Professeur, Magnétisme des objets nanostructurés (DMONS)Mebarek.Alouani@ipcms.unistra.frTél: +33(0)3 88 10 70 06Bureau: 0008
L. Zhang, A. Bagrets, D. Xenioti, R. Korytar, M. Schackert, T. Miyamachi, F. Schramm, O. Fuhr, R. Chandrasekar, M. Alouani, M. Ruben, W. Wulfhekel, F. Evers, Kondo effect in binuclear metal-organic complexes with weakly interacting spins, Physical Review B 91 (2015) 195424 /p.1–11. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.91.195424.
M.J. van Setten, D. Xenioti, M. Alouani, F. Evers, R. Korytar, Incommensurate Quantum Size Oscillations of Oligoacene Wires Adsorbed on Au(111), Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2019) 8902–8907. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b12213.
E. Urbain, F. Ibrahim, M. Studniarek, F.N. Nyakam, L. Joly, J. Arabski, F. Scheurer, F. Bertran, P. Le Fevre, G. Garreau, E. Denys, P. Wetzel, M. Alouani, E. Beaurepaire, S. Boukari, M. Bowen, W. Weber, Cu Metal/Mn Phthalocyanine Organic Spinterfaces atop Co with High Spin Polarization at Room Temperature, Advanced Functional Materials 28 (2018) 1707123. https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201707123.
R. Tuerhong, F. Ngassam, M. Alouani, J.-P. Bucher, When Molecular Dimerization Induces Magnetic Bi-Stability at the Metal-Organic Interface, Advanced Physics Research 2 (2023) 2200005. https://doi.org/10.1002/apxr.202200005.
R. Tuerhong, F. Ngassam, S. Watanabe, J. Onoe, M. Alouani, J.-P. Bucher, Two-Dimensional Organometallic Kondo Lattice with Long-Range Antiferromagnetic Order, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 (2018) 20046–20054. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b07059.
A. Thomasson, F. Ibrahim, C. Lefèvre, E. Autissier, F. Roulland, C. Mény, C. Leuvrey, S. Choi, W. Jo, O. Crégut, G. Versini, S. Barre, M. Alouani, N. Viart, Effects of iron concentration and cationic site disorder on the optical properties of magnetoelectric gallium ferrite thin films, RSC Advances 3 (2013) 3124–3130. https://doi.org/10.1039/c2ra22681b.
B. Taudul, M. Bowen, M. Alouani, Impact of single and double oxygen vacancies on electronic transport in Fe/MgO/Fe magnetic tunnel junctions, Journal of Applied Physics 128 (2020) 143902. https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0019718.
B. Taudul, E.N. Monteblanco, U. Halisdemir, D. Lacour, F. Schleicher, F. Montaigne, E. Beaurepaire, S. Boukari, M. Hehn, M. Alouani, M. Bowen, Tunneling Spintronics across MgO Driven by Double Oxygen Vacancies, Advanced Electronic Materials 3 (2017) 1600390. https://doi.org/10.1002/aelm.201600390.
M. Studniarek, U. Halisdemir, F. Schleicher, B. Taudul, E. Urbain, S. Boukari, M. Hervé, C.-H. Lambert, A. Hamadeh, S. Petit-Watelot, O. Zill, D. Lacour, L. Joly, F. Scheurer, G. Schmerber, V. Da Costa, A. Dixit, P.A. Guitard, M. Acosta, F. Leduc, F. Choueikani, E. Otero, W. Wulfhekel, F. Montaigne, E.N. Monteblanco, J. Arabski, P. Ohresser, E. Beaurepaire, W. Weber, M. Alouani, M. Hehn, M. Bowen, Probing a Device’s Active Atoms, Advanced Materials (2017) 1606578. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.201606578.
F. Schleicher, B. Taudul, U. Halisdemir, K. Katcko, E. Monteblanco, D. Lacour, S. Boukari, F. Montaigne, E. Urbain, L.M. Kandpal, J. Arabski, W. Weber, E. Beaurepaire, M. Hehn, M. Alouani, M. Bowen, Consolidated picture of tunnelling spintronics across oxygen vacancy states in MgO, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 52 (2019) 305302. https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6463/ab1f4d.
