Research background
- Research topics:
Hyper-resolved fluorescence microscopy and spectroscopy of individual atoms, molecules, ribbons and 2D materials.
- Experimental methods:
4K – Scanning Tunneling Microscopy in combination with luminescence measurements (STML).
2009- : CNRS director of researcher (DR section 05 )
Département des Surface et Interfaces (DSI) Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg (IPCMS), Université de Strasbourg (Unistra), Strasbourg.
2006 – 2009: Post-doc in the STM group of R. Berndt
Institut für Experimentelle und Angewandte Physik (IEAP) der Uni. Kiel
web site
2003 – 2006: PhD Student in the nanophotonic group of F. Charra
Service de Physique et de Chimie des Surfaces et Interfaces (SPCSI), Commissariat à l’Energie Atomique (CEA), Saclay
web site
Distinction and grants
2025: European Research Council (ERC) advanced grant, Project AETHER Duration: 2025 – 2030
2023: Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR): GRAAL
Project leader : “Graphene nanoRibbons as Atomically controlled Light Sources” Duration: 2023-2027
2018: European Research Council (ERC) Consolidator grant, Project APOGEE Duration: 2018 – 2025
2017: Guy Ourisson prize from – le Cercle Gutenberg –
2017: Gaede-Prize from the German Vacuum Society (DVG) link
2013: Bronze medal of the CNRS link
2014: Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR), défi 7:
Project leader : “Single Molecule Architectures as Lowest-scale Light Emitting Devices” Duration: 2014-2018
2013: Financement LabeX NIE “STM-induced luminescence of interacting individual molecules in a plasmonic environment”.
2014: Bourse de thèse co-financée Région Alsace – FRC (Recherche aux Frontières de la Chimie) 2011 – 2014.
2011: Phd Grant co-financed by Région Alsace and FRC (Frontier Research in Chemistry)
Duration 2011 – 2014
2011: Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) :
Program for young researchers
“Electron transport through single molecule and macromolecular chains : Electronic and optical properties “
Duration: 2011 – 2014
We are welcoming Master student, PhD and Post-doc applications at any time.
Please contact us.

Mar. 2024: Project AETHER granted by the European Research Council (ERC – Advanced)

February 2024 : “Submolecular-scale control of Tautomerization” published in Nature Nano.





2024 :
65) Friedrich N, Rosławska A, Arrieta X, Kaiser K, Romeo M, Le Moal E, Scheurer F, Aizpurua J, Borisov AG, Neuman T, Schull G.
Fluorescence from a single-molecule probe directly attached to a plasmonic STM tip
Nature Communication 15, 9733 (2024)
64) Vasilev K, Canola F, Scheurer F, Boeglin A, Lotthammer F, Chérioux F, Neuman T, Schull G.
Exploring the Role of Excited States’ Degeneracy on Vibronic Coupling with Atomic-Scale Optics
ACS Nano 18, 28052 (2024)
63) Kaiser K, Jiang S, Romeo M, Scheurer F, Schull G, Roslawska A
Gating Single-Molecule Fluorescence with Electrons
Phys. Rev. Lett. 133, 156902 (2024)
62) Roslawska A, Kaiser K, Romeo M, Devaux E, Scheurer F, Berciaud S, Neuman T, Schull G
Submolecular-scale control of phototautomerization
Nature Nanotechnol. 19, 738 (2024)
2023 :
(61) Jiang S, Neuman T, Bretel R, Boeglin A, Scheurer F, Le Moal E, Schull G
Many-Body Description of STM-Induced Fluorescence of Charged Molecules
Phys. Rev. Lett. 130, 126202 (2023) highlighted as PRL “editors’ suggestion” and featured in Physics
(60) Lopez LEP, Roslawska A, Scheurer F, Berciaud S, Schull G
Tip-induced excitonic luminescence nanoscopy of an atomically resolved van der Waals heterostructure
Nature Materials 22, 482 (2023) Highlighted on the INP and Unistra website
(59) Jiang S, Neuman T, Boeglin A, Scheurer F, Schull G
Topologically localized excitons in single
graphene nanoribbons
Science 379, 1049 (2023) highlighted on the INP website.
