Higher Education & Employment
- 1996 to present: Materials Science Engineer at the Department of Organic Materials of IPCMS
- 1995-2: Post-doctoral researcher at the University of Sheffield (UK), topic “Synthesis of ionic Liquid Crystals”
- 1995-1: Post-doctoral researcher at IPCMS, topic “Study of discotic Liquid Crystals“
- 1994: Post-doctoral researcher at the Technical University of Berlin (Germany), topic “Synthesis of discotic Liquid Crystals“
- 1989 to 1993: PhD in Physical Chemistry at the University of Strasbourg, dissertation title “Study of structure and mesomorphic properties of homologous series and mixtures of smectogenic compounds“
Research & Engineering activities
- Research topic: elucidation of the mechanisms of molecular self-assembly controlling the structure of materials and elaboration of methodologies of molecular design
- Research field: molecular, polymeric and hybrid organic-inorganic materials, in bulk state and processed as thin films for device applications
- Core activity: study of the structure, self-assembly and morphology of materials, and of their impact on material properties
- Scientific Expertise: materials science, soft matter, mesomorphism, crystallography, structure modeling, phase transitions, thin films
- Engineering Skills: data analysis, software development, design of experiments and of experimental set-ups, instrumentation & measurements
- Main experimental techniques: X-ray scattering/diffraction at laboratory scale and at synchrotron, thermal analysis, optical microscopy
Scientific networks
- Member of the consortium STELORG “Strasbourg Électronique Organique” associating 4 local research institutes (https://stelorg.unistra.fr/)
- Scientific and technical partner of the platform MICASOL “Plateforme de haute-technologie sur synchrotron soleil pour l’étude de la structure et du comportement des matériaux, de l’échelle moléculaire et nanométrique à l’échelle mésoscopique et macroscopique” associating the synchrotron SOLEIL, 3 local research institutes and 2 local universities (https://www.ics-cnrs.unistra.fr/micasol/)
- Partner of the International Research Project (IRP) LUX ERIT “Organic semiconductors and light-emitters for optoelectronics and photonics” associating the research center OPERA of Kyushu University (Japan) and 4 French research institutes
- Former member of the SOLEIL Synchrotron Peer Review Committee №4 “Chemistry & Physico-Chemistry, In situ Reactivity, Soft Matter” (2017 – 2024) and chairperson of the subcommittee “Soft Matter“ (2019 – 2024).
- Member of the editorial board of the journal “Crystals” of the MDPI group (since 2017)
- Member of reviewer boards of journals of the RSC, MPDI and Elsevier groups
Research contracts
- Scientific leader of the IPCMS partnership and leader of the task “Structural and morphological studies of materials and films” in the ANR contract MESOMORPHICS “Mesomorph polyoxometalate-based hybrids materials for photonics“, coordinated by the Institut Parisien de Chimie Moléculaire (IPCM, Paris) (duration: 12/2020 to 11/2025)
- Leader of the subtask 2.2 “Characterization of the materials’ organization” in the ANR contract TRIPODE “Tri-segmented side chain conjugated POlymers for fine-tuning the performance of Doped organic Electronics“, coordinated by IPCMS (duration: 05/2024 to 10/2027)
Publication metrics
238 co-authored articles in peer-reviewed journals, ~6500 citations, H-Index = 40 (Web of Science at 15th January 2024) ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-6795-2733
Selected research achievements
- Shaya, J.; Ribierre, J.-C.; Correia, G.; Dappe, Y. J.; Mathevet, F.; Mager, L.; Heinrich, B.; Méry, S. Control of the organization of 4,4′-bis(carbazole)-1,1′-biphenyl (CBP) molecular materials through siloxane functionalization. Molecules, 2023, 28, 2038. Shaya, J.; Correia, G.; Heinrich, B.; Ribierre, J.-C.; Polychronopoulou, K.; Mager, L.; Méry, S. Functionalization of biphenylcarbazole (CBP) with siloxane-hybrid chains for solvent-free liquid materials. Molecules, 2022, 27, 89. Achievements: resolution of structure and modeling of the molecular self-assembly/packing; elaboration of molecular design rules to control the structuration of CBP derivatives.
