Research career
- 2018 – Director of IPCMS
- 2017 Deputy Director of IPCMS
- 2014- 2016, Head of the Department of Inorganic Chemistry of Materials, IPCMS
- 2005 – present, Research director 2d class: C.N.R.S, IPCMS UMR 7504, section 15, Department of Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Strasbourg, France
- 1994 – 2005, Researcher, 1st class
- 1990 – 1994, Researcher, 2d class
- 1999 Habilitation, Université Louis Pasteur, le 19/04/1999, Strasbourg, France «Low-dimensional magnetism : from molecule to lamellar hybrid materials»
- 1990 Ph. D. Thesis in Solid State Chemistry, University of Nantes, France, Department of Chemistry, Institute of Materials (IMN-Jean Rouxel), « Crystal Chemistry of the Misfit Layered Compounds (LnS)n NbS2 (Ln = Rare Earth, yttrium) »
- 1987 Post-Graduate Diploma in Mechanical Engineering, University of Nantes, France
- 1986 Master Degree of Science and Technology of Materials, University of Nantes, France
- 1981 Baccalauréat, Série C, Academy of Nantes, France
Current research
General field:
Solid state chemistry, molecular magnetism, low-dimensional (LD) solids, hybrid organic-inorganic materials. Synthesis, structure-properties relationships, modeling and analysis of the magnetic behavior of LD systems.
Specific topics:
- Magnetic behavior of low-dimensional compounds and molecular magnetic materials.
- Layered Organic-Inorganic magnetic and multifunctional materials.
Design, synthesis (solid state reaction, precipitation, hydrothermal synthesis), structural characterization, thermal analysis and magnetic properties of molecular, inorganic and organic-inorganic hybrid solids; design of new metallo-organic hybrids; Analysis of the magnetic properties on the basis of predictive models; Study of systems with competing interactions; Long-range magnetic interaction mechanisms; effect of external stimuli on properties.
Current research
Magnetic low dimensional compounds of d and f elements;
Hydrothermal synthesis, structural and magnetic analysis of hybrid organic-inorganic compounds;
Multifunctional hybrid layered materials and nanostructures, with magnetic, photo active, chiral and or bio-inorganic properties;
Magnetic polymer of coordination.
- 1998 Prize of the Solid State Chemistry division of the French Chemical Society
- Bronze medal (2007) of the National Federation of Youth and Sports
Professional affiliations
- Materials Research Society; European Materials Research Society
- French Chemical Society (Vice-President of the local section Alsace)
- International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry
- French Association for Crystallography, International Union of Crystallography
Other activities
- 2013 – 2016 Management committee member of the COST Action MP1202 HINT (Rational Design of Hybrid Interfaces)
- 2016 – Vice-President of the regional section Alsace of the French Chemical Society
- 2013 – 2016 President of the regional section Alsace of the French Chemical Society
- 2005 – 2008, Director of the GdR 2922 du CNRS « Matériaux Hybrides Organisés Multifonctionnels »
- 2001, 2 months, Visiting fellow, Advanced Materials Research Institute, University of New Orleans, New Orleans, USA.
- 1996, 3 months, Research fellow, Institute for Fundamental Organic Chemistry, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan.
- 1989 – 1990, graduate assistant, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Nantes, CIES Rennes.
- 1987 – 1989, session teacher (1987-89), University of Nantes.
R.M. Abdelhameed, L.D. Carlos, P. Rabu, S.M. Santos, A.M.S. Silva, J. Rocha, Designing Near-Infrared and Visible Light Emitters by Postsynthetic Modification of Ln(+3)-IRMOF-3, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2014) 5285–5295.
I. Balti, L.S. Smiri, P. Rabu, E. Gautron, B. Viana, N. Jouini, Synthesis and characterization of rod-like ZnO decorated with gamma-Fe2O3 nanoparticles monolayer, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 586 (2014) S476–S482.
I. Balti, A. Barrere, V. Gueguen, L. Poussard, G. Pavon-Djavid, A. Meddahi-Pelle, P. Rabu, L.S. Smiri, N. Jouini, F. Chaubet, Preparation of cytocompatible luminescent and magnetic nanohybrids based on ZnO, Zn0.95Ni0.05O and core@shell ZnO@Fe2O3 polymer grafted nanoparticles for biomedical imaging, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 14 (2012) 1266 /p.1–15.
N. Benamara, M. Diop, C. Leuvrey, M. Lenertz, P. Gilliot, M. Gallart, H. Bolvin, F. Setifi, G. Rogez, P. Rabu, E. Delahaye, Octahedral Hexachloro Environment of Dy3+ with Slow Magnetic Relaxation and Luminescent Properties, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2021) 2099–2107.
