Pierre RABU

Pierre RABU

Directeur de Recherche, Chimie des Matériaux Inorganiques (DCMI)Pierre.Rabu@ipcms.unistra.fr
Tél: +33(0)3 88 10 71 35Bureau: 2020

Parcours de recherche

  • 2018 – Présent Directeur de l’IPCMS, UMR 7504 CNRS – Université de Strasbourg
  • 2017 Directeur Adjoint de l’IPCMS
  • 2017 – Présent,  Directeur de recherche (DR1), C.N.R.S, IPCMS
  • 2014 – 2016 Responsable du Département de Chimie des Matériaux Inorganiques, IPCMS.
  • 2005 – 2017,  Directeur de recherche (DR2), C.N.R.S, IPCMS.
  • 1994 – 2005, Chargé de recherche (CR1), C.N.R.S, IPCMS.
  • 1990 – 1994, Chargé de recherche (CR2), C.N.R.S, IPCMS UMR 7504, section 15.

Parcours universitaire

  • 1999 Habilitation à diriger les recherches, Université Louis Pasteur, le 19/04/1999, Strasbourg, France, « Magnétisme de basse dimensionnalité : de la molécule aux matériaux hybrides »
  • 1990 Thèse de doctorat en Sciences des matériaux, Université de Nantes, France, Département de Chimie, Institut des Matériaux de Nantes (IMN), « Etude cristallochimique des composés à feuillets désaccordés (LnS)nNbS2 (Ln = Terre Rare, yttrium) »
  • 1987 DEA en Génie mécanique, ENSM, Université de Nantes, France
  • 1986 Maîtrise ès Sciences et techniques en matériaux, Université de Nantes, France
  • 1984 DEUG A , Science et structure de la matière, Université de Nantes, France
  • 1981 Baccalauréat, Série C, Académie de Nantes, France

Recherches actuelles

Domaine général :
Chimie du solide, magnétisme moléculaire, matériaux de basse dimensionnalité (BD), matériaux hybrides organiques – inorganiques. Synthèse, corrélations structure –propriétés, analyse théorique des comportements de systèmes BD.

Thèmes spécifiques :

  • Comportement magnétique des composés de basse dimensionnalité et Matériaux magnétiques moléculaires.
  • Matériaux lamellaires organiques-inorganiques magnétiques et multifonctionnels.

Conception, synthèse (réaction d’échange anionique, précipitation, synthèse hydrothermale), caractérisation structurale, analyse thermique et propriétés magnétiques des solides moléculaires, inorganiques ou hybrides organiques–inorganiques; conception de nouveaux composés hybrides métallo–organiques; analyse des propriétés magnétiques; étude de systèmes avec interactions en compétition; mécanismes d’interaction magnétiques à longue distance; effet de stimuli externes.

Recherches actuelles (2010-2013)

Composés d’éléments 3d ou 4f de basse dimensionnalité; Synthèse hydrothermale, analyse structurale et magnétique de composés hybrides organiques-inorganiques; Matériaux et nano-structures hybrides multifonctionnels, magnétiques, photo – actifs, chiraux et/ou bio-inorganiques; polymères de coordination.

Distinctions et prix

  • Prix 1998 de la division Chimie du solide de la Société Française de Chimie,
  • Médaille de bronze (2007) de la Fédération Française de la Jeunesse et des Sports
  • 2021 Membre distingué de la Société Chimique de France

Affiliations Professionnelles

  • Materials Research Society, European Materials Research Society
  • Société Chimique de Fance
  • Société Française de Physique
  • International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
  • Association Française de Cristallographie, International Union of Crystallography.
  • Association Femmes et Sciences

Autres activités

  • 2013- 2016, Management committee member du réseau COST MP1202 HINT (Rational Design of Hybrid Interfaces)
  • 2017 Vice-Président de la section Alsace de la Société Chimique de France
  • 2013- 2016, Président de la section Alsace de la Société Chimique de France
  • 2005-2008, Directeur du GdR 2922 du CNRS « Matériaux Hybrides Organisés Multifonctionnels »
  • 2001, 2 mois, Visiting fellow, Advanced Materials Research Institute, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, Etats – Unis.
  • 1996, 3 mois, Research fellow, Institute for Fundamental Organic Chemistry, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japon.
  • 1989 – 1990, moniteur de l’enseignement supérieur, Université de Nantes, CIES Rennes.
  • 1987 – 1989, vacataire, Université de Nantes.


