Open PhD positions
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Recent research results
- Direct Experimental Constraints on the Spatial Extent of a Neutrino Wavepacket:
- Antimatter: CERN’s GBAR experiment joins the anticlub! Preprint here:
- Qudits vs Qubits: and the winner is…
- Fast and furious: time-entropy bounds in shortcuts to equilibrium
- Knowledge is power: turning information into heat
Research carried out in the Q-Dyno group focuses on the theoretical modeling and numerical simulation of nano-scale systems composed of many interacting constituents. We study the nonlinear quantum dynamics of charges and spins in various types of nano-objects, such as thin metal films, metallic and ferromagnetic nanoparticles, large molecules, and magnetic materials. We have developed a portfolio of analytical and computational tools, including the complete N-body description for few-electron systems, mean-field-like approaches such as Hartree-Fock and density functional theory, as well as quantum hydrodynamic models. Our group is an expert on the phase-space dynamics of quantum systems, based on Wigner functions.
We are also involved in two international collaborations: (GBAR), based at CERN, which studies the effect of gravity on antimatter and (BeEST) which search for sterile neutrinos for understanding the microscopic nature of dark matter.
The group currently consists of two permanent staff (Paul-Antoine Hervieux and Giovanni Manfredi) and several post-doctoral researchers, PhD and Master students.
Research Activities
- Quantum many-body systems
- Stochastic thermodynamics
- Ultrafast magnetism at the nanoscale
- Quantum coherence and quantum information
- Antimatter and gravitation
- May-June 2024: Dr. Andrea Rocco, University of Surrey, Guildford, UK
- June 2024: Dr. Sara Nicoletti, Mathematics department, University of Florence, Italy
Group members
Former Members
Louise DESPLAT, CNRS researcher at SPINTEC, Grenoble
Omar MORANDI, University of Florence, Italy, Mathematics Department
Fatema TANJA, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
Jens ZAMANIAN, Umea University, Sweden
Lena MOUAWAD, now at CGI consulting
Doctoral students
Rémi GOERLICH, Optical control of Brownian diffusion: from bath engineering to quantum analogues (PhD thesis prize of Strasbourg University, 2022)
Jérôme HURST, Ultrafast spin dynamics in ferromagnetic thin films
Kévin Lêvèque-SIMON, Collisions assistées par laser pour la formation d’antimatière
Anant DIXIT, Relativistic effects: applications to multiferroic materials
Mateo VALDES, Calcul de sections efficaces du système à trois corps (e-, e+, p̄) avec les équations de Faddeev-Merkuriev
Pauline COMINI, Study of the antihydrogen atom and ion formation in the collisions antiproton-positronium (Young scientist prize of the French Physical Society, 2014)
Yannick HINSCHBERGER, Etude théorique des effets relativistes induits par une impulsion lumineuse ultra-rapide dans la matière (PhD thesis prize of Strasbourg University, 2013)
Guillaume KLUGHERTZ, Dynamique d’aimantation ultra-rapide de nanoparticules magnétiques
Rafal JASIAK, Ultrafast electron dynamics and decoherence in metallic nanostructures
Emmanuel MAURAT, Étude théorique de la dynamique de charge et de spin de structures électroniques confinées
Recent publications