Within the IPCMS, I am a member of Support Services for Research (SAR).
I am in charge of 2 functions : librarian and communications’ correspondent.
The management of the library :
My job consists of the purchase of books on decisions of the Council of library and the treatment of documents (recording, quotation, indexation), the reception of the readers, the management of the loans and help to the document retrieval.
The library is associated with the Documentation Department of the University, so I participate in the collective catalog Ex-Libris of the University, by a work of cataloguing and the networking of the collection of documents.
The management of the list of the scientific production of the members of the institute :
I manage and update a database of the publications and the communications at the conferences with the softwares Gesbib and Zotero.
I make regularly a work of bibliometrics: production of graphs of publications and of impact factor of our research teams.
Communication :
- I am in charge of the update of the general pages of the IPCMS’ web site
- Coordination of “IPCMS NEWS”, an International newsletter distributed to our national and international partners.
- I display the current events of the day on the screen located in the reception hall
- Coordination with the communications office of the INP for all press release, news, news in brief…
- Coordination with the communication networks of the CNRS Alsace and the University of Strasbourg