Maintenance departement / Reception


Ce service assure l’accueil physique des personnes (identification, orientation, octroie des badges et clés). Il assume également les activités de gestion des colis et du courrier ainsi que la réservation des salles.

Principal technical deputy, General
Phone: +33(0)3 88 10 70 00Office: Accueil

Maintenance Dept.

The maintenance department is loaded of the implementation of the maintenance of places. He insures the management of the works of maintenance ; and renovation of places as well as the management of the works of installation of new rooms of experiments and there extensions.

Research technician, General
Phone: +33(0)6 11 22 83 51Office: 1209
Research technician, General
Phone: +33(0)3 88 10 71 72Office: 1209