2022 :
(58) Vasilev K, Doppagne B, Neuman T, Rosławska A, Bulou H, Boeglin A, Scheurer F, Schull G
Internal Stark effect of single-molecule fluorescence
Nature Comm. 13, 677 (2022)
(57) Peña Román RJ, Pommier D, Bretel R, Parra López LE, Lorchat E, Chaste J, Ouerghi A, Le Moal S, Boer-Duchemin E, Dujardin G, Borisov AG, Zagonel LF, Schull G, Berciaud S, and Le Moal E
Electroluminescence of monolayerWS2 in a scanning tunneling microscope: Effect
of bias polarity on spectral and angular distribution of emitted light
Phys. Rev. B 22, 9244 (2022) HAL
(56) Peña Román RJ, Bretel R, Pommier D, Parra López LE, Lorchat E, Boer-Duchemin E, Dujardin G, Borisov AG, Zagonel LF, Schull G, Berciaud S, and Le Moal E
Tip-Induced and Electrical Control of the photoluminescence Yield of Monolayer WS2
NanoLett 22, 9244 (2022) HAL
(55) Roslawska A, Neuman T, Doppagne B, Borisov AG, Romeo M, Scheurer F, Aizpurua J, Schull G
Mapping Lamb, Stark, and Purcell Effects at a Chromophore-Picocavity Junction with Hyper-Resolved Fluorescence Microscopy
Phys Rev X 12, 011012 (2022)
2021 :
(54) Cao S, Roslawska A, Doppagne B, Romeo M, Féron M, Chérioux F, Bulou H, Scheurer F, Schull G
Energy funnelling within multichromophore architectures monitored with subnanometre resolution
Nature Chem. 13, 766 (2021) Highlighted on the INP and Unistra website HAL
2020 :
(53) Doppagne B, Neuman T, Soria-Martinez R, Parra López LE, Bulou H, Roméo M, Berciaud S, Scheurer F, Aizpurua J, Schull G
Single-molecule tautomerization tracking through space- and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy
Nature Nanotechnol. 15, 207 (2020) HAL
2019 :
(52) Pommier D, Bretel R, Parra López LE, Fabre F, Mayne A, Boer-Duchemin E, Dujardin G, Schull G, Berciaud S, Le Moal E.
Scanning Tunneling Microscope-Induced Excitonic Luminescence of a Two-Dimensional Semiconductor
Phys. Rev Lett. 123, 027402 (2019) HAL
2018 :
(51) Doppagne B, Chong MC, Bulou H, Boeglin A, Scheurer F, Schull G.
Electrofluorochromism at the single-molecule level
Science 361, 251-255 (2018) PDF Repris par l’INP et l’Université de Strasbourg.
(50) Kröger J, Doppagne B, Scheurer F, Schull G
Fano Description of Single-Hydrocarbon Fluorescence Excited by a Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Nano Lett. 18, 3407 (2018) PDF
(49) Chong MC, Afshar-Imani N, Scheurer F, Cardoso C, Ferretti A, Prezzi D, Schull G
Bright Electroluminescence from Single Graphene Nanoribbon Junctions
Nano Lett. 8, 175 (2018) PDF
Repris par Phys.Org, eeNews, Inquisitr…
2017 :
(48) Chong MC, Schull G
Conductance and Electroluminescence from On-surface Synthesized Molecular Wires
Reference Module in Chemistry, Molecular Sciences and Chemical Engineering, Elsevier (2017) PDF
(47) Reecht G, Heinrich B, Bulou H, Scheurer F, Limot L, Schull G
Imaging isodensity contours of molecular states with STM.
New J. Phys. 19, 113033 (2017) PDF
(46) Scheurer F, Schull G.
