Sélection des publications par sujet : R. Jalabert

Théorie de la microscopie à grille locale

Théorie de la microscopie à grille locale

  • What is measured in the scanning gate microscopy of a quantum point contact ?
    R.A. Jalabert, W. Szewc, S. Tomsovic, D. Weinmann
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 166802 (2010)
  • Theory of scanning gate microscopy
    C. Gorini, R.A. Jalabert, W. Szewc, S. Tomsovic, D. Weinmann
    Phys. Rev. B 88, 035406 (2013); Fig. 5 selected for the Kaleidoscope July/2013.
  • Scanning gate induced effects in nonlinear transport through nanostructures
    C. Gorini, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert
    Phys. Rev. B 89, 115414 (2014)
  • Scattering approach to scanning gate microscopy
    R. A. Jalabert, D. Weinmann
    Physica E 74, 637 (2015); Special issue in memoriam Markus Büttiker
  • Classical origin of conductance oscillations in an integrable cavity
    C. Pöltl, A. Kozikov, K. Ensslin, T. Ihn, R.A. Jalabert, C. Reichl, W. Wegscheider, and D. Weinmann
    Phys. Rev. B 94, 195304 (2016)
  • Reprint of: Scattering approach to scanning gate microscopy
    R.A. Jalabert, D. Weinmann
    Physica E 82, 286 (2016); Special issue in memoriam M. Büttiker
  • Partial local density of states from scanning gate microscopy
    O. Ly, R.A. Jalabert, S. Tomsovic, D. WeinmannPhys. Rev. B 96, 125439 (2017)
  • Scanning gate experiments: from strongly to weakly invasive probes
    R. Steinacher, C. Pöltl, T. Krähenmann, A. Hofmann, C. Reichl, W. Zwerger, W. Wegscheider, R.A. Jalabert, K. Ensslin, D. Weinmann, T. Ihn
    Phys. Rev. B 98, 075426 (2018); Editor’s Suggestion; Featured in Physics 11, 86
  • Energy stability of branching in the scanning gate response of two-dimensional electron gases with smooth disorder
    K.R. Fratus, R.A. Jalabert, D. Weinmann
    Phys. Rev. B 100, 155435 (2019)

Temps de vie de plasmons dans les nanoparticules

Temps de vie de plasmons dans les nanoparticules

  • Oscillatory Size-Dependence of the Surface Plasmon Linewidth in Metallic Nanoparticles
    R.A. Molina, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert
    Phys. Rev. B 65, 155427 (2002)
  • Oscillatory behavior and enhancement of the surface plasmon linewidth in embedded noble metal nanoparticles
    R.A. Molina, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert
    Eur. Phys. J. D 24, 127 (2003)
  • Lifetime of the first and second collective excitations in metallic nanoparticles
    G. Weick, R.A. Molina, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert
    Phys. Rev. B 72, 115410 (2005)
  • Surface plasmon in metallic nanoparticles: Renormalization effects due to electron-hole excitations
    G. Weick, G.-L. Ingold, R.A. Jalabert, D. Weinmann
    Phys. Rev. B 74, 165421 (2006)
  • Anomaly in the relaxation dynamics close to the surface plasmon resonance
    G. Weick, D. Weinmann, G.-L. Ingold, R.A. Jalabert
    EPL 78, 27002 (2007)
  • Friction of the surface plasmon by high-energy particle-hole pairs: Are memory effects important?
    C. Seoanez, G. Weick, R.A. Jalabert, D. Weinmann
    Eur. Phys. J. D 44, 351 (2007)
  • Sidebands in the light absorption of driven nanoparticles
    G. Weick, G.-L. Ingold, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert
    Eur. Phys. J. D 44, 359 (2007)
  • Spin-dependent dipole excitation in alkali-metal nanoparticles
    Y. Yin, P.-A. Hervieux, R.A. Jalabert, G. Manfredi, E. Maurat, D. Weinmann
    Phys. Rev. B 80, 115416 (2009)
  • Decay of dark and bright plasmonic modes in a metallic nanoparticle dimer
    A. Brandstetter-Kunc, G. Weick, D. Weinmann, R. A. Jalabert
    Phys. Rev. B 91, 035431 (2015)
  • Nonradiative limitations to plasmon propagation in chains of metallic nanoparticles
    A. Brandstetter-Kunc, G. Weick, C.A. Downing, D. Weinmann, and R.A. Jalabert
    Phys. Rev. B 94, 205432 (2016)

