Parcours de recherche
Current positions
2017 – Present CNRS Associate Scientist
Strasbourg Institute of Material Physics and Chemistry (IPCMS), Department of Chemistry of Inorganic Materials and University of Strasbourg (UNISTRA), France
Previous positions
2015 – 2017 Postdoctoral Fellow
Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, France
2012 COST Visiting Researcher
Materials Science Institute of Barcelona (ICMAB-CSIC), Spain
2011 – 2015 Graduate Researcher
Max Planck Institute of Halle-Saale, Germany
2010 – 2011 Researcher Assistant
Research centre ENEA Trisaia, Italy
2010 Researcher Assistant
University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy
Parcours universitaire
2015 PhD, Physics Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
Studies on the ferroelectric field effect in perovskite oxide heterostructures
2010 MSc, Physics University “Federico II” of Naples, Italy
Growth and characterization of multiferroic thin films of BiMnO3
Recherches actuelles
I focus on the growth of oxide thin films and related heterostructures of which I study magneto-stransport and electronic properties. Nowadays, my efforts are mainly targeted towards the reproducibility of the recently discovered supercoductivity in infinite-layer nickelates.
Full list here.
Preziosi, D., Homkar, S., Lefevre, C., Salluzzo, M. & Viart, N. Unusual direction-dependent magnetic orbital moment obtained from X-ray magnetic circular dichroism in a multiferroic oxide system. Phys. Rev. B 103, 184420 (2021).
Preziosi, D. Fina, I., Pippel, E., Hesse, D., Marti, X., Bern, F., Ziese, M., and Alexe, M. Tailoring the interfacial magnetic anisotropy in multiferroic field-effect devices. Phys. Rev. B 90, 125155 (2014).
Preziosi, D., Alexe, M., Hesse, D. and Salluzzo, M. Electric-Field Control of the Orbital Occupancy and Magnetic Moment of a Transition-Metal Oxide. Phys. Rev. Lett. 115, 157401 (2015).
Preziosi, D., Sander, A., Barthélémy, A. and Bibes, M. Reproducibility and off-stoichiometry issues in nickelate thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition. AIP Adv. 7, 015210 (2017).
Preziosi, D., Lopez-Mir, L., Li, X., Lee, J.H., Trier, F., Bouzehouane, K., Valencia, S., Gloter, A., Barthélémy, A., Bibes, M. Direct Mapping of Phase Separation across the Metal-Insulator Transition of NdNiO3. Nano Lett. 18, 2226–2232 (2018). 5.
Homkar, S., Preziosi D., Devaux, X., Bouillet, C., Nordlander, J., Trassin, M., Roulland, F., Lefèvre, C., Versini, G., Barre, S., Leuvrey, C., Lenertz, M., Fiebig, M., Pourroy, G., Viart, N. Ultrathin regime growth of atomically flat multiferroic gallium ferrite films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy.Phys. Rev. Mater.3, 124416 (2019).