18 January 2024

General assembly of the ADDEPT

On Thursday 18th January at 4p.m. at the auditorium, there will be the general assembly of the ADDEPT, which focuses on what we have done last year.

You are all welcome to attend, as this 1h meeting will be followed by a small “pot” (drink and snack) at the cafeteria. You will learn a bit more about us, be able to ask questions or make suggestions, and have also the possibility to join the ADDEPT as a permanent member if you wish so! By the way, we are actually recruiting new permanent members! So feel free to join (it’s free and fun)!

You will be able also to renew (or start) your ADDEPT membership on that same day, in order to get discount on our 2024 events. Membership fees are still 10euros for permanent members of the lab, 5euros for PhD and postdoc.

ADDEPT general assembly will be followed by the savouring of the famous and traditional “galette des rois”

Looking forward to seeing many of you there,

Contact : Xavier Henning

18 January 2024, 16h0017h00