Relaxation de spin dans les semiconducteurs dopés

Relaxation de spin dans les semiconducteurs dopés

  • Relaxation mechanism for electron spin in the impurity band of n-doped semiconductors
    P.I. Tamborenea, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert
    Phys. Rev. B 76, 085209 (2007)
  • Spin relaxation near the metal-insulator transition: dominance of the Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling
    G.A. Intronati, P.I. Tamborenea, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 016601 (2012)
  • Influence of the spin-orbit interaction in the impurity-band states of n-doped semiconductors
    G.A. Intronati, P.I. Tamborenea, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert
    Physica B 407, 3252 (2012)
  • Spin-orbit effects in nanowire-based wurtzite semiconductor quantum dots
    G.A. Intronati, P.I. Tamborenea, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert
    Phys. Rev. B 88, 045303 (2013) ; Fig. 3 selected for the Kaleidoscope July/2013
  • Charge and spin diffusion in the metallic side of the metal-insulator transition: a self-consistent approach
    T. Wellens, R.A. Jalabert
    Phys. Rev. B 94, 144209 (2016)
  • Spin-relaxation time in the impurity band of wurtzite semiconductors
    P.I. Tamborenea, T. Wellens, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert
    Phys. Rev. B 96, 125205 (2017)

Phase de transmission dans le transport à travers des boîtes quantiques

Phase de transmission dans le transport à travers des boîtes quantiques

  • Scattering phase of quantum dots: Emergence of universal behavior
    R.A. Molina, R.A. Jalabert, D. Weinmann, Ph. Jacquod
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 076803 (2012)
  • Mesoscopic behavior of the transmission phase through confined correlated electronic systems
    R.A. Molina, P. Schmitteckert, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert, Ph. Jacquod
    Phys. Rev. B 88, 045419 (2013)
  • Transmission phase of a quantum dot and statistical fluctuations of partial-width amplitudes
    R.A. Jalabert, G. Weick, H.A. Weidenmüller, D. Weinmann
    Phys. Rev. E 89, 052911 (2014); Fig. 3 selected for the Kaleidoscope June/2014
  • Correlation between peak-height modulation and phase-lapses in transport through quantum dots
    R.A. Jalabert, R.A. Molina, G. Weick, D. Weinmann
    Phys. Rev. E 96, 062208 (2017)

Conductance de systèmes avec corrélations électroniques

Conductance de systèmes avec corrélations électroniques

  • Conductance through a One-Dimensional Correlated System: Relation to Persistent Currents and Role of the Contacts
    R.A. Molina, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert, G.-L. Ingold, J.-L. Pichard
    Phys. Rev. B 67, 235306 (2003)
  • Residual conductance of correlated one-dimensional nanosystems: A numerical approach
    R.A. Molina, P. Schmitteckert, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert, G.-L. Ingold, J.-L. Pichard
    Eur. Phys. J. B 39, 107 (2004)
  • Coulomb blockade without potential barriers
    G. Vasseur, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert
    Eur. Phys. J. B 51, 267 (2006)
  • Detection of interaction-induced nonlocal effects using perfectly transmitting nanostuctures
    D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert, A. Freyn, G.-L. Ingold, J.-L. Pichard
    Eur. Phys. J. B 66, 239 (2008)
  • The embedding method beyond the single-channel case: Two-mode and Hubbard chains
    A. Freyn, G. Vasseur, P. Schmitteckert, D. Weinmann, G.-L. Ingold, R.A. Jalabert, J.-L. Pichard
    Eur. Phys. J. B 75, 253 (2010)

Courants permanents de fermions corrélés dans des anneaux

Courants permanents de fermions corrélés dans des anneaux

  • From the Fermi glass towards the Mott insulator in one dimension: Delocalization and strongly enhanced persistent currents
    P. Schmitteckert, R.A. Jalabert, D. Weinmann, J.-L. Pichard
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 81, 2308 (1998)
  • Delocalization effects and charge reorganizations induced by repulsive interactions in strongly disordered chains
    D. Weinmann, P. Schmitteckert, R.A. Jalabert, J.-L. Pichard
    Eur. Phys. J. B 19, 139 (2001)
  • Disorder-induced enhancement of the persistent current for strongly interacting electrons in one-dimensional rings
    E. Gambetti-Césare, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert, P. Brune
    Europhys. Lett. 60, 120 (2002)

