Academic background
- Deug A Mathématique (ULP Strasbourg)
- Licence Informatique (ULP Strasbourg)
- Maîtrise Informatique (ULP Strasbourg)
Academic career
- Since 2009 : Scientific computing in the IT team of IPCMS
- 1993-2008 : Head of the Software and Application team at CURRI (Centre Universitaire Régional de Ressources Informatiques de l’ULP)
- 1986-1992 : IT assistance at the CNRS Computing Center in Cronenbourg
Scientific computing assistance
First-level assistance for access to supercomputers
- Local
- Unistra :
- National
- Acces to resources:
- Idris
- TGCC :
- Cines :
Programming assistance
Programmation fortran, C, calcul parallèle (MPI, OpenMP), Maple, Matlab
- 2018 : Z. Chaker, G. Ori, C. Tugène, S. Le Roux, M. Boero, C. Massobrio, E. Martin, A. Bouzid, The role of dispersion forces on the atomic structure of glassy chalcogenides: The case of GeSe4 and GeS4, Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids. 499 (2018) 167–172.
- 2015 : A. Bouzid, S. Le Roux, G. Ori, C. Tugène, M. Boero, and C. Massobrio – Book chapter in Molecular Dynamics Simulations of Disordered Materials – Springer (2015) First-Principles Modeling of Binary Chalcogenides: Recent Accomplishments and New Achievements.[]
- 2014 – K. Wezka, A. Bouzid, K.J. Pizzey, P.S. Salmon, A. Zeidler, S. Klotz, H.E. Fischer, C.L. Bull, M.G. Tucker, M. Boero, S. Le Roux, C. Tugène, C. Massobrio, Density-driven defect-mediated network collapse of GeSe2 glass, Physical Review B. 90 (2014) 054206 /p.1–9.