Quentin FENOY

Quentin FENOY

PhD student, Magnetic Objects on the NanoScale (DMONS)quentin.fenoy@ipcms.unistra.fr
Phone: +33(0)3 88 10 72 31Office: 1053

Research background

2023-2026: Thesis about the study of spin-waves inside atomically-thin magnetic van der Waals materials via opto-mechanical techniques.

2023: M2 ending-studies research internship about the study of the antiferromagnetic resonance of a magnetic van der Waals material, CrCl3.

2022: M1 research internship about cooling down the mechanical modes of an atomically-thin magnetic membrane via a feeback loop.

2021: L3 research internship about Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (MSSM) in particle physics.

Academic background

2020/2023: DU Magistère of Fundamental Physics (MdPF), Université de Strasbourg

2021/2023: Master of Physics mention Condensed Matter and Nanophysics (MCN), Université de Strasbourg

2020/2021: Bachelor of Thorough Mathematics and Physics (MPA), Université de Strasbourg

2018/2020: CPGE MPSI/MP* Victor Hugo Highschool, Besançon

Current researches

Magnetism and magnonics in van der Waals materials

Opto-mécanics of atomically-thin van der Waals materials.