Transport dépendant du spin dans les fils quantiques ferromagnétiques

Transport dépendant du spin dans les fils quantiques ferromagnétiques

  • Electronic transport through domain walls in ferromagnetic nanowires: Coexistence of adiabatic and non-adiabatic spin dynamics
    V.A. Gopar, D. Weinmann, R.A. Jalabert, R.L. Stamps
    Phys. Rev. B 69, 014426 (2004)
  • A Circuit Model for Domain Walls in Ferromagnetic Nanowires: Application to Conductance and Spin Transfer Torques
    P.E. Falloon, R.A. Jalabert, D. Weinmann, R.L. Stamps
    Phys. Rev. B 70, 174424 (2004)
  • Electron transport through disordered domain walls: Coherent and incoherent regimes
    P.E. Falloon, R.A. Jalabert, D. Weinmann, R.L. Stamps
    Phys. Rev. B 74, 144425 (2006)

Decohérence, dissipation, renversement temporel et OTOCs

Decohérence, dissipation, renversement temporel et OTOCs

  • Environment-independent decoherence rate in classically chaotic systems
    R.A. Jalabert and H.M. Pastawski
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2490 (2001)
  • Semiclassical analysis of level widths for one-dimensional potentials
    G.-L. Ingold, R.A. Jalabert, and K. Richter
    Am. J. Phys. 69 , 201 (2001)
  • Universality of the Lyapunov regime for the Loschmidt echo
    F.M. Cucchietti, H.M. Pastawski, and R.A. Jalabert
    Phys. Rev. B 70 , 035311 (2004)
  • Electronic lifetimes in ballistic quantum dots electrostatically coupled to metallic environments
    F. Guinea, R.A. Jalabert, F. Sols
    Phys. Rev. B 70 , 085310 (2004)
  • Loschmidt echo for local perturbations : non-monotonic cross-over from the Fermi-golden-rule to the escape-rate regimeA. Goussev, D. Waltner, K. Richter, R.A. Jalabert
    New J. Phys. 10, 093010 (2008)
  • Semiclassical Theory of Time-Reversal Focusing
    H. Calvo, R.A. Jalabert, H.M. Pastawski
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 240403 (2008)
  • Loschmidt echo and time reversal in complex systems
    A. Goussev, R.A. Jalabert, H.M. Pastawski, and D. Wisniacki
    Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A 374, 20150383 (2016)
  • Chaos signatures in the short and long time behavior of the out-of-time ordered correlator
    I. Garcia-Mata, M. Saraceno, R.A. Jalabert, A.J. Roncaglia, D.A. Wisniacki
    Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 210601 (2018)
  • Semiclassical theory of out-of-time-order correlators for low-dimensional classically chaotic systems
    R.A. Jalabert, I. Garcia-Mata, D.A. Wisniacki
    Phys. Rev. E 98, 062218 (2018)
  • Gauging classical and quantum integrability through out-of-time ordered correlators 
    E.M. Fortes, I. García-Mata, R.A. Jalabert, and D.A. Wisniacki
    Phys. Rev. E 100, 042201 (2019)
  • Signatures of quantum chaos transition in short spin chains 
    E.M. Fortes, I. García-Mata, R.A. Jalabert, and D.A. Wisniacki
    EPL 130, 60001 (2020)

Magnétisme orbital

Magnétisme orbital

Transport balistique

Transport balistique

Applications de la Théorie des Matrices Aléatoires au transport quantique

Applications de la Théorie des Matrices Aléatoires au transport quantique

Antiferromagnétisme quantique

Antiferromagnétisme quantique

Supraconductivité mésoscopique

Supraconductivité mésoscopique

Effects à plusieurs corps dans les systèmes électron-réseau

Effects à plusieurs corps dans les systèmes électron-réseau

Articles de review

Articles de review

Cours – Livres – Vulgarisation


  • The semiclassical tool in mesoscopic physics
    R.A. Jalabert
    Proceedings of the International School of Physics Enrico Fermi New Directions in Quantum Chaos, Course CXLIII, G. Casati, I. Guarneri and U. Smilansky (eds.), IOS Press Amsterdam, ISBN 978-1-58603-074-2, pag. 145 (2000)


  • La Integral y su Aplicación [L’Intégrale et ses Applications]
    J. Borghi, R. Jalabert, and M. Laca
    Cuadernos, Departamento de Ciencias, Instituto de Filosofia, Ciencias y Letras (Montevideo, 1982), US Library of Congress LCCN Number : 83-172787

Articles de vulgarisation

  • Números Transfinitos [Nombres Transfinis]
    R. Jalabert
    Cuaderno de Ciencias, Departamento de Ciencias, Instituto de Filosofía, Ciencias y Letras (Montevideo), Año 3, No 4, marzo-abril 1982
  • Physique Mésoscopique 
    R. Jalabert
    La Lettre des Sciences Physiques, Université Louis Pasteur, 48, juin 1999