Our scientific research is focused on the understanding of nanoscale materials (2D materials, quantum dots, thin films, molecules) to get insight into novel properties emerging from reduced dimension, interfaces and surfaces. We study their electrical, optical, ferroelectric and magneto-transport properties. These phenomena are investigated using a broad palette of electrical (impedance spectroscopy, transconductance, …), optical (photoconduction, time resolve photocurrent, reflection/transmission) and magnetic (magnetoresistance, SQUID) techniques, in a large range of temperature (400K-1K).
Our multidisciplinary approach is at the frontier between physics, chemistry and materials science. It relies on fabricating and characterizing nanodevices , within the nanofabrication facility of IPCMS STnano , and the 2DLab . It allows us to process and interconnect nanomaterials with nanoscale precision.
Our philosophy is to tackle technologically relevant issues with a rather fundamental approach. This is why patents applications and valorisation projects are actively pursued in the group. Field of applications gather nanoelectronics, spintronics, optoelectronics and neuromorphic computing.
Research Activities
Neuromorphic Electronics/Straintronics
Team Members
Team (Spring 2023)
Scientific staff of Advanced Materials and Nanodevices team : Jean-François Dayen
Bernard Doudin
Bohdan Kundys
Scientific collaborators of IPCMS :
Stephane Berciaud (Nano-Optics and Low-Dimensional Systems team)
Arnaud Gloppe (NOLDS team)
David Halley (Spintronics Basics team)
Collaborators : Aleena Joseph (PhD) Jinu Kurian (PhD) Krishna Prasad Maity (Post. Doc) Sataskshi Pandey (PhD) Ankita Ram (PhD) Mohamed Soliman (PhD) Davy Borowski (PhD) Fuad Safarov( PhD)
Engineers & Technical Staff : Fabien Chevrier Hicham Majjad
Recent publications :
V.-B. Vu, J.L. Bubendorff, L.D.N. Mouafo, S. Latil, A. Zaarour, J.-F. Dayen, L. Simon, Y.J. Dappe, Graphene/aluminum oxide interfaces for nanoelectronic devices, Electronic Structure 5 (2023) 045005.
https://doi.org/10.1088/2516-1075/acff9e .
A. Trapali, M. Muppal, S. Pandey, M.-L. Boillot, V. Repain, Y.J. Dappe, J.-F. Dayen, E. Riviere, R. Guillot, M.-A. Arrio, E. Otero, A. Bellec, T. Mallah, Investigation of the spin crossover behaviour of a sublimable Fe(II)-qsal complex: from the bulk to a submonolayer on graphene/SiO2., Dalton Transactions 53 (2024) 12519–12526.
https://doi.org/10.1039/d4dt01417k .
L. Temdie, V. Castel, V. Vlaminck, M.B. Jungfleisch, R. Bernard, H. Majjad, D. Stoeffler, Y. Henry, M. Bailleul, Probing Spin Wave Diffraction Patterns of Curved Antennas, Physical Review Applied 21 (2024) 014032.
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevApplied.21.014032 .
L. Temdie, V. Castel, T. Reimann, M. Lindner, C. Dubs, G. Pradhan, J. Solano, R. Bernard, H. Majjad, Y. Henry, M. Bailleul, V. Vlaminck, Chiral Excitation of Exchange Spin Waves Using Gold Nanowire Grating, Magnetochemistry 9 (2023) 199.
https://doi.org/10.3390/magnetochemistry9080199 .
L. Temdie, V. Castel, C. Dubs, G. Pradhan, J. Solano, H. Majjad, R. Bernard, Y. Henry, M. Bailleul, V. Vlaminck, High wave vector non-reciprocal spin wave beams, AIP Advances 13 (2023) 025207.
https://doi.org/10.1063/9.0000535 .
A. Tarhini, J. Aguirre-Araque, M. Guyot, C. Costentin, G. Rogez, S. Chardon-Noblat, V. Prevot, C. Mousty, Behavior of Iron Tetraphenylsulfonato Porphyrin Intercalated into LDH and LSH as Materials for Electrocatalytic Applications, Electrocatalysis 14 (2022) 111–120.
https://doi.org/10.1007/s12678-022-00778-8 .
