La microscopie à effet tunnel (STM) au sein du DSI est centrée sur les propriétés électroniques liées au spin et à la luminescence d’objets simples tels que les nanostructures métalliques, les molécules et les atomes. Divers techniques sont utilisées à cette fin allant de la spectroscopie à effet tunnel (non polarisée ou polarisée en spin) aux jonctions de contact à une molécule. Ces derniers peuvent être conçus de manière stable et reproductible en établissant un contact entre la pointe STM et un objet cible adsorbé sur une surface.

Activités de l’équipe

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Membres de l’équipe :

Doctorant, Surfaces et Interfaces (DSI)
Tél: +33(0)3 88 10 72 41Bureau: 0024
Post-doctorant, Surfaces et Interfaces (DSI)
Tél: +33(0)3 88 10 72 41Bureau: 0024
Post-doctorante, Surfaces et Interfaces (DSI)
Tél: +33(0)3 88 10 70 21Bureau: 0025
Directeur de Recherche, Surfaces et Interfaces (DSI)
Tél: +33(0)3 88 10 70 36Bureau: 0026
Voir la page personnelle
Ingénieur de Recherche, Surfaces et Interfaces (DSI)
Tél: +33(0)3 88 10 70 27Bureau: 1029
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Chargé de Recherche, Surfaces et Interfaces (DSI)
Tél: +33(0)3 88 10 67 12Bureau: 1040
Voir la page personnelle
Directeur de Recherche, Surfaces et Interfaces (DSI)
Tél: +33(0)3 88 10 70 22Bureau: 0026
Voir la page personnelle
Ingénieure d'Etude, Surfaces et Interfaces (DSI)
Tél: +33(0)3 88 10 71 01Bureau: 1040

Publications récentes :

