- Access
- Advanced functional materials for sustainable and energy-saving technologies
- Advanced molecular systems
- Alberto BARSELLA
- Anthony D’ALEO
- Arnaud GLOPPE
- Aziz DINIA
- Béatrice MASSON
- Benoît GOBAUT
- Benoit PICHON
- Bernard DOUDIN
- Bertrand DONNIO
- Bohdan KUNDYS
- Carnot Mica Institut
- Catherine BONNIN
- Chemical Engineering of Functional Nanomaterials
- Christine BOEGLIN
- Christine TUGENE
- Christophe LEFEVRE
- Credits & Legal notices
- Damien MERTZ
- Daniele PREZIOSI
- Dietmar WEINMANN
- Doctoral schools
- Events
- Fabien MULLER
- Fabio COSTA
- Fabrice SCHEURER
- Florian BANHART
- Florian MAURER
- Frédéric PAYET
- General Services
- Giovanni MANFREDI
- Guido ORI
- Guillaume ROGEZ
- Guillaume SCHULL
- Guillaume WEICK
- Hicham MAJJAD
- Home
- Hoshang Zainadin SAHIB
- Instrumentations
- International Graduate School QMat
- International relationships
- Introduction
- Jean-François DAYEN
- Jean-Gabriel HARTMANN
- Jean-Pierre BUCHER
- Jérémie LEONARD
- Jérôme ROBERT
- Jobs
- Laurent DOUCE
- Laurent LIMOT
- Laurent SCHLUR
- Loic JOLY
- Lorry ENGEL
- Magnetism
- Manas Pratim BISWAS
- Marie-Noelle LALLOZ
- Martin BOWEN
- Master “Materials and nanosciences (MNS)”
- Master of Science of Imaging, Robotics and Biomedical Engineering (IRIV)
- Masters “Chemistry”
- Matteo MAURO
- Matthieu BAILLEUL
- Mebarek ALOUANI
- Michelangelo ROMEO
- Mircea RASTEI
- Nathalie VIART
- News
- Nicolas BERGEARD
- Nicolas BEYER
- Norbert HOFFMANN
- Organigram
- Pacôme CHAPEL
- Paul-Antoine HERVIEUX
- PhyQS Master
- Pierre RABU
- Project NanoTeraherz
- Publications
- Quality policy
- Quantum sciences and materials
- Quentin FENOY
- Riccardo HERTEL
- Rodolfo JALABERT
- Sébastien LE ROUX
- Seminar IPCMS
- Silviu COLIS
- Sitemap
- Stefan HAACKE
- Stéphane BERCIAUD
- Stéphane MERY
- The Directory
- Thien HO MINH
- Thomas ALLARD
- Thomas PIN
- Topic 2: From nano-to life- sciences and vice-versa
- University Formations
- Valerio GIUSO
- Valorisation
- Victor DA COSTA
- Wolfgang WEBER
- Xavier HENNING
- 2025 DON Publications
- 2025 DSI Publications
- 2025 DMONS Publications
- 2025 DMO Publications
- 2025 DCMI Publications
- 2024 DSI Publications
- 2024 Publications of DON
- 2024 DMONS Publications
- 2024 DMO Publications
- 2024 DCMI Publications
- Departments
- 2023 DSI publications
- 2023 DON publications
- 2023 DMONS publications
- 2023 DMO Publications
- 2023 DCMI Publications
- 2021 DMO Publications
- 2016 DON publications
- 2017 DON publications
- 2022 DON publications
- 2016 DSI publications
- 2017 DSI publications
- 2022 DSI publications
- 2016 DMO publications
- 2017 DMO publications
- 2022 DMO publications
- 2016 DMONS publications
- 2017 DMONS publications
- 2022 DMONS publications
- 2022 DCMI publications
- 2016 DCMI publications
- 2017 DCMI publications
- 2021 DSI publications
- 2021 DON publications
- 2021 DCMI publications
- 2021 DMONS publications
- Facilities
- Photoemission Electron Microscopy
- Low-Energy Electron Microscopy
- Large scale research facilities
- Electric measurements
- Alternative Gradient Field Magnetometer
- Sputtering
- Magnetic Force Microscopy
- Hybrid thin film preparation
- Conventional preparations
- Microwave magnetic spectrosocopy
- NMR in ferromagnets
- Ionic etching
- Molecular beam epitaxy
- Kerr Effet
- Zetasizer Nano ZS
- Atomic-scale modelling of materials
- Materials synthesis and shaping
- Magnetic measurements
- Thermogravimetric Thermodifferential Analysis
- Powder characterization
- Mössbauer Spectroscopy
- UV-Vis-PIR Spectrophotometer
- FTIR Spectrophotometer
- 2018 DSI Publications
- 2019 DSI publications
- 2020 DSI Publications
- 2018 DON publications
