PhD student, Surfaces and Interfaces (DSI)leon.schmidt@ipcms.unistra.fr
Phone: +33(0)3 88 10 72 30Office: 1037

Research background

  • Oct. 2022 – present : PhD Thesis | IPCMS | Surface and interface department | Nanomaterials | 3D-TEM

Directors : Dr. Walid BAAZIZ, Pr. Ovidiu ERSEN

Subject : Correlative operando microscopy study of photoanodes used for the photoelectrolysis of water

  • Feb. 2022 – Aug. 2022 : M2 internship | IPCMS | Surface and interface department | Nanomaterials | 3D-TEM

Directors : Pr. Ovidiu ERSEN, Pr. Clément SANCHEZ, Dr. Sharmin SHARNA

Subject : In situ study at the atomic scale of phase transitions in TiO2 nanostructures

  • Mar. 2021 – June 2021 : M1 internship | IPCMS | Surface and interface department | Nanomaterials | 3D-TEM

Directors : Pr. Ovidiu ERSEN, Valentina GIRELLI CONSOLARO

Subject : Electron-matter interaction mechanisms and associated physico-chemical processes: state of the art and experimental measurement

Academic background

2020 – 2022 : Masters in Materials Science, Specialization Materials Engineering and Nanoscience | Faculty of Physics and Engineering | Université de Strasbourg

2018 – 2020 : Bachelors in Physics and Chemistry | Faculty of Chemistry | Université de Strasbourg

2017 – 2018 : Bachelors in Materials Science | Universität des Saarlandes (Saarbrücken, Germany)

Current researches

  • In situ transmission electron microscopy (gas, liquid, electrochemistry)
  • Nanomaterials


  • Poster : In situ TEM study of the reduction of TiO2 to Magnéli phase TinO2n-1 | Presented at the congress “Matériaux 2022” in Lille