Title : "Etude in-situ de formation de nanomatériaux hybrides : Approche multi-échelle couplant microscopie électronique et techniques de spectroscopies"
The defense will take place on Friday, December 8th, 2023, at 1:30 PM in the auditorium of IPCMS.
This PhD was carried out under the supervision of Pr. Ovidiu ERSEN (IPCMS, Strasbourg) and Pr. Clément SANCHEZ (LCMCP, Collège de France, Paris, USIAS).
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Back to the agenda15 October 2024
Seminar of Axis "Quantum sciences and materials" presented by Arthur Veyrat
Title: "Unusual 2D superconductivity and topological signatures in the Weyl and nodal line semimetal trigonal-PtBi"
18 October 2024
PhD defense : Satakshi Pandey
Title: " EuO-graphene heterostructure: Investigating interfacial proximity and multiferroic magnetoelectric coupling effects "