- 2019 DON publications
- 2020 DON publications
- 2018 DMO publications
- 2019 DMO publications
- 2020 DMO Publications
- 2018 DCMI publications
- 2019 DCMI publications
- 2020 DCMI publications
- 2018 DMONS publications
- Spin analysis
- 2019 DMONS publications
- 2020 DMONS publications
- Publications of DSI
- Members of DSI
- Instruments of DSI
- Research Teams of DSI
- Publications of DON
- Members of DON
- Research teams of DON
- Members of DMO
- Research teams of DMO
- Scientific instruments and platforms
- Publications of DMO
- Publications of DMONS
- Members of DMONS
- Instruments of DMONS
- Research Teams of DMONS
- Publications of DCMI
- Members of DCMI
- Instruments of DCMI
- Research teams DCMI
- Surfaces and Interfaces (DSI)
- Ultrafast Optics and Nanophotonics (DON)
- Magnetic Objects on the NanoScale (DMONS)
- Department of Organic Materials (DMO)
- Inorganic Materials Chemistry (DCMI)
- Molecular Quantum Spintronics
- Nano-optics and low-dimensional materials
- Metals and their functions – Events and news
- Production of thin films
- Perovskite-based photovoltaic solar cells
- Magnetic properties of molecular or hybrid systems
- Layered hydroxides for environmental applications
- Exfoliation - Hybrid nanosheets
- Functionalized Layered Oxides
- Transparent conducting oxides for photons conversion :
- Functional molecular liquids
- Metals and their functions
- Contact (UTEM)
- People (UTEM)
- Research (UTEM)
- Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy (UTEM)
- Equipment (UTEM)
- Rare-earth nickelates: Perovskite and infinite layer
- Pulsed laser deposition (PLD)
- Functional molecular materials
- Scanning Electron Microscopy
- Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Nanofab Process
- Nanofab Equipement
- Nanofab Organisation
- Scientific computing
- X-ray diffraction platform
- Nanofab
- Publications: Mesoscopic Quantum Physics
- Surface-confined Self-Assembly
- Mesoscopic Quantum Physics
- Competing Exchange Interactions in Magnetic Multilayers
- Oxydes for spintronics
- Spintronique organique
- XAS et XMCD aux seuils L23 de Fe et Mo dans Sr2
- Straintronics in low dimensional systems
- Magnetic nanojunctions
- Resist-free fabrication of graphene devices
- Graphene spintronics
- Spin Dynamics in Semiconductors
- Optical pumping and photonic applications of Si-based nanostructures
- Titanium Dioxyde Nanocrystals
- Semiconductor quantum dots : relaxation dynamics
- Ultrafast photoisomerization
- Bio-photonics
- Magneto-transport, tunnel junction : Transport in tunnel junctions
- Experimental Set-Ups and Developments
- Magneto-transport, tunnel junction : Current induced domain wall states in nanopillars
- Micromagnetism : TetraMAG
- Micromagnetism : Development and Implementation of Numerical Methods
- Micromagnetism : Gallery
- Stochastic thermodynamics
- Microwave spectroscopy : Dynamical micromagnetism
- Antimatter and Gravitation
- Microwave spectroscopy : Current-Induced Spin-Wave Doppler Shift
- Ultrafast magnetism at the nanoscale
- Quantum Coherence and Quantum Information
- Quantum many-body systems
- New organics material for electro-optics
- NLO properties of charge transfer molecules
- Reservation for optical characterization plateform
- Self-doubled laser emission from an organic system
- Optical Characterization
- Ultrafast Magnetization Dynamics
- Surface Plasmon Dynamics in Metallic Nanostructures
- Spin Photonics Microscopy
- Femtosecond time-resolved nonlinear spectroscopy
- Spectroscopic studies of pyridinium phenoxides
- Ultrafast Molecular Dynamics
- Meso-organisation (Jean Luc)
- 6-Nanocomposite hydrogels for nanomedecine
- 4-Nanotheranostics based on mesoporous silica