- Heinrich, B.; Kékicheff, P.; Hemmerle, A.; Fontaine, P.; Martel, D. Structural investigation of titanium oxide nanowires with unconventional optoelectronic behavior. Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 2023, 25, 5648. Achievement: elucidation of the composition, the structure and the morphology of inorganic nanowire thin film deposits exhibiting atypical properties.
- Olla, T.; Jabbour, R.; Labiod, A.; Boyron, O.; Méry, S.; Heinrich, B.; Heiser, T.; Jacquemin, D.; Lévêque, P.; Lesage, A.; Leclerc, N. How Halogenation Impacts the Polymer Backbone Conformation: Learning from Combination of Solid-State MAS NMR and X-Ray Scattering. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2022, 32, 2204929. Achievements: elucidation of the conformation, self-assembly and mesomorphic solid state structure of a conjugated polymers series; how to combine the information from X-Ray Scattering and Solid-State NMR.
- Kartal, S.; Rogez, G.; Robert, J.; Heinrich, B.; Boudalis, A. A magnetocaloric glass from an ionic-liquid gadolinium complex. ChemPhysChem, 2022, 23, e202200213. Achievement: understanding of the phase behavior and the molecular packing of a pentanuclear rare-earth complex freezing to ionic liquid glass.
- Zhu, X.; Hessin, C.; Salamé, A.; Sosa-Vargas, L.; Kreher, D.; Adachi, C., Proust, A.; Mialane, P. ; Marrot, J.; Bouchet, A.; Sliwa, M.; Méry, S.; Heinrich, B.; Mathevet, F.; Izzet, G. Photoactive Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Materials with Nanosegregated Donor‐Acceptor Arrays. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 2021, 60, 8419. Achievements: resolution of the structure and modeling of the self-assembly in the mesomorphic solid state of a molecular hybrid material constituted of polyoxometalate, organic conjugated units and alkyl chains; elaboration of design rules of the hybrid architecture.
- Kamatham, N.; Ibraikulov, O. A.; Durand, P.; Wang, J.; Boyron, O.; Heinrich, B.; Heiser, T.; Lévêque, P.; Leclerc, N.; Méry, S. On the Impact of Linear Siloxanated Side Chains on the Molecular Self-Assembling and Charge Transport Properties of Conjugated Polymers. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2021, 31, 2007734. Achievement: elucidation of the mechanism by which the siloxane segments in side chains modify the self-assembly, the structure and ultimately the semi-conducting properties of the conjugated polymers.
- Masters course of the Interdisciplinary Thematic Institute (ITI) HiFunMat “Hierarchical and Functional Materials“, title “The general Principles of X-ray Scattering” (since 2022, duration 4 h)
- Invited talk at the “Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics Research (OPERA)”, title “How can X-ray scattering/diffraction techniques be used to investigate the structure and the morphology of materials, and to guide the design of molecular systems?” (Fukuoka, Japan, 18 October 2023)
- Invited talk at the workshop on “Optically Addressable Molecular Lanthanide Qubits for Quantum Devices“, title “How can X-ray techniques be used to investigate the mosaicity and the crystalline quality of molecular crystals?” (Baden-Baden, Germany, 5 to 6 October 2023)
- Participation at the conference SPIC “Science and Technology of pi-conjugated Systems“, (Saint-Malo, France, 5 to 8 December 2022)
- Online participation at “The 7th International TADF Workshop“, (Kyushu, Japan, 1 to 2 December 2022)
- Participation at the 4th annual meeting of the “groupements de recherche” (GDR) OERA “Organic Electronics for the new era” (Paris, France, 22 to 23 September 2022)
- Participation at ILMAT VI “6th International Conference on Ionic Liquid-Based Materials” (Obernai, France, 22 to 26 November 2021)
- Invited video presentation at the “2021 Fall Meeting of the Polymer society of Korea“, Title “On the impact of siloxanated side chains on the properties of semiconducting polymers” (Seoul, Korea, 20 to 22 October 2021)