V. de Z. Bermudez, F. Leroux, P. Rabu, A. Taubert, Hybrid nanomaterials: from the laboratory to the market, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 8 (2017) 861–862.
C. Bisio, J. Brendle, S. Cahen, Y. Feng, S.-J. Hwang, K. Melanova, M. Nocchetti, D. O’Hare, P. Rabu, F. Leroux, Recent advances and perspectives on intercalation layered compounds part 1: design and applications in the field of energy, Dalton Transactions Early access (2024).
C. Bisio, J. Brendle, S. Cahen, Y. Feng, S.-J. Hwang, M. Nocchetti, D. O’Hare, P. Rabu, K. Melanova, F. Leroux, Recent advances and perspectives for intercalation layered compounds. Part 2: applications in the field of catalysis, environment and health, Dalton Transactions Early access (2024).
C. Bouchameni, C. Beghidja, A. Beghidja, P. Rabu, R. Welter, Synthesis, structural characterizations, spectroscopic and magnetic properties of Mn-II and Mn-III complexes with an unprecedented bridging coordination mode of 2-salicylichydrazono-1,3-dithiolane ligand, Polyhedron 30 (2011) 1774–1778.
S. Bouheroum, A. Cherouan, A. Beghidja, S. Dahaoui, P. Rabu, A new copper(II) coordination polymer containing chains of interconnected paddle-wheel antiferromagnetic clusters, Acta Crystallographica Section C-Structural Chemistry 73 (2017) 1050–1055.
R. Bourzami, S. Eyele-Mezui, E. Delahaye, M. Drillon, P. Rabu, N. Parizel, S. Choua, P. Turek, G. Rogez, New metal phthalocyanines/metal simple hydroxide multilayers: experimental evidence of dipolar field-driven magnetic behavior, Inorganic Chemistry 53 (2014) 1184–1194.
M.A. Bousnina, F. Turki, F. Schoenstein, F. Tetard, P. Rabu, L.-S. Smiri, N. Jouini, Bulk nanostructured Ni-P alloys: Elaboration from metastable Ni-P nanoparticles by spark plasma sintering; mechanical and magnetic properties, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 686 (2016) 252–266.
A. Boussadia, A. Beghidja, L. Gali, C. Beghidja, M. Elhabiri, P. Rabu, G. Rogez, Coordination properties of two new Schiff-base phenoxy-carboxylates and comparative study of their antioxidant activities, Inorganica Chimica Acta 508 (2020).
P. Buchwalter, J. Rosé, B. Lebeau, O. Ersen, M. Girleanu, P. Rabu, P. Braunstein, J.-L. Paillaud, Characterization of cobalt phosphide nanoparticles derived from molecular clusters in mesoporous silica, Journal of Nanoparticle Research 15 (2013) 1–21.
P. Buchwalter, J. Rose, B. Lebeau, P. Rabu, P. Braunstein, J.L. Paillaud, Stoichiometric molecular single source precursors to cobalt phosphides, Inorganica Chimica Acta 409 (2014) 330–341.
M.J. Buehler, P. Rabu, A. Taubert, Advanced Hybrid Materials: Design and Applications (Editorial), European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2012) 5092–5093.
A.A. Danopoulos, P. Braunstein, M. Wesolek, K.Y. Monakhov, P. Rabu, V. Robert, Three-Coordinate Iron(II) N-Heterocyclic Carbene Alkyl Complexes, Organometallics 31 (2012) 4102–4105.
E. Delahaye, S. Eyele-Mezui, M. Diop, C. Leuvrey, D. Foix, D. Gonbeau, P. Rabu, G. Rogez, Functional Heterometallic Layered Hybrid Magnets by Double Ion-Exchange, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2012) 2731–2740.
E. Delahaye, Z. Xie, A. Schaefer, L. Douce, G. Rogez, P. Rabu, C. Guenter, J.S. Gutmann, A. Taubert, Intercalation synthesis of functional hybrid materials based on layered simple hydroxide hosts and ionic liquid guests - a pathway towards multifunctional ionogels without a silica matrix?, Dalton Transactions 40 (2011) 9977–9988.
S. Duval, S. Beghin, C. Falaise, X. Trivelli, P. Rabu, T. Loiseau, Stabilization of Tetravalent 4f (Ce), 5d (Hf), or 5f (Th, U) Clusters by the [alpha-SiW9O34](10-) Polyoxometalate, Inorganic Chemistry 54 (2015) 8271–8280.
