Bertrand DONNIO

Bertrand DONNIO

Senior Researcher, Organic Materials (DMO)
Phone: +33(0)3 88 10 70 56Office: 2035

Research background

Renseignez ici votre parcours de recherche.

Academic background

  • 1985-1991: Études universitaires: DEUG A Mathématiques-Physique-Chimie, Licence de Chimie, Maîtrise de Chimie, Université de Rennes 1
  • 1992-1996 : Thèse de doctorat en chimie (Philosophiae Doctor – PhD – thesis in Chemistry), Department of chemistry, University of Sheffield, UK, soutenue le 06/02/96. Directeur : Pr Duncan W. Bruce.
    Titre : Mesomorphic metal complexes of polycatenar stilbazoles: a structure/property study.
    Jury : Pr John W. Goodby (Université de Hull), Pr Goran Ungar (Université de Sheffield).
  • 2009 : Habilitation à Diriger la Recherche (HDR) de l’Université de Strasbourg, soutenue le 26/02/09. Titre : Auto-organisation d’architectures moléculaires mésomorphes: dendrimères, hybrides dendronisés, élastomères. Jury : Pr Gero Decher (Université de Strasbourg, Rapporteur interne), Pr Brigitte Pansu (Université de Paris Sud, Rapporteur externe) Dr Jean-Pierre Majoral (CNRS, Toulouse, Rapporteur externe), Pr Robert Deschenaux (Université de Neuchâtel, CH, Examinateur invité), Dr Daniel Guillon (CNRS, Garant d’habilitation).

Current researches

Renseignez ici les recherches sur lesquelles vous travaillez actuellement.