M. Soliman, K. Maity, A. Gloppe, A. Mahmoudi, A. Ouerghi, B. Doudin, B. Kundys, J.-F. Dayen, Photoferroelectric All-van-der-Waals Heterostructure for Multimode Neuromorphic Ferroelectric Transistors., ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 (2023) 15732–15744.
https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.3c00092 .
J. Solano, O. Gladii, P. Kuntz, Y. Henry, D. Halley, M. Bailleul, Spin-wave study of magnetic perpendicular surface anisotropy in single crystalline MgO/Fe/MgO films, Physical Review Materials 6 (2022) 124409.
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.6.124409 .
S. Semak, V. Kapustianyk, Y. Eliyashevskyy, O. Bovgyra, M. Kovalenko, U. Mostovoi, B. Doudin, B. Kundys, On the photovoltaic effect asymmetry in ferroelectrics., Journal of Physics. Condensed Matter : An Institute of Physics Journal 35 (2023) 094001.
https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/aca579 .
A. Ram, K. Maity, C. Marchand, A. Mahmoudi, A.R. Kshirsagar, M. Soliman, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, B. Doudin, A. Ouerghi, S. Reichardt, I. O’Connor, J.-F. Dayen, Reconfigurable Multifunctional van der Waals Ferroelectric Devices and Logic Circuits., ACS Nano 17 (2023) 21865–21877.
https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.3c07952 .
S. Pierini, C. Abadie, T.H. Dang, A. Khalili, H. Zhang, M. Cavallo, Y. Prado, B. Gallas, S. Ithurria, S. Sauvage, J.F. Dayen, G. Vincent, E. Lhuillier, Lithium-Ion Glass Gating of HgTe Nanocrystal Film with Designed Light-Matter Coupling., Materials 16 (2023) 2335.
https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16062335 .
S. Pandey, S. Hettler, R. Arenal, C. Bouillet, A.R. Moghe, S. Berciaud, J. Robert, J.-F. Dayen, D. Halley, Room-temperature anomalous Hall effect in graphene in interfacial magnetic proximity to EuO grown by topotactic reduction, Physical Review B 108 (2023) 144423.
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.108.144423 .
F. Omeis, Z. Boubegtiten-Fezoua, A.F.S. Seica, R. Bernard, M.H. Iqbal, N. Javahiraly, R.M.A. Vergauwe, H. Majjad, F. Boulmedais, D. Moss, P. Hellwig, Plasmonic Resonant Nanoantennas Induce Changes in the Shape and the Intensity of Infrared Spectra of Phospholipids, Molecules 27 (2022) 62.
https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules27010062 .
H. Mishra, J. Panda, M. Ramu, T. Sarkar, J.-F. Dayen, D. Belotcerkovtceva, M.V. Kamalakar, Experimental advances in charge and spin transport in chemical vapor deposited graphene, Journal of Physics-Materials 4 (2021).
https://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7639/ac1247 .
A. Makhort, R. Gumeniuk, J.-F. Dayen, P. Dunne, U. Burkhardt, M. Viret, B. Doudin, B. Kundys, Photovoltaic-Ferroelectric Materials for the Realization of All-Optical Devices, Advanced Optical Materials 10 (2022) 2102353.
https://doi.org/10.1002/adom.202102353 .
K. Maity, J.-F. Dayen, B. Doudin, R. Gumeniuk, B. Kundys, Graphene Magnetoresistance Control by Photoferroelectric Substrate., ACS Nano 18 (2024) 4726–4732.
https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.3c07277 .
K. Maity, J.-F. Dayen, M. Palluel, N. Daro, G. Chastanet, B. Kundys, B. Doudin, Elucidating the effect of spin crossover materials on graphene sensing devices, Applied Physics Letters 123 (2023) 163503.
https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0163784 .
K. Maity, J.-F. Dayen, B. Doudin, R. Gumeniuk, B. Kundys, Single Wavelength Operating Neuromorphic Device Based on a Graphene-Ferroelectric Transistor., ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 (2023) 55948–55956.
https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.3c10010 .
