IPCMS is a privileged laboratory for numerous formations of
Université de Strasbourg,
Ecole Européenne de Chimie, Polymères et Matériaux de Strasbourg
and Telecom Physique Strasbourg.
In this framework, the laboratory proposes a large panel of PhD’s that are published every year on the website of Ecole Doctorale de Physique et Chimie-Physique, as well as a lot of laboratory training possibilities for the students in the Licence and Master formation, ranging from week to one-semester periods.
The research themes concern the physics and the chemistry of smart materials, i.e. that exhibit interesting properties, on the fundamental and applied levels as well.
Moreover, the professors and numerous CNRS researchers in IPCMS take an active part in the different courses proposed by Université de Strasbourg, mainly in UFR de Physique et Ingénierie, but also in Faculté de Chimie, Telecom Physique Strasbourg and ECPM.
Finally, IPCMS is significantly implied in international education programs :
(i) One Master specialty is taught in English (Master de physique: spécialité Condensed Matter and Nanophysics), and has been successful for attracting foreign students. A related exchange program with the University of Wroclaw (Poland) has been effective since 2006.
(ii) Two Graduate Colleges involve nearby Universities of Karlsruhe, Freiburg and Basel in sharing students, training, and organizing topical workshops since 2010 (‘soft matter science-concepts for the design of functional materials’ and ‘hybrid structures and molecular electronics’).
(iii) A French-Korean annual school is organized by IPCMS, with a related joint laboratory (CNRS-Ewha Research Center) that has been recently inaugurated (October 2010).
(iv) The involvement of IPCMS in the foundation of a European School on Nanosciences built on an existing Erasmus network with Aarhus, Basel, Cambridge, Groningen, Twente, and Münster. It is planned to be effective in 2011.
(v) In collaboration with the Physics Department of Université de Strasbourg, IPCMS organizes yearly an International European Summer school on specialized topics, attracting students at the Masters and Doctorate level from all over Europe.
In the framework of a collaborative program between IPCMS and the Huazhong University of Science and Technology (Wuhan-China), Chinese undergraduate students participate to the Nanophotonics specialty of master IRIV and joint PhD theses are being carried out.