Le fil moléculaire qui éclaire comme une LED.
La Recherche 552, (2017) PDF
(45) Doppagne B, Chong MC, Lorchat E, Berciaud S, Roméo M, Bulou H, Boeglin A, Scheurer F, Schull G.
Vibronic Spectroscopy with Submolecular Resolution from STM-Induced Electroluminescence.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 118, 127401 (2017) PDFArticle sélectionné par les éditeurs de PRL (Editor’s choice) et repris dans Physics World et les actualités scientifique de l’INP.
2016 :
(44) Chong MC, Sosa-Vargas L, Bulou H, Boeglin A, Scheurer F, Mathevet F, Schull G.
Ordinary and Hot Electroluminescence from Single-Molecule Devices: Controlling the Emission Color by Chemical Engineering.
Nano Lett. 16, 6480 (2016) PDFRepris dans les actualités scientifiques de INC.
(43) Schull G.
A close-up view of coupled molecules
Nature (News & Views) 531, 587 (2016) PDF
(42) Schull G.
Launching plasmons with molecules
Nature Photonics (News and Views) 10, 208 (2016) PDF
(41) Reecht G, Bulou H, Schull G, Scheurer F.
Single molecules as whispering galleries for electrons
J. Phys. Condens. Matter. 28, 165001 (2016) PDF
(40) Chong MC, Reecht G, Bulou H, Boeglin A, Scheurer F, Mathevet F, Schull G.
Narrow-line single-molecule transducer between electronic circuits and surface
Phys. Rev. Lett. 116, 036802 (2016) PDF
Repris dans les actualités scientifiques de INP
2015 :
(39) Reecht G, Bulou H, Scheurer F, Speisser V, Mathevet F, Gonzalez C, Dappe YJ , Schull G.
Pulling and stretching a molecular wire to tune its conductance.
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 6, 2987-2992 (2015) PDF
Article sélectionné par les éditeurs de l’ACS (ACS Editors’ Choice).
2014 :
(38) Schull G, Scheurer F, Reecht G.
Une diode électroluminescente à une molécule
Photoniques 72, 42-46 (2014) PDF
(37) Schull G, Boer-Duchemin E, Comtet G, Dujardin G.
Emission de lumière sous la pointe d’un microscope à effet tunnel
Reflets de la Physique 38, 4 (2014) PDF
(36) Heekeun Shin A, Schwarze R, Diehl RD, Pussi K, Colombier A, Gaudry E, Ledieu J, McGuirk GM, Serkovic Loli LN, Fournée V, Wang LL, Schull G, Berndt R
Structure and dynamics of C60 molecules on Au(111)
Phys. Rev. B 89, 245428 (2014) PDF
(35) Frederiksen T, Foti G, Scheurer F, Speisser V, Schull G.
Chemical control of electrical contact to sp2 carbon atoms
Nature Comm. 5, 3659 (2014) PDF
Repris dans les actualités scientifiques de l’INP et dans le quotidien L’Alsace
(34) Reecht G, Scheurer F, Speisser V, Dappe Y J, Mathevet F, Schull G.
Electroluminescence of a Polythiophene Molecular Wire Suspended between a Metallic Surface and the Tip of a Scanning Tunneling Microscope
Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 047403 (2014) PDF
Repris dans Physics, dans un communiqué de presse du CNRS et dans plusieurs médias Les Echos, Dernières nouvelles d’Alsace, l’Alsace, Futura-sciences, Techno-science, IEEE spectrum,Science Daily, Alpha-Galileo, New Electronics…
2013 :
(33) Ohresser P, Otero E, Wilhelm F, Rogalev A, Goyhenex C, Joly L, Bulou H, Romeo M, Speisser V, Arabski J, Schull G, Scheurer F.
Magnetism of CoPd self-organized alloy clusters on Au(111)
J. Appl. Phys. 114, 223912 (2013) PDF
(32) Reecht G, Bulou H, Scheurer F, Speisser V, Carrière B, Mathevet F, Schull G.