V. Levytskyi, W. Carrillo-Cabrera, L. Akselrud, B. Kundys, A. Leithe-Jasper, R. Gumeniuk, Superconductivity of structurally disordered Y5Ir6Sn18, Dalton Transactions 51 (2022) 10036–10046.
https://doi.org/10.1039/d2dt01353c .
J. Kurian, P. Dunne, V. Vivier, G. Atcheson, R. Salikhov, C. Fowley, M. Venkatesan, O. Hellwig, M. Coey, B. Doudin, Influence of Large Magnetic Field Gradients at the Electrochemical Interface, in: B. Doudin, M. Coey, A. Cebers (Eds.), MAGNETIC MICROHYDRODYNAMICS: An Emerging Research Field, 2024: p. Chap.9, 111-130.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-58376-6_1 (accessed October 22, 2024).
J. Kurian, A. Joseph, S. Cherifi-Hertel, C. Fowley, G. Hlawacek, P. Dunne, M. Romeo, G. Atcheson, J.M.D. Coey, B. Doudin, Deterministic multi-level spin orbit torque switching using focused He+ ion beam irradiation, Applied Physics Letters 122 (2023) 032402.
https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0131188 .
G. Kremer, A. Mahmoudi, A. M’Foukh, M. Bouaziz, M. Rahimi, M.L. Della Rocca, P. Le Fevre, J.-F. Dayen, F. Bertran, S. Matzen, M. Pala, J. Chaste, F. Oehler, A. Ouerghi, Quantum Confinement and Electronic Structure at the Surface of van der Waals Ferroelectric & alpha; -In2Se3, ACS Nano 17 (2023) 18924–18931.
https://doi.org/10.1021/acsnano.3c04186 .
N. Konstantinov, A. Tauzin, U.N. Noumbe, D. Dragoe, B. Kundys, H. Majjad, A. Brosseau, M. Lenertz, A. Singh, S. Berciaud, M.-L. Boillot, B. Doudin, T. Mallah, J.-F. Dayen, Electrical read-out of light-induced spin transition in thin film spin crossover/graphene heterostructures, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 9 (2021) 2712–2720.
https://doi.org/10.1039/d0tc05202g .
L. Khalil, J.-C. Girard, D. Pierucci, F. Bisti, J. Chaste, F. Oehler, C. Greboval, U.N. Noumbe, J.-F. Dayen, D. Logoteta, G. Patriarche, J. Rault, M. Pala, E. Lhuillier, A. Ouerghi, Electronic band gap of van der Waals alpha-As2Te3 crystals, Applied Physics Letters 119 (2021).
https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0058291 .
L. Khalil, P.M. Forcella, G. Kremer, F. Bisti, J. Chaste, J.-C. Girard, F. Oehler, M. Pala, J.-F. Dayen, D. Logoteta, M. Goerbig, F. Bertran, P. Le Fevre, E. Lhuillier, J. Rault, D. Pierucci, G. Profeta, A. Ouerghi, alpha-As2Te3 as a platform for the exploration of the electronic band structure of single layer beta-tellurene, Physical Review B 106 (2022) 125152.
https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevB.106.125152 .
L. Joly, F. Scheurer, P. Ohresser, B. Kengni-Zanguim, J.-F. Dayen, P. Seneor, B. Dlubak, F. Godel, D. Halley, X-ray magnetic dichroism and tunnel magneto-resistance study of the magnetic phase in epitaxial CrVO x nanoclusters, Journal of Physics-Condensed Matter 34 (2022) 175801.
https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-648X/ac4f5e .
V. Iurchuk, J. Bran, M. Acosta, B. Kundys, A strain-controlled magnetostrictive pseudo spin valve, Applied Physics Letters 122 (2023) 072404.
https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0120426 .
M. Guyot, M.-N. Lalloz, J.S. Aguirre-Araque, G. Rogez, C. Costentin, S. Chardon-Noblat, Rhenium Carbonyl Molecular Catalysts for CO2 Electroreduction: Effects on Catalysis of Bipyridine Substituents Mimicking Anchorage Functions to Modify Electrodes, Inorganic Chemistry 61 (2022) 16072–16080.
https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.inorgchem.2c02473 .