T. Sakhraoui, M. Said, M. Alouani, Calculated tunneling magnetoresistance ratio of FeRh/MgO/FeRh (001) magnetic tunnel junction, Superlattices and Microstructures 122 (2018) 235–242. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.spmi.2018.08.004.
T. Sakhraoui, M. Said, M. Alouani, First-principles investigation of the effect of oxidation on the electronic structure and magnetic properties at the FeRh/MgO (001) interface, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 432 (2017) 106–111. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2016.12.143.
T. Sakhraoui, M. Debbichi, L. Debbichi, M. Said, M. Alouani, First-principles investigations of electronic and magnetic properties of the FeRh/MgO (001) interface, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 700 (2017) 191–197. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2017.01.054.
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F. Ngassam, E. Urbain, L. Joly, S. Boukari, J. Arabski, F. Bertran, P. Le Fevre, G. Garreau, P. Wetzel, M. Alouani, M. Bowen, W. Weber, Fluorinated Phthalocyanine Molecules on Ferromagnetic Cobalt: A Highly Polarized Spinterface, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 123 (2019) 26475–26480. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.9b09150.
R. Korytar, D. Xenioti, P. Schmitteckert, M. Alouani, F. Evers, Signature of the Dirac cone in the properties of linear oligoacenes, Nature Communications 5 (2014). https://doi.org/10.1038/ncomms6000.
M. Kharoubi, A. Haroun, M. Alouani, Origin of the polar Kerr rotation in ordered and disordered FePt multilayers, Computational Materials Science 73 (2013) 24–32. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.commatsci.2013.02.012.
K. Katcko, E. Urbain, F. Ngassam, L. Kandpal, B. Chowrira, F. Schleicher, U. Halisdemir, D. Wang, T. Scherer, D. Mertz, B. Leconte, N. Beyer, D. Spor, P. Panissod, A. Boulard, J. Arabski, C. Kieber, E. Sternitzky, V. Costa, M. Hehn, F. Montaigne, A. Bahouka, W. Weber, E. Beaurepaire, C. Kubel, D. Lacour, M. Alouani, S. Boukari, M. Bowen, Encoding Information on the Excited State of a Molecular Spin Chain, Advanced Functional Materials 31 (2021) 2009467. https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202009467.
K. Katcko, E. Urbain, B. Taudul, F. Schleicher, J. Arabski, E. Beaurepaire, B. Vileno, D. Spor, W. Weber, D. Lacour, S. Boukari, M. Hehn, M. Alouani, J. Fransson, M. Bowen, Spin-driven electrical power generation at room temperature, Communications Physics 2 (2019) 116. https://doi.org/10.1038/s42005-019-0207-8.
S. Javaid, S. Lebegue, B. Detlefs, F. Ibrahim, F. Djeghloul, M. Bowen, S. Boukari, T. Miyamachi, J. Arabski, D. Spor, J. Zegenhagen, W. Wulfhekel, W. Weber, E. Beaurepaire, M. Alouani, Chemisorption of manganese phthalocyanine on Cu(001) surface promoted by van der Waals interactions, Physical Review B 87 (2013) 155418. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.87.155418.
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A. Hallal, T. Berdot, P. Dey, L.T. Bismaths, L. Joly, A. Bourzami, F. Scheurer, H. Bulou, J. Henk, M. Alouani, W. Weber, Ultimate Limit of Electron-Spin Precession upon Reflection in Ferromagnetic Films, Physical Review Letters 107 (2011) 087203 /p. 1–5. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevLett.107.087203.
A. Hallal, T. Berdot, P. Dey, L.T. Bismaths, L. Joly, A. Bourzami, H. Bulou, F. Scheurer, F. Djeghloul, E. Urbain, D. Spor, J. Henk, M. Alouani, W. Weber, Electron-Spin Motion as a New Tool to Investigate Ferromagnetic Film Systems: A Few Examples, Sensor Letters 11 (2013) 1632–1638. https://doi.org/10.1166/sl.2013.3029.
U. Halisdemir, F. Schleicher, D.J. Kim, B. Taudul, D. Lacour, W.S. Choi, M. Gallart, S. Boukari, G. Schmerber, V. Davesne, P. Panissod, D. Halley, H. Majjad, Y. Henry, B. Leconte, A. Boulard, D. Spor, N. Beyer, C. Kieber, E. Sternitzky, O. Crégut, M. Ziegler, F. Montaigne, J. Arabski, E. Beaurepaire, W. Jo, M. Alouani, P. Gilliot, M. Hehn, M. Bowen, Oxygen-vacancy driven tunnelling spintronics across MgO, in: Drouhin, HJ and Wegrowe, JE and Razeghi, M (Ed.), SPINTRONICS IX, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2239017.