Oligothiophene nano-rings as electron resonators for whispering gallery modes
Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, 056802 (2013) PDF.
Repris sur le site internet de l’institut de physique du CNRS INP
2011 :
(31) Schneider N L, Matino F, Schull G, Gabutti S, Mayor M, Berndt R.
Light emission from a double-decker molecule on a metal surface
Phys. Rev. B 84, 153403 (2011) PDF.
(30) Schull G, Dappe Y, Gonzalez C, Bulou H, Berndt R.
Charge Injection through Single and Double Carbon Bonds
Nano Lett. 11, 3142 (2011) PDF.
(29) Bellec A, Arigoni C, Schull G, Douillard L, Fiorini-Debuisschert C, Mathevet F, Kreher D, Attais A-J, Charra F.
Solution-growth kinetics and thermodynamics of nanoporous self-assembled molecular monolayers
J. Chem. Phys. 134, 124702 (2011) PDF.
(28) Schull G, Frederiksen T, Arnau A, Sanchez-Portal D, Berndt R
Atomic-scale engineering of electrodes for single- molecule contacts
Nature Nanotech. 6, 23, (2011) PDF
Repris sur le site internet de l’institut de physique du CNRS INP et par plusieurs sites d’information scientifique 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 …
(27) Matino F, Schull G, Köhler F, Gabutti S, Mayor M, Berndt R
Electronic decoupling of a cyclophane from a metal surface
Proc. Natl Aca. Sci. USA 108, 961 (2011) PDF
2010 :
(26) Matino F, Schull G, Jana U, Köhler F, Berndt R, Herges R
Single azopyridine-substituted porphyrin molecules for configurational and electronic switching
Chem. Comm. 46, 6780 (2010) PDF
(25) Schneider N L, Schull G, Berndt R
Optical probe of quantum shot noise reduction at a single atom contact
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 026601 (2010) PDF
(24) Reinhard M, Schull G, Ebert P, Berndt R
Atomic resolution in STM-induced light emission from GaAs(110)
Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 152107 (2010). PDF
(23) Wang Y, Ge X, Schull G, Berndt R, Tang H, Bornholdt C, Koehler F, Herges R.
Switching Single Azopyridine Supramolecules in Ordered Array on Au(111)
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 132, 1196 (2010) PDF
(22) Berndt R, Kröger J, Néel N, Schull G.
Controlled single atom and single molecule contacts
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 12, 1022 (2010). PDF
(21) Arrigoni C, Schull G, Bléger D, Douillard L, Fiorini-Debuisschert C, Mathevet F, Kreher D, Attias A-J, Charra F.
Structure and epitaxial registry on graphite of a series of nanoporous self-assembled molecular monolayers
J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 1, 190 (2010). PDF
2009 :
(20) Schull G, Frederiksen T, Brandbyge M, Berndt R.
Passing current through touching molecules.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 206803 (2009). PDF
Repris dans Physical Review Focus, et par plusieurs sites d’information scientifique 1, 2, 3, 4 , 5 …
(19) Schull G, Néel N, Johansson P, Berndt R.
Electron-plasmon and electron-electron interactions at a single atom contact.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 057401 (2009). PDF
2008 :
(18) Schull G, Becker M, Berndt R.
Imaging confined electrons with plasmonic light.
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 136801 (2008). PDF
Repris dans Physics et dans Nature Nano
(17) Schull G, Ness H, Douillard L, Fiorini-Debuisschert C, Charra F, Mathevet F, Kreher D, Attias A-J.
Single atom substitution for marking and motion tracking of individual molecules by scanning tunneling microscopy.
J. Phys. Chem. C. 112, 14058 (2008). PDF
(16) Schull G, Neel N, Becker M, Kroeger J, Berndt R.
Spatially resolved conductance of oriented C-60.