C. Gréboval, C. Dabard, N. Konstantinov, M. Cavallo, S.-S. Chee, A. Chu, T.H. Dang, A. Khalili, E. Izquierdo, Y. Prado, H. Majjad, X.Z. Xu, J.-F. Dayen, E. Lhuillier, Split-Gate Photodiode Based on Graphene/HgTe Heterostructures with a Few Nanosecond Photoresponse, ACS Applied Electronic Materials 3 (2021) 4681–4688.
https://doi.org/10.1021/acsaelm.1c00442 .
B. Doudin, M. Coey, A. Cebers, Magnetic Microhydrodynamics An Emerging Research Field Preface, in: B. Doudin, M. Coey, A. Cebers (Eds.), MAGNETIC MICROHYDRODYNAMICS: An Emerging Research Field, 2024: p. VII-VIII (Pref).
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-58376-6_1 (accessed October 22, 2024).
B. Doudin, A. Cebers, M. Coey, Magnetic Microhydrodynamics An Emerging Research Field Introduction, in: B. Doudin, M. Coey, A. Cebers (Eds.), MAGNETIC MICROHYDRODYNAMICS: An Emerging Research Field, 2024: p. Chap.1, 1-7.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-58376-6_1 (accessed October 22, 2024).
A.A. Dev, F. Sacarelli, G. Bagheri, A. Joseph, A. Oleshkevych, E. Bodenschatz, P. Dunne, T. Hermans, B. Doudin, Scaling and Flow Profiles in Magnetically Confined Liquid-In-Liquid Channels, in: B. Doudin, M. Coey, A. Cebers (Eds.), MAGNETIC MICROHYDRODYNAMICS: An Emerging Research Field, 2024: p. Chap. 5, 41-55.
https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-58376-6_5 (accessed October 22, 2024).
J.-F. Dayen, N. Konstantinov, M. Palluel, N. Daro, B. Kundys, M. Soliman, G. Chastanet, B. Doudin, Room temperature optoelectronic devices operating with spin crossover nanoparticles, Materials Horizons 8 (2021) 2310–2315.
https://doi.org/10.1039/d1mh00703c .
A. Chu, C. Greboval, Y. Prado, H. Majjad, C. Delerue, J.-F. Dayen, G. Vincent, E. Lhuillier, Infrared photoconduction at the diffusion length limit in HgTe nanocrystal arrays, Nature Communications 12 (2021) 1794.
https://doi.org/10.1038/s41467-021-21959-x .
M. Cavallo, A. Ram, S. Pandey, T. Maroutian, E. Bossavit, N. Ledos, A. Khalili, H. Zhang, Y. Prado, D.L. Nguyen, T.H. Dang, H. Majjad, J. Biscaras, J. Avila, J.F. Dayen, E. Lhuillier, D. Pierucci, Using wafer scale ferroelectric domains of LiNbO3 to form permanent planar p-n junction in narrow band gap nanocrystals, Applied Physics Letters 123 (2023) 253505.
https://doi.org/10.1063/5.0183277 .
M. Cavallo, E. Bossavit, S. Matzen, T. Maroutian, R. Alchaar, T.H. Dang, A. Khalili, C. Dabard, H. Zhang, Y. Prado, C. Abadie, J.K. Utterback, J.F. Dayen, M.G.G. Silly, P. Dudin, J. Avila, E. Lhuillier, D. Pierucci, Coupling Ferroelectric to colloidal Nanocrystals as a Generic Strategy to Engineer the Carrier Density Landscape, Advanced Functional Materials (2023) 2300846.
https://doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202300846 .
O. Bolielyi, V. Levytskyi, J. Wagler, K.O. Kvashnina, B. Kundys, A. Leithe-Jasper, R. Gumeniuk, Yb5Rh6Sn18: a valence fluctuating system with ultra-low thermal conductivity., Dalton Transactions 54 (2025) 784–796.
https://doi.org/10.1039/d4dt02759k .
N. Ahmed, R. Deffley, B. Kundys, N.A. Morley, 3D printing of magnetostrictive property in 17/4 ph stainless steel, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 585 (2023) 171115.
https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmmm.2023.171115 .