S. Gueddida, M. Gruber, T. Miyamachi, E. Beaurepaire, W. Wulfhekel, M. Alouani, Exchange Coupling of Spin-Crossover Molecules to Ferromagnetic Co Islands, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 (2016) 900–904. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b00172.
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M. Gruber, F. Ibrahim, F. Djeghloul, C. Barraud, G. Garreau, S. Boukari, H. Isshiki, L. Joly, E. Urbain, M. Peter, M. Studniarek, V. Da Costa, H. Jabbar, H. Bulou, V. Davesne, U. Halisdemir, J. Chen, D. Xenioti, J. Arabski, K. Bouzehouane, C. Deranlot, S. Fusil, E. Otero, F. Choueikani, K. Chen, P. Ohresser, F. Bertran, P. Le Fevre, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, W. Wulfhekel, S. Hajjar-Garreau, P. Wetzel, P. Seneor, R. Mattana, F. Petroff, F. Scheurer, W. Weber, M. Alouani, E. Beaurepaire, M. Bowen, Simple and advanced ferromagnet/molecule spinterfaces, in: Drouhin, HJ and Wegrowe, JE and Razeghi, M (Ed.), SPINTRONICS IX, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2016. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2239067.
M. Gruber, T. Miyamachi, V. Davesne, M. Bowen, S. Boukari, W. Wulfhekel, M. Alouani, E. Beaurepaire, Spin crossover in Fe(phen)(2)(NCS)(2) complexes on metallic surfaces, Journal of Chemical Physics 146 (2017) 092312. https://doi.org/10.1063/1.4973511.
M. Gruber, F. Ibrahim, S. Boukari, L. Joly, V. Da Costa, M. Studniarek, M. Peter, H. Isshiki, H. Jabbar, V. Davesne, J. Arabski, E. Otero, F. Choueikani, K. Chen, P. Ohressee, W. Wulfhekel, F. Scheurer, E. Beaurepaire, M. Alouani, W. Weber, M. Bowen, Spin-Dependent Hybridization between Molecule and Metal at Room Temperature through Inter layer Exchange Coupling, Nano Letters 15 (2015) 7921–7926. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.5b02961.
M. Gruber, F. Ibrahim, S. Boukari, H. Isshiki, L. Joly, M. Peter, M. Studniarek, V. Da Costa, H. Jabbar, V. Davesne, U. Halisdemir, J. Chen, J. Arabski, E. Otero, F. Choueikani, K. Chen, P. Ohresser, W. Wulfhekel, F. Scheurer, W. Weber, M. Alouani, E. Beaurepaire, M. Bowen, Exchange bias and room-temperature magnetic order in molecular layers, Nat Mater advance online publication (2015) 981–984. https://doi.org/10.1038/nmat4361.
F. Djeghloul, M. Gruber, E. Urbain, D. Xenioti, L. Joly, S. Boukari, J. Arabski, H. Bulou, F. Scheurer, F. Bertran, P.L. Fèvre, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, W. Wulfhekel, G. Garreau, S. Hajjar-Garreau, P. Wetzel, M. Alouani, E. Beaurepaire, M. Bowen, W. Weber, High Spin Polarization at Ferromagnetic Metal–Organic Interfaces: A Generic Property, Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 7 (2016) 2310–2315. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpclett.6b01112.
F. Djeghloul, F. Ibrahim, M. Cantoni, M. Bowen, L. Joly, S. Boukari, P. Ohresser, F. Bertran, P. Le Fevre, P. Thakur, F. Scheurer, T. Miyamachi, R. Mattana, P. Seneor, A. Jaafar, C. Rinaldi, S. Javaid, J. Arabski, J.-P. Kappler, W. Wulfhekel, N.B. Brookes, R. Bertacco, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, M. Alouani, E. Beaurepaire, W. Weber, Direct observation of a highly spin-polarized organic spinterface at room temperature, in: Drouhin, HJ and Wegrowe, JE and Razeghi, M (Ed.), Spintronics VII, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, San Diego, CA, USA, 2014: p. 916713. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.2060367.
