A team at the IPCMS has succeeded in controlling an elementary photochemical reaction on a sub-nanometric scale, by concentrating light in a nanometric volume at the top of a metal tip.
The article recently published in Nature Nanotechnology (Doi : 10.1038/s41565-024-01622-4): Submolecular-scale control of phototautomerization / Anna Roslawska, Katharina Kaiser, Michelangelo Romeo, Eloïse Devaux, Fabrice Scheurer, Stéphane Berciaud, Tomas Neuman and Guillaume Schull, is the subject of a news item on the CNRS Physique website.
Figure : Contrôle local de la réaction de photo-tautomérisation de la phtalocyanine. La pointe métallique est visible dans la partie supérieure gauche de la figure © A. Rosławska et G. Schull.