R.M. Abdelhameed, L.D. Carlos, P. Rabu, S.M. Santos, A.M.S. Silva, J. Rocha, Designing Near-Infrared and Visible Light Emitters by Postsynthetic Modification of Ln(+3)-IRMOF-3, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2014) 5285–5295. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejic.201402789.
J.J. Armao, P. Rabu, E. Moulin, N. Giuseppone, Long-Range Energy Transport via Plasmonic Propagation in a Supramolecular Organic Waveguide, Nano Letters 16 (2016) 2800–2805. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b00581.
I. Balti, L.S. Smiri, P. Rabu, E. Gautron, B. Viana, N. Jouini, Synthesis and characterization of rod-like ZnO decorated with gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticles monolayer, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 586 (2014) S476–S482. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2013.02.118.
I. Balti, A. Barrere, V. Gueguen, L. Poussard, G. Pavon-Djavid, A. Meddahi-Pelle, P. Rabu, L.S. Smiri, N. Jouini, F. Chaubet, Preparation of cytocompatible luminescent and magnetic nanohybrids based on ZnO, Zn0.95Ni0.05O and core@shell ZnO@Fe2O3 polymer grafted nanoparticles for biomedical imaging, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 14 (2012) 1266 /p.1–15. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11051-012-1266-x.
N. Benamara, M. Diop, C. Leuvrey, M. Lenertz, P. Gilliot, M. Gallart, H. Bolvin, F. Setifi, G. Rogez, P. Rabu, E. Delahaye, Octahedral Hexachloro Environment of Dy3+ with Slow Magnetic Relaxation and Luminescent Properties, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2021) 2099–2107. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejic.202100143.
V. de Z. Bermudez, F. Leroux, P. Rabu, A. Taubert, Hybrid nanomaterials: from the laboratory to the market, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 8 (2017) 861–862. https://doi.org/10.3762/bjnano.8.87.
C. Bisio, J. Brendle, S. Cahen, Y. Feng, S.-J. Hwang, K. Melanova, M. Nocchetti, D. O’Hare, P. Rabu, F. Leroux, Recent advances and perspectives on intercalation layered compounds part 1: design and applications in the field of energy, Dalton Transactions Early access (2024). https://doi.org/10.1039/d4dt00755g.
C. Bisio, J. Brendle, S. Cahen, Y. Feng, S.-J. Hwang, M. Nocchetti, D. O’Hare, P. Rabu, K. Melanova, F. Leroux, Recent advances and perspectives for intercalation layered compounds. Part 2: applications in the field of catalysis, environment and health, Dalton Transactions Early access (2024). https://doi.org/10.1039/d4dt00757c.
C. Bouchameni, C. Beghidja, A. Beghidja, P. Rabu, R. Welter, Synthesis, structural characterizations, spectroscopic and magnetic properties of Mn-II and Mn-III complexes with an unprecedented bridging coordination mode of 2-salicylichydrazono-1,3-dithiolane ligand, Polyhedron 30 (2011) 1774–1778. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.poly.2011.04.007.
S. Bouheroum, A. Cherouan, A. Beghidja, S. Dahaoui, P. Rabu, A new copper(II) coordination polymer containing chains of interconnected paddle-wheel antiferromagnetic clusters, Acta Crystallographica Section C-Structural Chemistry 73 (2017) 1050–1055. https://doi.org/10.1107/S2053229617013766.
R. Bourzami, S. Eyele-Mezui, E. Delahaye, M. Drillon, P. Rabu, N. Parizel, S. Choua, P. Turek, G. Rogez, New metal phthalocyanines/metal simple hydroxide multilayers: experimental evidence of dipolar field-driven magnetic behavior, Inorganic Chemistry 53 (2014) 1184–1194. https://doi.org/10.1021/ic4027688.
M.A. Bousnina, F. Turki, F. Schoenstein, F. Tetard, P. Rabu, L.-S. Smiri, N. Jouini, Bulk nanostructured Ni-P alloys: Elaboration from metastable Ni-P nanoparticles by spark plasma sintering; mechanical and magnetic properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 686 (2016) 252–266. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2016.05.349.