- 2-Surface chemistry, biofunctionalization and self-assembly of nanoparticles
- 5-Energy and Environnmental Applications
- 3-Devices and biosensors
- Environmental TEM in gas atmosphere
- Ultrafast Transmission Electron Microscopy
- Electron tomography
- In-situ electron microscopy
- Fonctional Materials
- Nanoparticles
- 1-Controlled chemical synthesis of metal oxide and mesoporous silica nanoparticles
- Low-dimensional materials
- Ultra-fast magnetization dynamics
- Magnetoelectric couplage
- Spin precession
- Chemical Order and Electronic Structure in Alloys and Nanoalloys
- Surface & Adsorbate Nanostructuration
- Diffusion, Nucleation & Growth
- Magnetic and multifunctional Layered Hydroxides
- Coherent transport in quantum dots networks
- Transition in Bulk Ce under Pressure
- X-ray magnetic circular dichroism of CeFe2 by resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
- Anisotropic magnetic FeNiPt2 films
- Anisotropic CoPt(110) alloy films
- Diversity of the magnetic coupling behaviors in oxide multilayers
- Lattice dynamics and migration enthalpies in CoPt3 and FePd
- Short Period Magnetic Coupling Oscillations in Co/Si Multilayers
- Atomic-scale faceting in CoPt nanoparticles epitaxially grown on NaCl
- Magneto-transport, tunnel junction : Electrical switching in Fe/Cr/MgO/Fe magnetic tunnel junctions
- Micromagnetism : Fundamental Research
- Microwave spectroscopy : Presentation
- Self-organized π-conjugated materials
- Luminescent ionic liquid crystals
- Mesomorphes dendrimers in main channels
- Photophysics and photonics for organic electronics
- Fullerenes and applications
- Dendrimers and hybrids
- Half metallic oxides allowing a total spin polarization at room temperature (LSMO : La0.7Sr0.3MnO3, SFMO : Sr2FeMoO6)
- Control of magnetization by an electric field : room temperature ferrimagnetic thin films of the magnetoelectric Ga2-xFexO3
- Cobaltites with bi-dimensional structure
- New materials with strong anisotropy (one dimensional structure)
- Magnetism of hybrid systems
- Nanostructures
- Effect of diffusion and alloying on the magnetic and transport properties of Fe/V/Fe trilayers
- Femtomagnetism and Spin Dynamics (Femtomag Team)
- Ultrafast dynamics of nanostructures and nano-objects (NanoFemto)
- Bio-Photonics and Ultrafast Molecular Dynamics (BioDyn)
- Molecular Quantum Spintronics
- Thin film oxides
- Quantum dynamics of nano-objects (Q-Dyno)
- Nanomaterials
- Advanced Materials & Nanodevices
- Chemical Engineering of Functional Nanomaterials (CEFUN)
- Biophysics and soft matter (BIOSOFT)
- Dynamic processes
- Magnetism of the nanostructures
- Organic-inorganic hybrids
- Nonlinear Microscopy and Patterning of Organic Materials (NOMPOM)
- S.T.M
- Theoretical Molecular Spectroscopy (SMT)
- Modelling
- Nanomagnetism and high frequencies
- Theory and computational simulations applied to materials science
- Nanoparticles and hybrids
- IPCMS News #25
- Podcast "une publi, des humains" du réseau Alumni
- New ALD System in glovebox now operational at STnano facility
- Joana Vaz Ramos: winner of the SCF 2024 Thesis Prize
- New PLD platform equipment
- New STM Platform
- Nicolas Del Giudice: winner of the I-PhD prize
- Antonio PENA CORREDOR : thesis prize of C'Nano 2023
- Advanced ERC Grant 2023
- Chimie de synthèse : vers un meilleur contrôle de la chiralité
- Victoria Mechrouk: Prize for best oral presentation at SCF-Alsace Day
- Towards photochemistry on a sub-molecular scale
- Nomination of SCF Junior Distinguished Members 2023
- The Lumensium Project supported by the CNRS RISE programme
- Antimatière : l’expérience GBAR du CERN rejoint l’anticlub !
