Title : « Corrélation entre les propriétés structurelles et optoélectroniques de couches ultra-minces de TiO2 en vue d’application de photocatalyse »
This work was carried out in collaboration between the non-linear optics department of the IPCMS laboratory in Strasbourg and, in Aubervilliers, the Glass Surface and Interfaces laboratory and the “Processes and outer layers” group of the Thin Films department of Saint-Gobain-Research Paris. It was supervised by Pierre Gilliot (thesis director).
The defence will take place in the IPCMS auditorium.
A videoconference is also planned. You can connect at the following link:
Next events
Back to the agenda14 February 2025
Axis 3 Seminar presented by Pr Neso SOJIC
Title : “Electrochemiluminescence detection and imaging of single entities: from biomolecules to cells”
21 February 2025
Meeting Axis 2 "From nano-to life- sciences and vice-versa"
Axis 2 activities in the form of a workshop and scientific presentation.