Research background
Head of the team “Chemical Engineering of Functional Nanomaterials (CEFUN)”.
Since september 2003: Professor at the University of Strasbourg (European Engineering School in Chemistry, Polymers and Materials) school, Research at the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials (IPCMS) , UMR 7504-CNRS-UNISTRA-ECPM
September 1992 to august 2003: CNRS researcher Topic: Physico-chemical transformations induced in oxides by high energy ball-milling
Academic background
2014 – 2021 : Director of European Engineering School in Chemistry, Polymers and Materials (ECPM).
2019-2021: President of Federation Gay Lussac
2016-2018 : Director of Collegium Science Engineering and Technology of University of Strasbourg (4 Engineering schools and 3 University Intitutes of technology)
2008-2013 : Assistant director of ECPM
2010-2014 : Director of Integrated Preparatory Cycle – Chemical International Studies (Chem. I. St.) of ECPM-FGL.
Since september 2003: Professor at the University of Strasbourg (European Engineering School in Chemistry, Polymers and Materials) school, Research at the Institute of Physics and Chemistry of Materials (IPCMS) , UMR 7504-CNRS-ULP-ECPM, Groupe Matériaux Inorganiques, 23, rue du Loess, BP43, 67034 Strasbourg Cedex 2, FRANCE.
– 09/1999: Habilitation (HDR) “Physico-chemical transformations induced in oxides by high energy ball-milling”
September 1992 to august 2003: CNRS researcher at the Laboratory of Science and Engineering of Metallurgy and Materials of the Mining School of Nancy. France
– 07/1992: PhD, Nancy I University, Nancy (Specialty: Science and Engineering of materials)
– 06/1989: Chemical Engineer of « Ecole Européenne des Hautes Etudes des Industries Chimiques » of Strasbourg (E.H.I.C.S) now European Engineering School in Chemistry, Polymers and Materials (ECPM).
AWARDS – 2001: Jean Rist PRICE of the French Society of Metallurgy and Materials – Since 2011 : Scientific Excellence Award – 2018 : Chevalier dans l’ordre des Palmes Académiques
Current researches
Since 2003: Synthesis, functionalization and organization of metallic and oxide NPs for applications in energy, environment and biomedical applications: Design of oxide NPs; Organization of NPs in 2D or 3D networks; Development of theranostic nanoplateforms for biomedical; Nanocomposites based on carbonaceous materials; Magnetic nanomaterials for depollution.
1992-2003 : Physicochemical transformations induced in high energy ball-milled oxides and mechanochemistry. Synthesis of nanoparticles (NPs) of metals and oxides by an organometallic route.
Ongoing projects
2020-2022: Projet Résilience Grand Est – ANR Décontamination des virus dans l’air par une approche originale combinant adsorption et photothermie.
2021-2023: MICA Conception de composites magnétiques recyclables pour la captation et le dosage de micropolluants organiques par un procédé magnéto ou photo-thermique
2021-2023: THERAGET- EuroNanoMed III – ANR Dendronized nanoparticles designed for targeted multimodal image guided therapy – 3 university partners (Belgium, Romania and France) and 2 start-ups (France and Greece)
2021-2025: ANR PHODIA Amélioration de la capture du phosphate dans le processus de dialyse péritonéale grâce à des nanostructures d’oxyde de fer recyclables spécialement conçues.
2021-2025: ANR INFINE Synthèse et contrôle des interactions dans de nouveaux nanocomposites inorganique fluoré oxyde-carbone pour la conception de matériaux d’électrodes. Coordinateur ICPEES, autres partenaires : ARMINES et ICCF- 34k€.
200 publications, 2 patents, more than 150 communications, 66 invited conference. Publications on Google Scholar: Sylvie Begin – Google Scholar