Nicolas Del Giudice: winner of the I-PhD prize

The i-PhD competition aims to attract doctoral students and young PhDs to the creation of start-ups, and to support the best research work.

Congratulations to Nicolas! Winner in the Materials, Mechanics and Industrial Processes theme with the Lumensium project, led by Laurent Douce, one of 177 winning projects.

This project involves the development of a new crystalline material capable of detecting and discriminating between Neutron and Gamma-type ionizing radiation, whatever its energy. In addition to being more efficient than its competitors, this new material offers an alternative to current detectors based on the use of lithium-6 and helium-3, two atomic isotopes whose supply is difficult and controlled due to their scarcity. This material is also much more environmentally friendly: it is non-toxic, non-flammable, can be recycled and its synthesis follows the principles of green chemistry

➕ Find out more about all the winning projects here
👉 Lauréats I-PhD :
👉 Lauréats i-Lab :
👉 Lauréats i-Nov Vague 11 :
👉 Lauréats i-Nov Vague 12 :

Antonio PENA CORREDOR : thesis prize of C’Nano 2023

During the Journées “Nano-Est held at the Institut Charles Sadron on September 10 and 11, 2024, Antonio (a former IPCMS/DCMI PhD student) was awarded the C’Nano 2023 thesis prize, for his work entitled: “Couches minces de vanadate de fer multifonctionnelles pour la spintronique” (Multifunctional iron vanadate thin films for spintronics).

Antonio PENA CORREDOR and his PhD director Christophe LEFEVRE

Advanced ERC Grant 2023

Lire le portrait de Guillaume sur le site de CNRS Physique

Project : Atomic-scale photochemistry : Vers une photochimie contrôlée à l’échelle atomique – AETHER

Matteo Mauro is awarded the “Raffaello Nasini” Gold Medal 2023

This award recognizes “his original and significative research contributions in inorganic chemistry bridging photochemistry, materials science, optoelectronics and bio-medicine.

The prize is awarded yearly to one inorganic chemist under 40 years old. The winner is also invited to delivery a plenary lecture during the annual congress (

Congratulations Matteo !

List of past winners:

Graduate Student Award for Steve-Dave Wansi Wendji

Steve-Dave Wansi Wendji, a graduate PhD student at IPCMS under the supervision of Carlo Massobrio and Guido Ori, was recently awarded the competitive Graduate Student Award (GSA) in recognition of his outstanding work entitled “First-principles and machine-learned potential molecular dynamics of GeSe2 liquid and glass” as a contribution talk to the E-MRS 2022 Fall Meeting (Symposium C: “From predictive modelling to machine learning as versatile tools for materials design”,

Congratulations Steve-Dave!

Poster Award for Kana ISHISONE

Kana Ishisone, a 2nd year doctoral student at DCMI, was honored with the Poster Award of the “Centre Européen de Calcul Atomique et Moléculaire (CECAM)” located at the “Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne” (Switzerland) during the presentation of her research work, at the CECAM School “Hybrid Quantum Mechanics / Molecular Mechanics (QM/MM) Approaches to Biochemistry and Beyond”

Congratulations Kana !

Unistra Research Expertise Award

This prize aims to distinguish the exceptional involvement of staff or groups of staff from “research support professions”. It comes with an endowment of €5,000 to be reinvested in the team’s projects.

Les lauréats 2021

Dris Ihiawakrim from the Electron Microscopy platform is one of the 2021 winners of this prize.

Congratulations DRIS !

Lire l’article :

Graduate Student Award for Kana Ishisone

….in recognition of her outstanding work entitled “Ionic liquids for nanoelectronics applications by first-principles modeling” contributed to the E-MRS 2021 Fall Meeting (Symposium G: “Computer-aided materials modelling: fundamental and applied insights merging physics and chemistry viewpoints at the atomic-scale”,

Congratulations Kana!