A. Fetida, O. Bengone, M. Romeo, F. Scheurer, R. Robles, N. Lorente, L. Limot, Single-Spin Sensing: A Molecule-on-Tip Approach., ACS Nano 18 (2024) 13829–13835.
E. Gambari, S. Meyer, S. Guesne, P. David, F. Debontridder, L. Limot, F. Scheurer, C. Brun, B. Dupe, T. Cren, M. Herve, Higher Order Topological Defects in a Moiré Lattice, Advanced Functional Materials (2024) 2407438.
N. Kousar, S. Rasheed, K. Yasmeen, A.R. Umar, M.H. Laiche, M. Masood, H. Muhammad, M. Hanif, Efficient synergistic degradation of Congo red and omeprazole in wastewater using rGO/Ag@ZnO nanocomposite, Journal of Water Process Engineering 58 (2024) 104775.
A. Roslawska, G. Schull, Photo-induced chemistry with sub-molecular resolution, Nature Nanotechnology (2024).
A. Roslawska, K. Kaiser, M. Romeo, E. Devaux, F. Scheurer, S. Berciaud, T. Neuman, G. Schull, Submolecular-scale control of phototautomerization., Nature Nanotechnology (2024).
S. Jiang, T. Neuman, A. Boeglin, F. Scheurer, G. Schull, Topologically localized excitons in single graphene nanoribbons., Science 379 (2023) 1049–1053.
S. Jiang, T. Neuman, R. Bretel, A. Boeglin, F. Scheurer, E. Le Moal, G. Schull, Many-Body Description of STM-Induced Fluorescence of Charged Molecules., Physical Review Letters 130 (2023) 126202.
K. Kaiser, L.-A. Lieske, J. Repp, L. Gross, Charge-state lifetimes of single molecules on few monolayers of NaCl., Nature Communications 14 (2023) 4988–4988.
K. Kaiser, L.-A. Lieske, J. Repp, L. Gross, Author Correction: Charge-state lifetimes of single molecules on few monolayers of NaCl., Nature Communications 14 (2023) 5539–5539.
J. Kusz, C. Boissiere, D. Ihiawakrim, O. Ersen, C. Sanchez, S. Parola, Insight into the Molecular Self-Assembly and Structural Organization of Mesoporous Hybrid Silica Films with Binary Composition, Chemistry of Materials 35 (2023) 7671–7682.
L.-A. Lieske, M. Commodo, J.W.W. Martin, K. Kaiser, V. Benekou, P. Minutolo, A. D’Anna, L. Gross, Portraits of Soot Molecules Reveal Pathways to Large Aromatics, Five-/Seven-Membered Rings, and Inception through & pi;-Radical Localization, ACS Nano 17 (2023) 13563–13574.
L.E.P. Lopez, A. Roslawska, F. Scheurer, S. Berciaud, G. Schull, Tip-induced excitonic luminescence nanoscopy of an atomically resolved van der Waals heterostructure., Nature Materials 22 (2023) 482–488.
L. Joly, F. Scheurer, P. Ohresser, B. Kengni-Zanguim, J.-F. Dayen, P. Seneor, B. Dlubak, F. Godel, D. Halley, X-ray magnetic dichroism and tunnel magneto-resistance study of the magnetic phase in epitaxial CrVO x nanoclusters, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 34 (2022) 175801.
R.J. Pena Roman, D. Pommier, R. Bretel, L.E.P. Lopez, E. Lorchat, J. Chaste, A. Ouerghi, S. Le Moal, E. Boer-Duchemin, G. Dujardin, A.G. Borisov, L.F. Zagonel, G. Schull, S. Berciaud, E. Le Moal, Electroluminescence of monolayer WS2 in a scanning tunneling microscope: Effect of bias polarity on spectral and angular distribution of emitted light, Physical Review B 106 (2022) 085419.
R.J. Peña Román, R. Bretel, D. Pommier, L.E. Parra López, E. Lorchat, E. Boer-Duchemin, G. Dujardin, A.G. Borisov, L.F. Zagonel, G. Schull, S. Berciaud, E. Le Moal, Tip-Induced and Electrical Control of the Photoluminescence Yield of Monolayer WS2, Nano Lett. 22 (2022) 9244–9251.
A. Roslawska, T. Neuman, B. Doppagne, A.G. Borisov, M. Romeo, F. Scheurer, J. Aizpurua, G. Schull, p Mapping Lamb, Stark, and Purcell Effects at a Chromophore-Picocavity Junction with Hyper-Resolved Fluorescence Microscopy, Physical Review X 12 (2022) 011012.
K. Vasilev, B. Doppagne, T. Neuman, A. Roslawska, H. Bulou, A. Boeglin, F. Scheurer, G. Schull, Internal Stark effect of single-molecule fluorescence, Nature Communications 13 (2022) 677.
D.S. Wang, T. Neuman, S.F. Yelin, J. Flick, Cavity-Modified Unimolecular Dissociation Reactions via Intramolecular Vibrational Energy Redistribution., Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13 (2022) 3317–3324.
H. Bulou, L. Joly, J.-M. Mariot, F. Scheurer, Magnetism and Accelerator-Based Light Sources, 2021.
S. Cao, A. Rosławska, B. Doppagne, M. Romeo, M. Féron, F. Chérioux, H. Bulou, F. Scheurer, G. Schull, Energy funnelling within multichromophore architectures monitored with subnanometre resolution, Nature Chemistry (2021) 1–5.
C. Mier, B. Verlhac, L. Gamier, R. Robles, L. Limot, N. Lorente, D.-J. Choi, Superconducting Scanning Tunneling Microscope Tip to Reveal Sub-millielectronvolt Magnetic Energy Variations on Surfaces, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12 (2021) 2983–2989.
L.E. Parra Lopez, L. Moczko, J. Wolff, A. Singh, E. Lorchat, M. Romeo, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, S. Berciaud, Single-and narrow-line photoluminescence in a boron nitride-supported MoSe2/graphene heterostructure, Comptes Rendus Physique 22 (2021) 77–88.
A. Roslawska, P. Merino, C.C. Leon, A. Grewal, M. Etzkorn, K. Kuhnke, K. Kern, Gigahertz Frame Rate Imaging of Charge-Injection Dynamics in a Molecular Light Source, Nano Letters 21 (2021) 4577–4583.
A. Roslawska, P. Merino, A. Grewal, C.C. Leon, K. Kuhnke, K. Kern, Atomic-Scale Structural Fluctuations of a Plasmonic Cavity, Nano Letters 21 (2021) 7221–7227.
E. Townsend, T. Neuman, A. Debrecht, J. Aizpurua, G.W. Bryant, Many-body physics in small systems: Observing the onset and saturation of correlation in linear atomic chains, Physical Review B 103 (2021) 195429.
N. Bachellier, B. Verlhac, L. Garnier, J. Zaldivar, C. Rubio-Verdu, P. Abufager, M. Ormaza, D.-J. Choi, M.-L. Bocquet, J. Pascual I., N. Lorente, L. Limot, Vibron-assisted spin excitation in a magnetically anisotropic molecule, Nature Communications 11 (2020) 1619.
B. Doppagne, T. Neuman, R. Soria-Martinez, L.E.P. López, H. Bulou, M. Romeo, S. Berciaud, F. Scheurer, J. Aizpurua, G. Schull, Single-molecule tautomerization tracking through space- and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy, Nature Nanotechnology (2020).
L. Garnier, B. Verlhac, P. Abufager, N. Lorente, M. Ormaza, L. Limot, The Kondo Effect of a Molecular Tip As a Magnetic Sensor, Nano Letters 20 (2020) 8193–8199.
B. Kengni-Zanguim, L. Joly, F. Scheurer, P. Ohresser, J.-F. Dayen, C. Ulhaq-Bouillet, J. Uzan, B. Kundys, H. Majjad, D. Halley, Magnetic phase and magneto-resistive effects in vanadium oxide epitaxial nanoclusters, Applied Physics Letters 116 (2020) 042404.
J.F. Schultz, S. Li, S. Jiang, N. Jiang, Optical scanning tunneling microscopy based chemical imaging and spectroscopy, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 32 (2020) 463001.