- Strasbourg/Osaka/Kyoto Symposium on Organic Electronics
- Celebration of the 150 years of the SFP
- Two-dimensional ferroelectric devices are revolutionizing the topology of integrated circuits
- Matteo Mauro is awarded the “Raffaello Nasini” Gold Medal 2023
- Meetup on open source research software
- Daniele Preziosi : winner of the 2023 CNRS bronze medal
- Des hétérostructures ferroélectriques contrôlées par la lumière pour l’électronique neuromorphique
- Sonder la lumière émise par un semi-conducteur 2D imagé à l’échelle atomique
- Des centres fluorescents au sein de rubans de graphène
- On-surface assembled molecular dimers are reversibly switched between ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic state by STM manipulation
- Can spintronics and quantum technologies help to mitigate the energy crisis?
- Le comportement ferroélectrique unique du ferrite de gallium enfin démontré
- STnano acquires an etching equipment with a nanometric precision
- Graduate Student Award for Steve-Dave Wansi Wendji
- Une mémoire ionique régie par les électrons
- Safety instructions – COVID-19
- FR MNGE Days: Troyes, 28-30 june 2022
- Poster Award for Kana ISHISONE
- Une nouvelle ère dans l’exploration de la matière
- NanoCar Race II
- Unistra Research Expertise Award
- Ultrafast electron microscopy sees photo-thermal switching of single spin-crossover nanoparticles
- Graduate Student Award for Kana Ishisone
- "Fête de la Science" : the campus opens its doors
- Joint Laboratory : MOLIERE
- Nouveaux matériaux hybrides auto-organisés pour la conversion photovoltaïque
- Understanding energy transfers during photosynthesis
- Le taux d’expansion de l’Univers toujours en questionnement
- A new generation of nanocrystals photodetector pushes the boundaries of infrared devices
- Electron spins compatible with magnetic memories
- Playing atomically thin drums
- Atomic-scale spin sensing with a single molecule at the apex of a scanning tunneling microscope
- Liquid flow and control without solid walls
- Graphene as an integrated optical filter for two-dimensional semiconductors
- Hyperpositive nonlinear catalysis ...
- Expert in experimental development
- "Transmission Electron Microscopy studies of Multimetallic Alloys for Energy Conversion Applications"
- Comparative study of the electronic properties of hematite and BiVO4-based photoanodes byoperando STXM-STEM correlative microscopy during the photoelectrolysis reaction
- Tenure Track Position
- Insight into quantum spintronic energy harvesters using operando electron spin resonance
- Seminar IPCMS presented by : Rupert Huber
- PhD Defense : Aliou Sadia TRAORÉ
- Meeting Axis 2 "From nano-to life- sciences and vice-versa"
- Quantum sciences and materials seminar presented by : Antti Moilanen
- Axis 3 Seminar presented by Pr Neso SOJIC
- Quantum sciences and materials seminar presented by Laetitia Farinacci
- PhD Defense : Théo Lucante
- PhD Defense : Victoria MECHROUK
- Seminar DSI presented by Aram Yoon
- PhD Defense : Adrien Andoche
- PhD defenses : Mohamed SOLIMAN
- Seminar Axis 1 presented by Benjamin BACQ-LABREUIL
- PhD Defense : Matthew MGBUKWU
- Seminar DMONS - DCMI - Axis 5 presented by : Abhishake MONDAL