Q. Evrard, Z. Chaker, M. Roger, C.M. Sevrain, E. Delahaye, M. Gallart, P. Gilliot, C. Leuvrey, J.-M. Rueff, P. Rabu, C. Massobrio, M. Boero, A. Pautrat, P.-A. Jaffrès, G. Ori, G. Rogez, Layered Simple Hydroxides Functionalized by Fluorene-Phosphonic Acids: Synthesis, Interface Theoretical Insights, and Magnetoelectric Effect, Advanced Functional Materials 27 (2017) 1703576.
Q. Evrard, C. Leuvrey, P. Farger, E. Delahaye, P. Rabu, G. Taupier, K.D. Dorkenoo, J.-M. Rueff, N. Barrier, O. Perez, G. Rogez, Noncentrosymmetric Cu(II) Layered Hydroxide: Synthesis, Crystal Structure, Nonlinear Optical, and Magnetic Properties of Cu-2(OH)(3)(C12H25SO4), Crystal Growth & Design 18 (2018) 1809–1817.
S. Eyele-Mezui, E. Delahaye, G. Rogez, P. Rabu, Functional Hybrid Materials Based on Layered Simple Hydroxide Hosts and Dicarboxylate Schiff Base Metal Complex Guests, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2012) 5225–5238.
S. Eyele-Mezui, P. Vialat, C. Higy, R. Bourzami, C. Leuvrey, N. Parizel, P. Turek, P. Rabu, G. Rogez, C. Mousty, Electrocatalytic Properties of Metal Phthalocyanine Tetrasulfonate Intercalated in Metal Layered Simple Hydroxides (Metal: Co, Cu, and Zn), Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015) 13335–13342.
C. Falaise, C. Volkringer, J.F. Vigier, A. Beaurain, P. Roussel, P. Rabu, T. Loiseau, Isolation of the Large Actinide(38) Poly-oxo Cluster with Uranium, Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (2013) 15678–15681.
C. Falaise, J. Delille, C. Volkringer, H. Vezin, P. Rabu, T. Loiseau, Series of Hydrated Heterometallic Uranyl-Cobalt(II) Coordination Polymers with Aromatic Polycarboxylate Ligands: Formation of U=O-Co Bonding upon Dehydration Process, Inorganic Chemistry 55 (2016) 10453–10466.
P. Farger, R. Guillot, F. Leroux, N. Parizel, M. Gallart, P. Gilliot, G. Rogez, E. Delahaye, P. Rabu, Imidazolium Dicarboxylate Based Metal-Organic Frameworks Obtained by Solvo-Ionothermal Reaction, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2015) 5342–5350.
P. Farger, C. Leuvrey, M. Gallart, P. Gilliot, G. Rogez, P. Rabu, E. Delahaye, Elaboration of Luminescent and Magnetic Hybrid Networks Based on Lanthanide Ions and Imidazolium Dicarboxylate Salts: Influence of the Synthesis Conditions, Magnetochemistry 3 (2017) 1.
P. Farger, C. Leuvrey, M. Gallart, P. Gilliot, G. Rogez, J. Rocha, D. Ananias, P. Rabu, E. Delahaye, Magnetic and luminescent coordination networks based on imidazolium salts and lanthanides for sensitive ratiometric thermometry, Beilstein Journal of Nanotechnology 9 (2018) 2775–2787.
P. Farger, C. Leuvrey, G. Rogez, M. Francois, P. Rabu, E. Delahay, Salts and Solvents Effect on the Crystal Structure of Imidazolium Dicarboxylate Salt Based Coordination Networks, Crystal Growth & Design 19 (2019) 4264–4272.
V. Kumar, Q. Evrard, C. Leuvrey, M. Lenertz, Y. Garcia, P. Rabu, G. Rogez, Incorporation of Photo- and Thermoresponsive N-Salicylidene Aniline Derivatives into Cobalt and Zinc Layered Hydroxides., Inorganic Chemistry 62 (2023) 21101–21114.
M. Lang, E. Delahaye, D. Foix, D. Ihiawakrim, O. Ersen, C. Leuvrey, J.-M. Greneche, G. Rogez, P. Rabu, Pseudomorphic Transformation of Layered Simple Hydroxides into Prussian Blue Analogue Nanoplatelets, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2016) 2030–2038.
F. Leroux, P. Rabu, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk, A. Taubert, Hybrid Materials Engineering in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2015) 1086–1088.
F. Leroux, P. Rabu, N.A.J.M. Sommerdijk, A. Taubert, Two-Dimensional Hybrid Materials: Transferring Technology from Biology to Society, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2015) 1089–1095.
J. Lhoste, A. Perez-Campos, N. Henry, T. Loiseau, P. Rabu, F. Abraham, Chain-like and dinuclear coordination polymers in lanthanide (Nd, Eu) oxochloride complexes with 2,2 `:6 `,2 `’-terpyridine: synthesis, XRD structure and magnetic properties, Dalton Transactions 40 (2011) 9136–9144.
