A l'occasion de ses 60 ans et des 30 ans de la Fête de la science, le campus CNRS de Cronenbourg accueille le temps d'un week-end le Village des Sciences de Strasbourg. Au programme : Expériences et ateliers, expositions, découvertes en laboratoire, visite guidée du campus, chasse au trésor, flash-conférences. De 10h à 18h | Entrée gratuite | soumis au pass santé
Full program on the website: https://60ans-campus-cronenbourg.cnrs.fr/
Several IPCMS teams will be involved during these days:
- IPCMS will be represented, under a marquee, with 2 themes: “Travel through matter” (MET team) and “Project” Euronanomed Theraget “: new solutions for health (Sylvie Bégin team)
- Visits in the lab proposed for schoolchildren on Friday October 1 and for the general public on Saturday October 2 and Sunday October 3. See details here.
- Flash-Conférences in the auditorium, Saturday and Sunday.
From October 1 to 11, 2021, the “Fête de la Science” celebrates its 30th anniversary.
For the occasion, experience a week of festivities throughout Alsace Voir le programme complet “Alsace” ici
# In “Bas-Rhin” | coordination by le Jardin des Sciences
3 Science villages :
October 2 and 3: at the Cronenbourg Campus in Strasbourg and at the Champ du feu
October 9 and 10: at the Vill’A in Illkirch
… and other meetings at La Wantenau, in Strasbourg, in Saales …