- PhD Defense : Mathieu LAMBLIN
- PhD Defense : Joanna WOLFF
- Seminar DCMI presented by Paul ROBINEAU
- PhD Defense : Daniel Siebadji
- Seminar presented by Philippe POULIGUEN
- Quantum sciences and materials / QMat mini-symposium
- PhD Defense : Denis Jankovic
- PhD Defense : Jean-Gabriel Hartmann
- PhD Defense : Vincent HARDEL
- PhD defense : Samiul ISLAM
- Seminar DON / Axis 2 presented by Pr. Keiichi INOUE
- Seminar Axis 1 "Quantum sciences and materials" presented by : Clément Pellet-Mary
- Seminar Axis 1 "Quantum sciences and materials" presented by Cyrille SOLARO
- PhD Defense : Romain BERTHIOT
- Mini-symposium on Organic Electronics
- Seminar DCMI and Axes 3 and 5 : presenetd by Raquel UTRERA MELERO
- Seminar IPCMS presented by : Prof. Ifor D.W. Samuel
- PhD defense : Satakshi Pandey
- Seminar of Axis "Quantum sciences and materials" presented by Arthur Veyrat
- PhD defense : Steve Dave WANSI WENDJI
- PhD Defense : Patricia Fernandez de Larrinoa
- PhD defense : Caitlyn Dussart
- PhD Defense : Xavier Henning
- Seminar presented by : Niels de Jonge
- PhD Defense : Alex FETIDA
- Seminar DCMI-Axis 5 presented by Thomas Cottineau
- "HDR" defense : Arnaud Gloppe
- Franco-Indian mini-workshop on two-dimensional ferroic materials and devices
- Séminaire DMO et DON présenté par Prof. Pik Kwan Lo
- Seminar Axis 1 presented by Masha Kamenetska
- HDR Defense : Guido ORI
- Seminar IPCMS presented by Katja HEINZE
- QMat mini-seminar
- Seminar DSI presented by Kenneth Beyerlein
- PhD defense : Aditi MOGHE
- Seminar Axis 1 presented by Rémy Pawlak
- Workshop SWING
- Mini symposium on "Light-matter interactions in nanostructures"
- Seminar DCMI and Axis 4 and 5, presented by Paul STEADMAN
- Seminar Axis 1 presented by Rémi Avriller
- Seminar IPCMS presnted by Olivier Maury
- Seminar Axis 1 and DON, presented by Saad Yalouz
- Seminar IPCMS presented by Xavier WAINTAL
- Seminar IPCMS presented by Amalio FERNÁNDEZ-PACHECO
- Seminar DMONS presented by Kshirsagar Aseem RAJAN
- Thesis defense : Deeksha Gupta
- Webinar DMONS presented by Lorenzo Fratino
- Seminar DON presented by Sylvain LECLER
- Seminar Axis "Quantum sciences and materials" presented by Antoine Borel
- PhD Defense : Aleena Joseph
- Mini-workshop: Materials for magnonics
- PhD defense : Adrien Girault
- Webinar DMONS presented by Paul EYMÉOUD
- PhD defense : José Solano Córdova
- Webinar DMONS presented by M. Benjamin Bacq-Labreuil
- Seminar Axis 1 presented by Mattia Udina
- Seminar DCMI - Axis 5 presented by Kévin DEDECKER
- Seminar DSI presented by Dr. Lucien Roach
- MET platform scientific day
- Seminar Axis 3 presented by Dr. Maurizio Mastropasqua Talamo
- IUPAC Global Women's breakfast
- IPCMS Postdoc-PhD meeting
- Seminar IPCMS presented by Dr. Laurence CROGUENNEC
- Seminar DMONS/DSI presented by Maria Chatzieleftheriou
- Seminar Axis 3 presented by Dr. Ludovic Favereau
- Seminar DMONS/DSI presented by Sophie WEBER
- Seminar DMONS - Axis 1 presented by Horacio Miguel PASTAWSKI
- Seminar DSI presented by Dr. Svetlana Korneychuk
- Seminar DMONS/DSI - Axis 1 : presented by Anna Galler
- PhD Defense : Rémi Pasquier
- QMat mini-seminars cycle
- Seminar DSI presented by Maxime DURELLE
- General assembly of the ADDEPT
