The optical characterization plateform of the IPCMS offers an access to: an absorption spectrometer, a spectrofluorimeter and an optical profilometer. It is open to all IPCMS personnel and to exterior researchers working for accademic or industrial laboratories.
Spectroflurimeter FLUOROLOG 3 – HORIBA JOBIN YVON Spectral range: Excitation: from 250 nm to 700 nm. Emission: from 350 nm to 900 nm. Measurement of emission spectra, excitation spectra or “2D” (scanning of both excitation and emission wavelength). The polarization resolution is available for excitation and emission. Samples : Liquid solutions: 1 cm x 1 cm spectroscopy cuvette holder. Powders and diffusing materials: integrating sphere adapted for quartz tubes.
Spectrophotometer UV-Vis-PIR Perkin-Elmer Lambda 950 Spectrale range: from 190 nm to 3300 nm for transmission and reflection operations. from 190 nm to 2500 nm with integrating sphere. Samples: Liquid solutions: 1 cm x 1 cm spectroscopy cuvette holder. Films: microscope slide holder. Powders and diffusing materials: integrating sphere. Possibility to measure specular reflection for thin films at various angles.
Optical Profilometer Zygo Newview The optical profilometer measures the sample topography at the microscopic scale. It is particularly well adapted for contact free measurement of the thickness of thin films. In plane resolution: 3 µm Vertical resolution: 2 nm Maximum thickness: 100 µm
Spectrophotometer UV-Vis Hitachi U3000 Spectral range: from 200 nm to 900 nm. Samples: Liquids: 1 cm x 1 cm cuvettes holder. Films: Microscope slide holder.
Fluorescence lifetime spectrometer PicoQuant FT300 Excitation: 373 nm, 445 nm, 636 nm Emission : 220 nm - 850 nm Time resolution: <50 ps Samples: Liquids: 1 cm x 1 cm cuvettes holder.
Quantaurus-QY Absolute PL quantum yield spectrometer Excitation: 250 nm à 850 nm Emission: 300 nm - 950 nm Samples: Liquids: cuvette holder Powder: silica cups
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