M.-M. Zhou, J. He, H.-M. Pan, Q. Zeng, H. Lin, K.-Q. Zhao, P. Hu, B.-Q. Wang, B. Donnio, Induction and Stabilization of Columnar Mesophases in Fluorinated Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons by Arene-Perfluoroarene Interactions., Chemistry-a European Journal (2023) e202301829.
Y.-J. Zhong, K.-Q. Zhao, B.-Q. Wang, P. Hu, H. Monobe, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, 2-Phenylbenzothiophene-based liquid crystalline semiconductors, Dyes and Pigments 173 (2020) 107964.
K.-Q. Zhao, J.-Q. Du, X.-H. Long, M. Jing, B.-Q. Wang, P. Hu, H. Monobe, B. Henrich, B. Donnio, Design of Janus triphenylene mesogens: Facile synthesis, mesomorphism, photoluminescence, and semiconductivity, Dyes and Pigments 143 (2017) 252–260.
K.-C. Zhao, J.-Q. Du, H.-F. Wang, K.-Q. Zhao, P. Hu, B.-Q. Wang, H. Monobe, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, Board-like Fused-Thiophene Liquid Crystals and their Benzene Analogs: Facile Synthesis, Self-Assembly, p-Type Semiconductivity, and Photoluminescence, Chemistry-an Asian Journal 14 (2019) 462–470.
K.-Q. Zhao, M. Jing, L.-L. An, J.-Q. Du, Y.-H. Wang, P. Hu, B.-Q. Wang, H. Monobe, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, Facile transformation of 1-aryltriphenylenes into dibenzo[fg,op]tetracenes by intramolecular Scholl cyclodehydrogenation: synthesis, self-assembly, and charge carrier mobility of large pi-extended discogens, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5 (2017) 669–682.
K.-Q. Zhao, Y. Gao, W.-H. Yu, P. Hu, B.-Q. Wang, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, Discogens Possessing Aryl Side Groups Synthesized by Suzuki Coupling of Triphenylene Triflates and Their Self-Organization Behavior, European Journal of Organic Chemistry 2016 (2016) 2802–2814.
K.-Q. Zhao, X.-Y. Bai, B. Xiao, Y. Gao, P. Hu, B.-Q. Wang, Q.-D. Zeng, C. Wang, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, Star-shaped triphenylene discotic liquid crystalline oligomers and their hydrogen-bonded supramolecular complexes with simple acids, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 3 (2015) 11735–11746.
K.-Q. Zhao, L.-L. An, X.-B. Zhang, W.-H. Yu, P. Hu, B.-Q. Wang, J. Xu, Q.-D. Zeng, H. Monobe, Y. Shimizu, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, Highly Segregated Lamello-Columnar Mesophase Organizations and Fast Charge Carrier Mobility in New Discotic Donor-Acceptor Triads, Chemistry-a European Journal 21 (2015) 10379–10390.
K.-L. Zhang, W.-H. Yu, K.-Q. Zhao, P. Hu, B.-Q. Wang, B. Donnio, Mesomorphism Modulation of Perfluorinated Janus Triphenylenes by Inhomogeneous Chain Substitution Patterns, Chemistry-an Asian Journal 19 (2024).
C. Zeng, H. Wang, B.-Q. Wang, P. Hu, K.-Q. Zhao, B. Donnio, Dual-State Fluorescence in Some Salicylaldehyde-triphenylene Discotic Liquid Crystal Derivatives Induced by Excited State Intramolecular Proton Transfer, Chemistry of Materials 36 (2024) 7306–7316.
C.-Y. Zeng, W.-J. Deng, K.-Q. Zhao, C. Redshaw, B. Donnio, Phenanthrothiophene-Triazine Star-Shaped Discotic Liquid Crystals: Synthesis, Self-Assembly, and Stimuli-Responsive Fluorescence Properties, Chemistry-a European Journal (2024) e202400296.
Q. Zeng, S. Liu, H. Lin, K.-X. Zhao, X.-Y. Bai, K.-Q. Zhao, P. Hu, B.-Q. Wang, B. Donnio, Pyrene-Fused Poly-Aromatic Regioisomers: Synthesis, Columnar Mesomorphism, and Optical Properties., Molecules 28 (2023) 1721.
D. Zeng, I. Tahar-Djebbar, Y. Xiao, F. Kameche, N. Kayunkid, M. Brinkmann, D. Guillon, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, D.A. Ivanov, E. Lacaze, D. Kreher, F. Mathevet, A.-J. Attias, Intertwined Lamello-Columnar Coassemblies in Liquid-Crystalline Side-Chain Pi-Conjugated Polymers: Toward a New Class of Nanostructured Supramolecular Organic Semiconductors, Macromolecules 47 (2014) 1715–1731.
Zeng Chongyang, Hu Ping, Wang Biqin, Fang Wenyan, Zhao Keqing, B. Donnio, Star-shaped Triphenylene-triazine Multi-stimuli Responsive Discotic Liquid Crystals: Synthesis, Properties and Applications, Acta Chimica Sinica 81 (2023) 469–479.
A. Zelcer, F. Cecchi, P. Albores, D. Guillon, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, F.D. Cukiernik, A convenient synthesis of a 2,7-difunctional tetra(alkoxy)triphenylene involving 4,4-diacetoxy-3,3-dialkoxybiphenyl as a key precursor and its conversion to extended hybrid mesogenic compounds, Liquid Crystals 40 (2013) 1121–1134.
S.-J. Yoon, J.H. Kim, K.S. Kim, J.W. Chung, B. Heinrich, F. Mathevet, P. Kim, B. Donnio, A.-J. Attias, D. Kim, S.Y. Park, Mesomorphic Organization and Thermochromic Luminescence of Dicyanodistyrylbenzene-Based Phasmidic Molecular Disks: Uniaxially Aligned Hexagonal Columnar Liquid Crystals at Room Temperature with Enhanced Fluorescence Emission and Semiconductivity, Advanced Functional Materials 22 (2012) 61–69.
