Research background
- Since January 2012 : Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg, France
CNRS Research Engineer at Département des Matériaux Organiques
- June 2010 – December 2011 : Institut de Physique et Chimie des Matériaux de Strasbourg, France
Post-doc in computational materials science : First-Principles modeling GexSe1-x chalcogenide glasses– Département de Chimie des Matériaux Inorganiques
- January 2009 – Mai 2010 : Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, U.S.A.
Post-doc in computational materials science : Development of the I.S.A.A.C.S. software and RMC study of (Na2S)0.35 [(P2O5)1-x (B2O3)x]0.65 glasses – Physics Department
- April 2004 -July 2008 : Université Montpellier 2, Montpellier, France
Ph.D. thesis : Ab-initio Molecular Dynamics study of GeS2 and (M2S)0.33(GeS2)0.66 M=Na, Ag chalcogenide glasses – Institut Charles Gerhardt – UMR 5253 CNRS
Academic background
- 2004-2008 : Ph.D. thesis in chemistry and physicochemistry of materials science at Université Montpellier 2
My Ph.D. thesis (in French) :
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- PDF version for printing (7.3 Mo)
- 2002-2003 : D.E.A. in theoretical and computational chemistry at Université de Rennes 1
- 2000-2002 : Maîtrise of chemistry at Université de Rennes 1
- 2000-2001 : Licence of chemistry at Université de Rennes 1
- 1997-2000 : D.E.U.G. in biology at Université de Bretagne Sud