Mesoscopic Quantum Physics

The team of Mesoscopic quantum physics works on quantum effects in condensed matter systems like the quantum transport of electrons in nanostructured samples. The aim is to capture the physical mechanisms underlying a given phenomenon, providing qualitative and quantitative descriptions of experimental data. Firstly, a suitable model which is mathematically tractable and containing the essential ingredients is developed. Then, the model is solved by using analytical or numerical tools.



Chronological List of publications

Recent papers and preprints:

Past events

Team members


Professor, Magnetic Objects on the NanoScale (DMONS)
Phone: +33(0)3 88 10 70 76Office: 2021
See personal page
Assistant professor, Magnetic Objects on the NanoScale (DMONS)
Phone: +33(0)3 88 10 72 62Office: 2104
See personal page
Senior Researcher, Magnetic Objects on the NanoScale (DMONS)
Phone: +33(0)3 88 10 72 17Office: 2103
See personal page

PhD students

PhD student, Magnetic Objects on the NanoScale (DMONS)
Phone: /Office: 2102
See personal page
PhD student, Magnetic Objects on the NanoScale (DMONS)
Phone: /Office: 2102
See personal page


Thomas Allard
Laureen Barbiche
Maximilien Barbier
Adam Brandstetter-Kunc
Xianzhang Chen
Charles A. Downing
Peter E. Falloon
François Fernique
Rubén Ferradas
Keith Fratus
Elise Gambetti-Césare
Mauricio Gomez Viloria
Victor Gopar
Cosimo Gorini
Guido Intronati
Ousmane Ly
Nico Leumer
Dominique Meyer
Rafael Molina
Paul Pichaureau
Gaëtan Percebois
Christina Pöltl
Jérôme Roccia
Peter Schmitteckert
Cesar Seoanez
Wojciech Szewc
Gabriel Vasseur
Yannis Wypych
Yue Yin

Publications: Mesoscopic Quantum Physics