Y. Yang, H. Wang, H.-F. Wang, C.-X. Liu, K.-Q. Zhao, B.-Q. Wang, P. Hu, H. Monobe, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, Molecular Engineering of Mesomorphic Fluorene-Bridged Triphenylene Triads: Thermotropic Nematic/Columnar Mesophases, and p-Type Semiconducting Behavior, Crystal Growth & Design 18 (2018) 4296–4305.
Y.J. Yadav, B. Heinrich, G. De Luca, A.M. Talarico, T.F. Mastropietro, M. Ghedini, B. Donnio, E.I. Szerb, Chromonic-Like Physical Luminescent Gels Formed by Ionic Octahedral Iridium(III) Complexes in Diluted Water Solutions, Advanced Optical Materials 1 (2013) 844–854.
Y. Xiao, D. Zeng, L.M. Mazur, A. Castiglione, E. Lacaze, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, D. Kreher, A.-J. Attias, J.-C. Ribierre, F. Mathevet, A new class of nanostructured supramolecular organic semiconductors based on intertwined multi-lamellar co-assemblies in pi-conjugated liquid-crystalline side-chain polymers, Polymer Journal 49 (2017) 31–39.
Y. Xiao, X. Su, L. Sosa-Vargas, E. Lacaze, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, D. Kreher, F. Mathevet, A.-J. Attias, Chemical engineering of donor-acceptor liquid crystalline dyads and triads for the controlled nanostructuration of organic semiconductors, CrystEngComm 18 (2016) 4787–4798.
S. Wendels, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, L. Averous, Green and controlled synthesis of short diol oligomers from polyhydroxyalkanoate to develop fully biobased thermoplastics, European Polymer Journal 153 (2021) 110531.
M. Vignolo, G. Bovone, M. Capra, F. Loria, C. Bernini, B. Vileno, L. Mager, B. Donnio, M. Rastei V., J.-L. Gallani, Magnetism: Another Idiosyncrasy of Boron?, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2021) 1224–1229.
T.U. Tumkur, M.A. Hurier, M.D. Pichois, M. Vomir, B. Donnio, J.-L. Gallani, M.V. Rastei, Photoinduced Atomic Force Spectroscopy and Imaging of Two-Dimensional Materials, Physical Review Applied 11 (2019) 044066.
T.M.N. Trinh, T.T. Nguyen, C. Kopp, P. Pieper, V. Russo, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, T.L.A. Nguyen, R. Deschenaux, Olefin Cross-Metathesis: a Versatile Synthetic Reaction for the Design of Janus Liquid Crystals, European Journal of Organic Chemistry (2015) 6005–6010.
K.-K. Tremblay-Parrado, C. Bordin, S. Nicholls, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, L. Averous, Renewable and Responsive Cross-Linked Systems Based on Polyurethane Backbones from Clickable Biobased Bismaleimide Architecture, Macromolecules 53 (2020) 5869–5880.
K. Toth, J.K. Molloy, M. Matta, B. Heinrich, D. Guillon, G. Bergamini, F. Zerbetto, B. Donnio, P. Ceroni, D. Felder-Flesch, A Strongly Emitting Liquid-Crystalline Derivative of Y3N@C-80: Bright and Long-Lived Near-IR Luminescence from a Charge Transfer State, Angewandte Chemie-International Edition 52 (2013) 12303–12307.
J. Tomczyk, A. Sobolewska, Z.T. Nagy, D. Guillon, B. Donnio, J. Stumpe, Photo- and thermal-processing of azobenzene-containing star-shaped liquid crystals, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 1 (2013) 924–932.
S. Thiery, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, C. Poriel, F. Camerel, Luminescence modulation in liquid crystalline phases containing a dispiro[fluorene-9,11 `-indeno [1,2-b]fluorene-12 `,9 `’-fluorene] core, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 2 (2014) 4265–4275.
S. Thiery, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, C. Poriel, F. Camerel, Modulation of the Electronic and Mesomorphic Properties of Alkynyl-Spirobifluorene Compounds as a Function of the Substitution Pattern, Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015) 10564–10575.
E. Terazzi, T.B. Jensen, B. Donnio, K. Buchwalder, C. Bourgogne, G. Rogez, B. Heinrich, J.-L. Gallani, C. Piguet, Control of the transition temperatures of metallomesogens by specific interface design: application to Mn-12 single molecule magnets, Dalton Transactions 40 (2011) 12028–12032.
E. Terazzi, G. Rogez, J.L. Gallani, B. Donnio, Supramolecular Organization and Magnetic Properties of Mesogen-Hybridized Mixed-Valent Manganese Single Molecule Magnets (Mn8Mn4O12)-Mn-III-O-IV(L-x,L-y,L-z-CB)(16)(H2O)(4), Journal of the American Chemical Society 135 (2013) 2708–2722.
E. Terazzi, A. Zaim, B. Bocquet, J. Varin, L. Guenee, T. Dutronc, J.F. Lemonnier, S. Floquet, E. Cadot, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, C. Piguet, Implementing Liquid-Crystalline Properties in Single-Stranded Dinuclear Lanthanide Helicates, European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (2013) 3323–3333.
