorchat, A. Virga, S. Berciaud, T. Scopigno, Picosecond energy transfer in a transition metal dichalcogenide–graphene heterostructure revealed by transient Raman spectroscopy, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 119 (2022) e2119726119.
M. Filatov Gulak, M. Paolino, R. Pierron, A. Cappelli, G. Giorgi, J. Léonard, M. Huix-Rotllant, N. Ferre, X. Yang, D. Kaliakin, A. Blanco-Gonzalez, M. Olivucci, Towards the engineering of a photon-only two-stroke rotary molecular motor., Nature Communications 13 (2022) 6433.
M. Filatov Gulak, M. Paolino, R. Pierron, A. Cappelli, G. Giorgi, J. Léonard, M. Huix-Rotllant, N. Ferre, X. Yang, D. Kaliakin, A. Blanco-Gonzalez, M. Olivucci, Author Correction: Towards the engineering of a photon-only two-stroke rotary molecular motor., Nature Communications 13 (2022) 7541–7541.
Y. Fu, B. Pichon, F. Devred, M.L. Singleton, S. Hermans, Synthesis of spherical, rod, or chain Ni nanoparticles and their structure-activity relationship in glucose hydrogenation reaction, Journal of Catalysis 415 (2022) 63–76.
S. Ganguly, M. Gisselbrecht, P. Eng-Johnsson, R. Feifel, P.-A. Hervieux, Z. Alfaytarouni, R.F. Fink, S. Diaz-Tendero, A.R. Milosavljevic, P. Rousseau, S. Maclot, Coincidence study of core-ionized adamantane: site-sensitivity within a carbon cage?, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : PCCP Early access (2022).
I. Gaponenko, S. Cherifi-Hertel, U. Acevedo-Salas, N. Bassiri-Gharb, P. Paruch, Correlative imaging of ferroelectric domain walls, Scientific Reports 12 (2022) 165.
Y. Geiger, S. Bellemin-Laponnaz, Non-Linear Effects in Asymmetric Catalysis: Impact of Catalyst Precipitation, ChemCatChem (2022) e202200165.