A. Mantion, P. Graf, I. Florea, A. Haase, A.F. Thuenemann, A. Masic, O. Ersen, P. Rabu, W. Meier, A. Luch, A. Taubert, Biomimetic synthesis of chiral erbium-doped silver/peptide/silica core-shell nanoparticles (ESPN), Nanoscale 3 (2011) 5168–5179.
N.P. Martin, C. Falaise, C. Volkringer, N. Henry, P. Farger, C. Falk, E. Delahaye, P. Rabu, T. Loiseau, Hydrothermal Crystallization of Uranyl Coordination Polymers Involving an Imidazolium Dicarboxylate Ligand: Effect of pH on the Nuclearity of Uranyl-Centered Subunits, Inorganic Chemistry 55 (2016) 8697–8705.
A. Massard, P. Braunstein, A.A. Danopoulos, S. Choua, P. Rabu, Studies on Three-Coordinate [Co{N(SiMe3)(2)}(2)L] Complexes, L = N-Heterocyclic Carbene, Organometallics 34 (2015) 2429–2438.
A. Mesbah, P. Rabu, R. Sibille, S. Lebegue, T. Mazet, B. Malaman, M. Francois, From Hydrated Ni-3(OH)(2)(C8H4O4)(2)(H2O)(4) to Anhydrous Ni-2(OH)(2)(C8H4O4): Impact of Structural Transformations on Magnetic Properties, Inorganic Chemistry 53 (2014) 872–881.
S. Ouilia, C. Beghidja, A. Beghidja, L. Belkhiri, P. Rabu, Synthesis, crystal structure, magnetic properties and DFT calculations of new dihydroxo-bridged binuclear chromium(III) based on monodentate mixed ligand, Inorganica Chimica Acta 476 (2018) 54–60.
A. Pakalniškis, G. Niaura, R. Ramanauskas, D. Karpinsky, G. Rogez, M. Lenertz, J. Robert, P. Rabu, S.-W. Chen, T.C.-K. Yang, R. Skaudžius, A. Kareiva, Temperature-driven magnetic and structural transitions in multiferroic Lu(1-x)ScxFeO3, Journal of Alloys and Compounds 972 (2024) 172805.
O. Palamarciuc, E. Delahaye, P. Rabu, G. Rogez, Microwave-assisted post-synthesis modification of layered simple hydroxides, New Journal of Chemistry 38 (2014) 2016–2023.
F. Payet, C. Bouillet, F. Leroux, C. Leuvrey, P. Rabu, F. Schosseler, C. Taviot-Guého, G. Rogez, Fast and efficient shear-force assisted production of covalently functionalized oxide nanosheets, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 607 (2022) 621–632.
P. Rabu, E. Delahaye, G. Rogez, Hybrid interfaces in layered hydroxides: magnetic and multifunctional superstructures by design, Nanotechnology Reviews 4 (2015) 557–580.
G. Rogez, C. Massobrio, P. Rabu, M. Drillon, Layered hydroxide hybrid nanostructures: a route to multifunctionality, Chemical Society Reviews 40 (2011) 1031–1058.
L. Schmidlin, V. Pichot, M. Comet, S. Josset, P. Rabu, D. Spitzer, Identification, quantification and modification of detonation nanodiamond functional groups, Diamond and Related Materials 22 (2012) 113–117.
S. Si, A. Taubert, A. Mantion, G. Rogez, P. Rabu, Peptide-intercalated layered metal hydroxides: effect of peptide chain length and side chain functionality on structural, optical and magnetic properties, Chemical Science 3 (2012) 1945–1957.
N. Sudheer, S. Sharna, V. Rouchon, D. Ihiawakrim, M. Lenertz, P. Levitz, P. Rabu, O. Ersen, Evolution of Correlated Morphological and Structural Disorder in Boehmite-Derived Alumina with Progressive Calcination, ChemCatChem 16 (2024) e202400677.
N. Sudheer, V. Rouchon, D. Ihiawakrim, C. Lefebvre, P. Levitz, E. Lecolier, P. Rabu, O. Ersen, Investigating the crystallite morphologies and aggregation in boehmite powders: a combined analysis of two- and three-dimensional electron microscopy with X-ray diffraction, Science and Technology for Energy Transition 79 (2024).
M. Taibi, N. Jouini, P. Rabu, S. Ammar, F. Fievet, Lamellar nickel hydroxy-halides: anionic exchange synthesis, structural characterization and magnetic behavior, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 (2014) 4449–4460.