New J. Phys. 10, 065012 (2008). PDF
(15) Gabutti S, Knutzen M, Neuburger M, Schull G, Berndt R, Mayor M.
A rigid naphtalenebisimide cyclophane – towards surface decoupled chromophores
Chem. Comm. 20, 2370 (2008). PDF
(14) Wang Y, Ge X, Schull G, Berndt R, Bornholdt C, Koehler F, Herges R.
Azo Supramolecules on Au(111) with Controlled Size and Shape
J. Amer. Chem. Soc. 130, 4218 (2008). PDF
(13) Kusova K, Charra F, Schull G, Pelant I.
Plasmon modes in light emission from silver nanoparticles induced by a scanning tunneling microscope.
Surf. Sc. 602, 345 (2008). PDF
(12) Bleger D, Mathevet F, Kreher D, Attias AJ, Schull G, Douillard L, Fiorini-Debuisschert C, Charra F.
Rationnal Design of Molecular Self-Assemblies : a Platform for NanoTechnology.
2nd IEEE Int. Nanoelec. Conf. 1-3, 906 (2008). PDF
(11) Lux F, Lemercier G, Andraud C, Schull G, Charra F.
Self-assembled monolayers of 1,10-phenanthroline based bis-bidentate ligands on Au(111).
Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. 485, 881 (2008). PDF
2007 :
(10) Schull G, Berndt R.
Orientationally ordered (7×7) superstructure of C60 on Au(111)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 226105 (2007). PDF
Repris dans Nature Nano.
(9) Bleger D, Kreher D, Mathevet F, Attias A-J, Schull G, Huard A, Douillard L, Fiorini-Debuischert C, Charra F.
Surface Noncovalent Bonding for Rational Design of Hierarchical Molecular Self-Assemblies
Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 119, 7148 (2007). PDF
Communiqué de presse commun du CNRS et du CEA
(8) Brevet WO/2007/118976 : Schull G, Mathevet F, Douillard L, Fiorini C, Kreher D, Attias AJ and Charra F.
Method for treating a fluid using a self-organized network adsorbed on a surface PDF
2006 :
(7) Lux F, Lemercier G, Andraud C, Schull G, Charra F.
Self-assembled monolayers based on phenanthroline-gold(111) bonding.
Langmuir 22, 10874 (2006). PDF
(6) Schull G, Mathevet F, Douillard L, Fiorini C, Kreher D, Attias AJ and Charra F.
Selectivity of single-molecule dynamics in 2D molecular sieves.
Adv. Mat. 18, 2954 (2006). PDF
(5) Schull G, Mathevet F, Douillard L, Fiorini C, Kreher D, Attias AJ and Charra F.
Single-molecule dynamics in a self-assembled 2D molecular sieve.
Nano Lett. 6, 1360 (2006). PDF
Communiqué de presse commun du CNRS et du CEA et article repris dans Pour la Science (vol. 348 (oct.2006)) et par plusieurs sites d’information scientifique 1, 2, 3…
(4) Perronet K, Schull G, Raimond P, and Charra F.
Single-molecule fluctuations in a tunnel junction : A study by scanning-tunnelling-microscopy-induced luminescence.
Europhys. Lett. 74, 313-319 (2006). PDF
2005 :
(3) Arnault JC, Schull G, Polini R, et al.
Effects of the bias enhanced nucleation hot-filament chemical-vapor deposition parameters on diamond nucleation on iridium.
J. Appl. Phys 98, 0033521 (2005). PDF
(2) Arnault JC, Schull G, Mermoux M, et al.
BEN-HFCVD effects on diamond nucleation on iridium : a Raman imaging study.
Physica status solidi A. 202, 2073-2078 (2005).PDF
(1) A-J Attias, N Leclerc, QChen, E.H. Sargent, G. Schull, F. Charra.
Design, synthesis, and characterization of a novel class of tunable chromophores for second- and third-order NLO applications.
Proc. SPIE 5516, 36 (2004). PDF