F. Djeghloul, F. Ibrahim, M. Cantoni, M. Bowen, L. Joly, S. Boukari, P. Ohresser, F. Bertran, P. Le Fevre, P. Thakur, F. Scheurer, T. Miyamachi, R. Mattana, P. Seneor, A. Jaafar, C. Rinaldi, S. Javaid, J. Arabski, J.P. Kappler, W. Wulfhekel, N.B. Brookes, R. Bertacco, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, M. Alouani, E. Beaurepaire, W. Weber, Direct observation of a highly spin-polarized organic spinterface at room temperature, Scientific Reports 3 (2013) 1272. https://doi.org/10.1038/srep01272.
F. Djeghloul, P. Dey, A. Hallal, E. Urbain, S. Mahiddine, M. Gruber, D. Spor, M. Alouani, H. Bulou, F. Scheurer, W. Weber, Breakdown of the electron-spin motion upon reflection at metal-organic or metal-carbon interfaces, Physical Review B 89 (2014) 134411. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.89.134411.
A. Dixit, D. Stoeffler, M. Alouani, Effect of site disorder on the electronic, magnetic, and ferroelectric properties of gallium ferrite, Physical Review Materials 4 (2020) 074406. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.4.074406.
A. Dixit, M. Alouani, Ab initio calculations of X-ray magnetic circular dichroism spectra within the projector augmented wave method: An implementation into the VASP code, Computer Physics Communications 207 (2016) 136–144. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpc.2016.05.022.
L. Debbichi, Y.J. Dappe, M. Alouani, Effect of van der Waals interaction on energetics and transport properties of a single anthracene molecule adsorbed or confined inside a carbon nanotube, Physical Review B 85 (2012) 045437 /p.1–6. https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.85.045437.
M. Debbichi, M. Souissi, A. Fouzri, G. Schmerber, M. Said, M. Alouani, Room temperature ferromagnetism in Cd-doped ZnO thin films through defect engineering, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 598 (2014) 120–125. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2014.01.247.
B. Chowrira, L. Kandpal, M. Lamblin, F. Ngassam, C.-A. Kouakou, T. Zafar, D. Mertz, B. Vileno, C. Kieber, G. Versini, B. Gobaut, L. Joly, T. Ferté, E. Monteblanco, A. Bahouka, R. Bernard, S. Mohapatra, H. Prima Garcia, S. Elidrissi, M. Gavara, E. Sternitzky, V. Da Costa, M. Hehn, F. Montaigne, F. Choueikani, P. Ohresser, D. Lacour, W. Weber, S. Boukari, M. Alouani, M. Bowen, Quantum Advantage in a Molecular Spintronic Engine that Harvests Thermal Fluctuation Energy., Advanced Materials Early access (2022) e2206688–e2206688. https://doi.org/10.1002/adma.202206688.
K. Bjornson, J.M. Wills, M. Alouani, O. Granas, P. Thunstrom, C.S. Ong, O. Eriksson, In Situ Pseudopotentials for Electronic Structure Theory, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125 (2021) 15103–15111. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.1c04791.
T. Berdot, A. Hallal, P. Dey, L.T. Bismaths, L. Joly, A. Bourzami, H. Bulou, F. Scheurer, J. Henk, M. Alouani, W. Weber, Influence of lattice relaxation on the electron-spin motion in ferromagnetic films: Experiment and theory, in: Drouhin, HJM and Wegrowe, JE and Razeghi, M (Ed.), SPINTRONICS IV, SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 2011: p. 81000Z. https://doi.org/10.1117/12.893320.
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A. Bagrets, S. Schmaus, A. Jaafar, D. Kramczynski, T.K. Yamada, M. Alouani, W. Wulfhekel, F. Evers, Single Molecule Magnetoresistance with Combined Antiferromagnetic and Ferromagnetic Electrodes, Nano Letters 12 (2012) 5131–5136. https://doi.org/10.1021/nl301967t.
J.M. Aguiar-Hualde, M. Alouani, Taming the resistive switching in Fe/MgO/V/Fe magnetic tunnel junctions: An ab initio study, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 372 (2014) 167–172. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2014.07.063.