A. Boussadia, A. Beghidja, L. Gali, C. Beghidja, M. Elhabiri, P. Rabu, G. Rogez, Coordination properties of two new Schiff-base phenoxy-carboxylates and comparative study of their antioxidant activities, Inorganica Chimica Acta 508 (2020). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ica.2020.119656.
P. Buchwalter, J. Rosé, B. Lebeau, O. Ersen, M. Girleanu, P. Rabu, P. Braunstein, J.-L. Paillaud, Characterization of cobalt phosphide nanoparticles derived from molecular clusters in mesoporous silica, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 15 (2013) 1–21. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11051-013-2132-1.
P. Buchwalter, J. Rose, B. Lebeau, P. Rabu, P. Braunstein, J.L. Paillaud, Stoichiometric molecular single source precursors to cobalt phosphides, Inorganica Chimica Acta 409 (2014) 330–341. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ica.2013.09.019.
M.J. Buehler, P. Rabu, A. Taubert, Advanced Hybrid Materials: Design and Applications (Editorial), European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2012) 5092–5093. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejic.201201263.
A.A. Danopoulos, P. Braunstein, M. Wesolek, K.Y. Monakhov, P. Rabu, V. Robert, Three-Coordinate Iron(II) N-Heterocyclic Carbene Alkyl Complexes, Organometallics 31 (2012) 4102–4105. https://doi.org/10.1021/om300245z.
E. Delahaye, S. Eyele-Mezui, M. Diop, C. Leuvrey, D. Foix, D. Gonbeau, P. Rabu, G. Rogez, Functional Heterometallic Layered Hybrid Magnets by Double Ion-Exchange, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2012) 2731–2740. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejic.201101220.
E. Delahaye, Z. Xie, A. Schaefer, L. Douce, G. Rogez, P. Rabu, C. Guenter, J.S. Gutmann, A. Taubert, Intercalation synthesis of functional hybrid materials based on layered simple hydroxide hosts and ionic liquid guests - a pathway towards multifunctional ionogels without a silica matrix?, Dalton Transactions 40 (2011) 9977–9988. https://doi.org/10.1039/c1dt10841g.
S. Duval, S. Beghin, C. Falaise, X. Trivelli, P. Rabu, T. Loiseau, Stabilization of Tetravalent 4f (Ce), 5d (Hf), or 5f (Th, U) Clusters by the [alpha-SiW9O34](10-) Polyoxometalate, Inorganic Chemistry 54 (2015) 8271–8280. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.5b00786.
Q. Evrard, Z. Chaker, M. Roger, C.M. Sevrain, E. Delahaye, M. Gallart, P. Gilliot, C. Leuvrey, J.-M. Rueff, P. Rabu, C. Massobrio, M. Boero, A. Pautrat, P.-A. Jaffrès, G. Ori, G. Rogez, Layered Simple Hydroxides Functionalized by Fluorene-Phosphonic Acids: Synthesis, Interface Theoretical Insights, and Magnetoelectric Effect, Advanced Functional Materials 27 (2017) 1703576. https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.201703576.
Q. Evrard, C. Leuvrey, P. Farger, E. Delahaye, P. Rabu, G. Taupier, K.D. Dorkenoo, J.-M. Rueff, N. Barrier, O. Perez, G. Rogez, Noncentrosymmetric Cu(II) Layered Hydroxide: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Nonlinear Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Cu-2(OH)(3)(C12H25SO4), Crystal Growth & Design 18 (2018) 1809–1817. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.7601692.
S. Eyele-Mezui, E. Delahaye, G. Rogez, P. Rabu, Functional Hybrid Materials Based on Layered Simple Hydroxide Hosts and Dicarboxylate Schiff Base Metal Complex Guests, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2012) 5225–5238. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejic.201200695.
S. Eyele-Mezui, P. Vialat, C. Higy, R. Bourzami, C. Leuvrey, N. Parizel, P. Turek, P. Rabu, G. Rogez, C. Mousty, Electrocatalytic Properties of Metal Phthalocyanine Tetrasulfonate Intercalated in Metal Layered Simple Hydroxides (Metal: Co, Cu, and Zn), Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015) 13335–13342. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.5b02985.
