Theoretical Molecular Spectroscopy (SMT)

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Research Activities

J. P. Lavoine (Maître de Conférences Unistra) :

Description of Markovian and/or non-Markovian dynamics in molecular systems.

Modeling of spectroscopic experiments exploiting nonlinear optical processes.

A. J. Boeglin (Chargé de Recherche CNRS) :

Evaluation of electronic responses of molecules in solution.

Determination of vibrational properties of nonlinear optical chromophores.

Theoretical tools :

  • Wave packet propagation in the density operator formalism.
  • Computer algebra applied to nonlinear optics.
  • Semi-empirical methods and Density Functional Theory.

Team Members :

Researcher, Ultrafast Optics and Nanophotonics (DON)
Phone: /Office: 1049
Assistant professor, Ultrafast Optics and Nanophotonics (DON)
Phone: /Office: 1049
Insérez une photo de l’équipe ici

Recent publications :

K. Vasilev, S. Canola, F. Scheurer, A. Boeglin, F. Lotthammer, F. Cherioux, T. Neuman, G. Schull, Exploring the Role of Excited States’ Degeneracy on Vibronic Coupling with Atomic-Scale Optics., ACS Nano 18 (2024) 28052–28059.
K. Vasilev, B. Doppagne, T. Neuman, A. Roslawska, H. Bulou, A. Boeglin, F. Scheurer, G. Schull, Internal Stark effect of single-molecule fluorescence, Nature Communications 13 (2022) 677.
G. Ulrich, A. Barsella, A. Boeglin, S. Niu, R. Ziessel, BODIPY-Bridged Push-Pull Chromophores for Nonlinear Optical Applications, ChemPhysChem 15 (2014) 2693–2700.
G. Taupier, A. Boeglin, O. Crégut, L. Mager, A. Barsella, K. Gasior, J.-L. Rehspringer, K.D. (Honorat) Dorkenoo, Beating photo-degradation in sum-frequency imaging of chiral organic media, Optical Materials 45 (2015) 22–27.
G. Taupier, M. Torres-Werle, A. Boeglin, A. Maisse-Francois, T. Achard, S. Bellemin-Laponnaz, K.D. (Honorat) Dorkenoo, Optically active sum-frequency generation as an advanced tool for chiral metallopolymer material, Applied Physics Letters 110 (2017) 021904.
G. Taupier, M. Saad, M. Romeo, O. Crégut, A. Boeglin, L. Mager, A. Barsella, H. Arhach, J.-L. Rehspringer, K.D. Dorkenoo, Sum-frequency generation in sol-gel material doped with binaphthol, Applied Physics Letters 101 (2012) 241911.
M. Marinova, M. Torres-Werle, G. Taupier, A. Maisse-Francois, T. Achard, A. Boeglin, K.D.H. Dorkenoo, S. Bellemin-Laponnaz, Chiral Self-Sorting Process with Ditopic Ligands: Alternate or Block Metallopolymer Assembly as a Function of the Metal Ion, ACS Omega 4 (2019) 2676–2683.
S. Jiang, T. Neuman, R. Bretel, A. Boeglin, F. Scheurer, E. Le Moal, G. Schull, Many-Body Description of STM-Induced Fluorescence of Charged Molecules., Physical Review Letters 130 (2023) 126202.
S. Jiang, T. Neuman, A. Boeglin, F. Scheurer, G. Schull, Topologically localized excitons in single graphene nanoribbons., Science 379 (2023) 1049–1053.
Y. Hinschberger, J.P. Lavoine, Relation between magnetization and Faraday angles produced by ultrafast spin-flip processes within the three-level A-type system, Journal of Applied Physics 118 (2015) 053908 / p. 1–10.
N. Genevaz, P. Chavez, V. Untilova, A. Boeglin, C. Bailly, L. Karmazin, L. Biniek, Tuning crystallochromism in diketopyrrolopyrrole-co-thieno[3,2-b]thiophene derivatives by the architecture of their alkyl side chains, Journal of Materials Chemistry C 6 (2018) 9140–9151.
S. Finck, J.-T. Issenhuth, S. Despax, C. Sirlin, M. Pfeffer, C. Poidevin, C. Gourlaouen, A. Boeglin, C. Daniel, Structural and optical properties of new cyclometalated Ru(II) derived compounds, Journal of Organometallic Chemistry 760 (2014) 248–259.
K.D. Dorkenoo, E. Sungur, H. Bulou, G. Taupier, A. Boeglin, Monitoring the contractile properties of optically patterned liquid crystal based elastomers, in: Advanced Elastomers - Technology, Properties and Applications, Edited by Anna Boczkowska, InTech, 2012: p. Chap. 2, 39.
C. Doras, G. Taupier, A. Barsella, L. Mager, A. Boeglin, H. Bulou, P. Bousquet, K.D. Dorkenoo, Polarization state studies in second harmonic generation signals to trace atherosclerosis lesions, Optics Express 19 (2011) 15062–15068.
B. Doppagne, M.C. Chong, H. Bulou, A. Boeglin, F. Scheurer, G. Schull, Electrofluorochromism at the single-molecule level, Science 361 (2018) 251–254.
B. Doppagne, M.C. Chong, E. Lorchat, S. Berciaud, M. Romeo, H. Bulou, A. Boeglin, F. Scheurer, G. Schull, Vibronic Spectroscopy with Submolecular Resolution from STM-Induced Electroluminescence, Physical Review Letters 118 (2017) 127401.
M.C. Chong, L. Soso-Vargas, H. Bulou, A. Boeglin, F. Scheurer, F. Mathevet, G. Schull, Ordinary and Hot Electroluminescence from Single-Molecule Devices: Controlling the Emission Color by Chemical Engineering, Nano Letters 16 (2016) 6480–6484.
M.C. Chong, G. Reecht, H. Bulou, A. Boeglin, F. Scheurer, F. Mathevet, G. Schull, Narrow-Line Single-Molecule Transducer between Electronic Circuits and Surface Plasmons, Physical Review Letters 116 (2016) 036802.
A. Chantzis, T. Very, S. Despax, J.-T. Issenhuth, A. Boeglin, P. Hébraud, M. Pfeffer, A. Monari, X. Assfeld, UV-vis absorption spectrum of a novel Ru(II) complex intercalated in DNA: [Ru(2,2 `-bipy)(dppz)(2,2 `-ArPy)](+), Journal of Molecular Modeling 20 (2014) 2082.
I. Bel-Hadj, M. Guerboub, A. Lambrecht, G. Ori, C. Massobrio, E. Martin, Thermal conductivity of crystalline Ge2Sb2Te5: lattice contribution and size effects in the cubic phase quantified by approach-to-equilibrium molecular dynamics, Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 57 (2024) 235303.

Femtosecond time-resolved nonlinear spectroscopy

Spectroscopic studies of pyridinium phenoxides