- Seminar DON presented by Aaron Terpstra
- Seminar DON/Axis 4 presented by : Simon Lenne
- Seminar Axis 1 "Quantum sciences and materials" : presented by Emmanuel Fromager
- Seminar Axis 3 presented by Dr. Thijs Stuyver
- Seminar IPCMS presented by Florence GAZEAU
- Scientific Days IPCMS
- PhD Defense : Mohammed GUERBOUB
- Seminar AXE 1 "Quantum Sciences and Materials": presented by Vikram Deshpande
- PhD Defense : Joana Vaz Ramos
- Annual general meeting and Christmas party
- PhD defense : Charles Sidhoum
- PhD Defense : Valentina Girelli Consolaro
- IPCMS Seminar presented by Amélie JUHIN
- Mini-symposium on Advanced Nanomaterials
- PhD Defense : Amira Gharbi
- Mini-symposium DON - Axe2 - Axe 1
- Seminar AXE 1 "Quantum Sciences and Materials": presented by Benjamin Besga
- 2nd Meetup on open source research software
- 3rd Sustainable Development meeting
- ADDEPT : information meeting addressed to students
- Seminar presented by Catherine Demangeat
- General assembly
- PhD defense : Dmytro KUSHNIR
- PhD defense : Maryna HRYTSAIENKO
- PhD defense : Matthias PACÉ
- PhD defense : Gaëtan PERCEBOIS
- Seminar DON, axes 1 and 4 presented Abdelghani Laraoui
- Seminar DMO presented by : Ricky Wong
- Seminar "Ambassadeur INC" presented by : Prof Chihaya ADACHI
- Seminar presented by Dr. Veiko Karu
- Seminar Axis 3 & DMO presented by Dr. Chantal Daniel
- Topological School "Molecular Photochemistry"
- Defense of Habilitation to Supervise Research : Walid BAAZIZ
- Seminar DMONS - Axe 4 presented by Hiroyuki NAKAMURA
- Seminar Axe 5 : presented by Dr. Murielle Chavarot-Kerlidou
- Seminar AXE 1 "Quantum Sciences and Materials": presented by Franklin Luis dos Santos Rodrigues
- Seminar DSI presented by Matthias Riepp
- PhD defense : Antonio Peña Corredor
- Seminar DMCI presented by Dr. Elena LEVCHENKO
- Seminar DON : presented by Prof. B. Dietzek - Ivansic
- PhD defense : Thomas ALLARD
- Seminar IPCMS presented by Clément Livache
- Seminar Axe 2 presented by Fernanda de Avila Abreu
- Seminar DMONS : Alexis Wartelle
- Mini-Symposium DMONS, QMat and Axis 1
- ITI QMat Scientific Day
- General Services
- Inorganic Materials Chemistry (DCMI)
- Magnetic Objects on the NanoScale (DMONS)
- Organic Materials (DMO)
- Surfaces and Interfaces (DSI)
- Ultrafast Optics and Nanophotonics (DON)
- Advanced Materials and Nanodevices
- Direction
- DMO modeling
- Dynamic processes
- Elaboration - characterization
- Electronic Instrumentation
- Engineering study staff-Instrumentation
- Functional molecular materials
- Functionalized nanoparticles
- Instrumentation and electronics
- IT Service
- Labex NIE / EUR Qmat-en
- Mechanical concept
- Mechanics Services
- Mesoscopic quantum physic
- Mesoscopic quantum physics
- Metals and their functions
- Modelling
- Modelling at the atomic scale
- Molecular quantum spintronics
- Nano-optics and low-dimensionnal materials
- Nanomagnetism and high frequencies
- Nanomaterials
- Nanoparticles and hybrids
- Near field AFM
- Optical service
- Organic-inorganic hybrids
- Research support staff
- SAR Library
- SAR Maintenance Dept
- SAR Management
- SAR Reception
- SAR-en
- SEM Platform
- StNano Platform
- Structure and properties
- Synthesis
- TEM Platform
- Thin film oxides