C. Falaise, C. Volkringer, J.F. Vigier, A. Beaurain, P. Roussel, P. Rabu, T. Loiseau, Isolation of the Large Actinide(38) Poly-oxo Cluster with Uranium, Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (2013) 15678–15681. https://doi.org/10.1021/ja4067207.
C. Falaise, J. Delille, C. Volkringer, H. Vezin, P. Rabu, T. Loiseau, Series of Hydrated Heterometallic Uranyl-Cobalt(II) Coordination Polymers with Aromatic Polycarboxylate Ligands: Formation of U=O-Co Bonding upon Dehydration Process, Inorganic Chemistry 55 (2016) 10453–10466. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b01697.
P. Farger, R. Guillot, F. Leroux, N. Parizel, M. Gallart, P. Gilliot, G. Rogez, E. Delahaye, P. Rabu, Imidazolium Dicarboxylate Based Metal-Organic Frameworks Obtained by Solvo-Ionothermal Reaction, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2015) 5342–5350. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejic.201500825.
P. Farger, C. Leuvrey, M. Gallart, P. Gilliot, G. Rogez, P. Rabu, E. Delahaye, Elaboration of Luminescent and Magnetic Hybrid Networks Based on Lanthanide Ions and Imidazolium Dicarboxylate Salts: Influence of the Synthesis Conditions, Magnetochemistry 3 (2017) 1. https://doi.org/10.3390/magnetochemistry3010001.
P. Farger, C. Leuvrey, M. Gallart, P. Gilliot, G. Rogez, J. Rocha, D. Ananias, P. Rabu, E. Delahaye, Magnetic and luminescent coordination networks based on imidazolium salts and lanthanides for sensitive ratiometric thermometry, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 9 (2018) 2775–2787. https://doi.org/10.3762/bjnano.9.259.
P. Farger, C. Leuvrey, G. Rogez, M. Francois, P. Rabu, E. Delahay, Salts and Solvents Effect on the Crystal Structure of Imidazolium Dicarboxylate Salt Based Coordination Networks, Crystal Growth & Design 19 (2019) 4264–4272. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.cgd.8b01725.
V. Kumar, Q. Evrard, C. Leuvrey, M. Lenertz, Y. Garcia, P. Rabu, G. Rogez, Incorporation of Photo- and Thermoresponsive N-Salicylidene Aniline Derivatives into Cobalt and Zinc Layered Hydroxides., Inorganic Chemistry 62 (2023) 21101–21114. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.3c03013.
M. Lang, E. Delahaye, D. Foix, D. Ihiawakrim, O. Ersen, C. Leuvrey, J.-M. Greneche, G. Rogez, P. Rabu, Pseudomorphic Transformation of Layered Simple Hydroxides into Prussian Blue Analogue Nanoplatelets, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2016) 2030–2038. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejic.201501338.
F. Leroux, P. Rabu, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk, A. Taubert, Hybrid Materials Engineering in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2015) 1086–1088. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejic.201500098.
F. Leroux, P. Rabu, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk, A. Taubert, Two-Dimensional Hybrid Materials: Transferring Technology from Biology to Society, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2015) 1089–1095. https://doi.org/10.1002/ejic.201500153.
J. Lhoste, A. Perez-Campos, N. Henry, T. Loiseau, P. Rabu, F. Abraham, Chain-like and dinuclear coordination polymers in lanthanide (Nd, Eu) oxochloride complexes with 2,2 `:6 `,2 `’-terpyridine: synthesis, XRD structure and magnetic properties, Dalton Transactions 40 (2011) 9136–9144. https://doi.org/10.1039/c1dt10485c.
A. Mantion, P. Graf, I. Florea, A. Haase, A.F. Thuenemann, A. Masic, O. Ersen, P. Rabu, W. Meier, A. Luch, A. Taubert, Biomimetic synthesis of chiral erbium-doped silver/peptide/silica core-shell nanoparticles (ESPN), Nanoscale 3 (2011) 5168–5179. https://doi.org/10.1039/c1nr10930h.