I. Tahar-Djebbar, F. Nekelson, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, D. Guillon, D. Kreher, F. Mathevet, A.-J. Attias, Lamello-Columnar Mesophase Formation in a Side-Chain Liquid Crystal pi-Conjugated Polymer Architecture, Chemistry of Materials 23 (2011) 4653–4656.
A.F. Suleymanova, Y.A. Yakovleva, O.S. Eltsov, A.O. Lantushenko, M.P. Evstigneev, B. Donnio, B. Heinrich, V.N. Kozhevnikov, Comparative analysis of self-aggregation of liquid crystalline Pt(II) complexes in solution and in neat films, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 938 (2021) 121750.
A.I. Smirnova, N.V. Usol’tseva, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, Mesomorphic structure peculiarities of two mix-substituted phthalocyanines of the A(3)B type, Liquid Crystals 45 (2018) 625–633.
A.I. Smirnova, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, D.W. Bruce, The influence of lateral fluorination and cyanation on the mesomorphism of polycatenar mesogens and the nature of the SmC phase therein, RSC Advances 5 (2015) 75149–75159.
A. Santoro, A.M. Prokhorov, V.N. Kozhevnikov, A.C. Whitwood, B. Donnio, J.A.G. Williams, D.W. Bruce, Emissive Metallomesogens Based on 2-Phenylpyridine Complexes of Iridium(III), Journal of the American Chemical Society 133 (2011) 5248–5251.
V. Russo, P. Pieper, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, R. Deschenaux, Design, Synthesis, and Self-Assembly Behavior of Liquid-Crystalline Bis-[60]Fullerodendrimers, Chemistry-a European Journal 22 (2016) 17366–17376.
M. Rosati, A. Acocella, A. Pizzi, G. Turtu, G. Neri, N. Demitri, Nonappa, G. Raffaini, B. Donnio, F. Zerbetto, F.B. Bombelli, G. Cavallo, P. Metrangolo, Janus-Type Dendrimers Based on Highly Branched Fluorinated Chains with Tunable Self-Assembly and F-19 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Properties br, Macromolecules 55 (2022) 2486–2496.
D. Pucci, B. Donnio, Metal-containing liquid crystals, in: Nonconventional, Supramolecular, Chromonic and Amphiphilic Liquid Crystals, (2nd ed.) Edited by Pr. JW Goodby, PJ Collins, T Kato, C Tschierske, Wiley-VCH, 2014.
A. Pitto-Barry, N.P.E. Barry, V. Russo, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, B. Therrien, R. Deschenaux, Designing Supramolecular Liquid-Crystalline Hybrids from Pyrenyl-Containing Dendrimers and Arene Ruthenium Metallacycles, Journal of the American Chemical Society 136 (2014) 17616–17625.
P. Pieper, V. Russo, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, R. Deschenaux, Liquid-Crystalline Tris[60]fullerodendrimers, Journal of Organic Chemistry 83 (2018) 3208–3219.
M.D. Pichois, X. Henning, M.A. Hurier, M. Vomir, A. Barsella, L. Mager, B. Donnio, J.-L. Gallani, M.V. Rastei, Photovoltaic and photothermal effects induced by visible laser radiation in atomic force microscopy probes., Ultramicroscopy 241 (2022) 113601.
M.D. Pichois, M.A. Hurier, M. Vomir, A. Barsella, B. Donnio, J.-L. Gallani, M.V. Rastei, Photothermal Plasmonic Actuation of Micromechanical Cantilever Beams, Physical Review Applied 15 (2021) 034020.
X. Peng, L. Lin, L. Stuttge, M. Rousseau, T. Sauvage, E. Voirin, B. Donnio, M. Rastei V., J.-L. Gallani, Role of lattice defects on the magnetism of gold nanoparticles irradiated with neutrons, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 587 (2023) 171249.
J.S. Pendery, O. Merchiers, D. Coursault, J. Grand, H. Ayeb, R. Greget, B. Donnio, J.L. Gallani, C. Rosenblatt, N. Felidj, Y. Borensztein, E. Lacaze, Gold nanoparticle self-assembly moderated by a cholesteric liquid crystal, Soft Matter 9 (2013) 9366–9375.
J.-D. Peltier, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, O.A. Ibraikulov, T. Heiser, N. Leclerc, J. Rault-Berthelot, C. Poriel, Dispiroacridine-indacenobisthiophene positional isomers: impact of the bridge on the physicochemical properties, Materials Chemistry Frontiers 6 (2022) 225–236.
J.-D. Peltier, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, O. Jeannin, J. Rault-Berthelot, C. Poriel, Modulating the Physical and Electronic Properties over Positional Isomerism: The Dispirofluorene-Dihydroindacenodithiophene (DSF-IDT) Family, Chemistry-a European Journal 23 (2017) 17290–17303.
J.-D. Peltier, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, J. Rault-Berthelot, E. Jacques, C. Poriel, Electron-Deficient Dihydroindaceno-Dithiophene Regioisomers for n-Type Organic Field-Effect Transistors, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 9 (2017) 8219–8232.
J.-D. Peltier, B. Heinrich, B. Donnio, O. Jeannin, J. Rault-Berthelot, E. Jacques, C. Poriel, N- Cyanoimine as an electron- withdrawing functional group for organic semiconductors: example of dihydroindacenodithiophene positional isomers, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6 (2018) 13197–13210.