Researcher, Inorganic Materials Chemistry (DCMI)Daniele.Preziosi@ipcms.unistra.fr
Phone: +33(0)3 88 10 71 86Office: 2015

Research background

I am a material scientist and my work focuses mainly on the rich spectrum of properties exhibited by complex transition metal perovskite oxides and their interfaces. In the lab I deal with several techniques, and I have gained the following expertises:

  • Growth and characterization of functional oxide thin films.
  • Pulsed laser deposition, thermal evaporator for metals, AFM-PFM-MFM, XRD, magneto-transport system, SQUID, XPS and Sputtering systems
  • Synchrotron-based techniques including XLD, XMCD, ARPES, PEEM and REXS/RIXS.
  • UV-lithography and chemical/dry etching

Previous positions

2015 – 2017      Postdoc at Unité Mixte de Physique CNRS/Thales, France

2012        Visiting Researcher (COST program) at ICMAB, Barcelona Spain

2011 – 2015      Graduate Researcher at Max Planck Institute of Halle-Saale, Germany

2010 – 2011      Researcher Assistant at Research centre ENEA Trisaia, Italy

2010                 Researcher Assistant at University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy

Academic background

2015                PhD, Physics            Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg, Germany

Title of the Thesis: Studies on the ferroelectric field effect in perovskite oxide heterostructures, Cum Laude

2010                MSc, Physics University “Federico II” of Naples, Italy

Title of the Thesis: Growth and characterization of multiferroic thin films of BiMnO3, Cum Laude

Current researches

My research is largely focused on the study of the complex physics emerging at the interface between two strongly correlated oxides. I currently work on rare-earth nickelates/ferroelectric heterostructures and on Sr-doped infinite-layer nickelate thin films.


    • ANR Tremplin 2023 (PI)
    • Labex QMAT 2022 (PI)
    • ANR(JCJC) FOXIES 2020 (PI)
    • Idex Attractivité 2018 (PI)
    • ANR-MISSION 2017 (Coll.)

    Major Collaborations:

    • Prof. G. Ghiringhelli Politecnico Milano Italy
    • Dr. M. Salluzzo CNR-SPIN Napoli Italy
    • Dr. A. Gloter LPS-Univ. Paris-Saclay, France
    • Dr. J. Villegas, UMPhy CNRS/Thales, France


    • Hoshang Sahib Post Doc (2023-2025)
    • Guillaume Krieger M2&PhD (2019-2022)
    • Ali Elboutaybi M1&M2 (2019-2020)
    • E. Yesil & N. Bassot M1 (2018 & 2020)


    Full list here.

    Krieger, G. Raji, A., Schlur, L., Versini, G., Bouillet, C., Lenertz, M., and Robert, J., Gloter, A., Viart, N. and Preziosi, D. Synthesis of infinite-layer nickelates and influence of the capping-layer on magnetotransport. J. Phys. D. Appl. Phys. 56, 024003 (2023).

    Krieger, G., Martinelli, L., Zeng, S., Chow, L. E., Kummer, K., Arpaia, R., Sala, M. Moretti, Brookes, N. B., Ariando, A., Viart, N., Salluzzo, M., Ghiringhelli, G. and Preziosi, D. Charge and Spin Order Dichotomy in NdNiO2 Driven by the Capping Layer. Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 27002 (2022).

    Homkar, S., Preziosi D., Devaux, X., Bouillet, C., Nordlander, J., Trassin, M., Roulland, F., Lefèvre, C., Versini, G., Barre, S., Leuvrey, C., Lenertz, M., Fiebig, M., Pourroy, G., Viart, N. Ultrathin regime growth of atomically flat multiferroic gallium ferrite films with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy. Phys. Rev. Mater. 3, 124416 (2019).

    Preziosi, D., Lopez-Mir, L., Li, X., Lee, J.H., Trier, F., Bouzehouane, K., Valencia, S., Gloter, A., Barthélémy, A., Bibes, M. Direct Mapping of Phase Separation across the Metal-Insulator Transition of NdNiO3. Nano Lett.18, 2226–2232 (2018).

    Preziosi, D., Sander, A., Barthélémy, A. and Bibes, M. Reproducibility and off-stoichiometry issues in nickelate thin films grown by pulsed laser deposition.AIP Adv.7, 015210 (2017). 

    Preziosi, D., Alexe, M., Hesse, D. and Salluzzo, M. Electric-Field Control of the Orbital Occupancy and Magnetic Moment of a Transition-Metal Oxide. Phys. Rev. Lett.115, 157401 (2015).

    Preziosi, D. Fina, I., Pippel, E., Hesse, D., Marti, X., Bern, F., Ziese, M., and Alexe, M. Tailoring the interfacial magnetic anisotropy in multiferroic field-effect devices.Phys. Rev. B90, 125155 (2014).

    De Luca, G.M., Preziosi, D., Chiarella, F., Di Capua, R., Gariglio, S., Lettieri, S., Salluzzo, M. Ferromagnetism and ferroelectricity in epitaxial BiMnO 3 ultra-thin films.Appl. Phys. Lett.103, 062902 (2013).