N.P. Martin, C. Falaise, C. Volkringer, N. Henry, P. Farger, C. Falk, E. Delahaye, P. Rabu, T. Loiseau, Hydrothermal Crystallization of Uranyl Coordination Polymers Involving an Imidazolium Dicarboxylate Ligand: Effect of pH on the Nuclearity of Uranyl-Centered Subunits, Inorganic Chemistry 55 (2016) 8697–8705. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.6b01232.
A. Massard, P. Braunstein, A.A. Danopoulos, S. Choua, P. Rabu, Studies on Three-Coordinate [Co{N(SiMe3)(2)}(2)L] Complexes, L = N-Heterocyclic Carbene, Organometallics 34 (2015) 2429–2438. https://doi.org/10.1021/om501178p.
A. Mesbah, P. Rabu, R. Sibille, S. Lebegue, T. Mazet, B. Malaman, M. Francois, From Hydrated Ni-3(OH)(2)(C8H4O4)(2)(H2O)(4) to Anhydrous Ni-2(OH)(2)(C8H4O4): Impact of Structural Transformations on Magnetic Properties, Inorganic Chemistry 53 (2014) 872–881. https://doi.org/10.1021/ic402106v.
S. Ouilia, C. Beghidja, A. Beghidja, L. Belkhiri, P. Rabu, Synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic properties and DFT calculations of new dihydroxo-bridged binuclear chromium(III) based on monodentate mixed ligand, Inorganica Chimica Acta 476 (2018) 54–60. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ica.2018.02.024.
A. Pakalniškis, G. Niaura, R. Ramanauskas, D. Karpinsky, G. Rogez, M. Lenertz, J. Robert, P. Rabu, S.-W. Chen, T.C.-K. Yang, R. Skaudžius, A. Kareiva, Temperature-driven magnetic and structural transitions in multiferroic Lu(1-x)ScxFeO3, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 972 (2024) 172805. https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2023.172805.
O. Palamarciuc, E. Delahaye, P. Rabu, G. Rogez, Microwave-assisted post-synthesis modification of layered simple hydroxides, New Journal of Chemistry 38 (2014) 2016–2023. https://doi.org/10.1039/C3NJ01231J.
F. Payet, C. Bouillet, F. Leroux, C. Leuvrey, P. Rabu, F. Schosseler, C. Taviot-Guého, G. Rogez, Fast and efficient shear-force assisted production of covalently functionalized oxide nanosheets, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 607 (2022) 621–632. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2021.08.213.
P. Rabu, E. Delahaye, G. Rogez, Hybrid interfaces in layered hydroxides: magnetic and multifunctional superstructures by design, Nanotechnology Reviews 4 (2015) 557–580. https://doi.org/10.1515/ntrev-2015-0017.
G. Rogez, C. Massobrio, P. Rabu, M. Drillon, Layered hydroxide hybrid nanostructures: a route to multifunctionality, Chemical Society Reviews 40 (2011) 1031–1058. https://doi.org/10.1039/c0cs00159g.
L. Schmidlin, V. Pichot, M. Comet, S. Josset, P. Rabu, D. Spitzer, Identification, quantification and modification of detonation nanodiamond functional groups, Diamond and Related Materials 22 (2012) 113–117. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.diamond.2011.12.009.
S. Si, A. Taubert, A. Mantion, G. Rogez, P. Rabu, Peptide-intercalated layered metal hydroxides: effect of peptide chain length and side chain functionality on structural, optical and magnetic properties, Chemical Science 3 (2012) 1945–1957. https://doi.org/10.1039/c2sc01087a.
M. Taibi, N. Jouini, P. Rabu, S. Ammar, F. Fievet, Lamellar nickel hydroxy-halides: anionic exchange synthesis, structural characterization and magnetic behavior, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 (2014) 4449–4460. https://doi.org/10.1039/c3tc32530j.
A. Taubert, F. Leroux, P. Rabu, V. de Z. Bermudez, Advanced hybrid nanomaterials, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 10 (2019) 2563–2567. https://doi.org/10.3762/bjnano.10.247.
P. Vialat, P. Rabu, C. Mousty, F. Leroux, Insight of an easy topochemical oxidative reaction in obtaining high performance electrochemical capacitor based on (CoCoIII)-Co-II monometallic cobalt Layered Double Hydroxide, Journal of Power Sources 293 (2015) 1–10. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2015.05.052.