The BioDyn team (Bio-photonics and ultrafast molecular Dynamics) develops experimental tools for femtosecond spectroscopy in the field of physical chemistry, to investigate the photoreactivity of (bio)organic or metal-organic molecules in the condensed phase. Typical processes of interest are photoreactions enabling photo-electric or photo-mechanical energy conversions at the molecular scale. Such photoreactions have applications in material science (e.g. photovoltaic devices, molecular switches, or motors), but they are also at work in biological systems (photosynthesis, vision). Among photoreactions of interest are (i) photoinduced charge transfer or (ii) ultrafast photo-isomerization reactions. The investigation of ultrafast photoreactions with fs laser pulses reveals the interplay between (coherent) electronic or vibrational dynamics and environmental effects, and how this interplay controls the photoreactions yield.
Besides, in the 3rd research axis called “biophotonics,” we explore physical chemistry at the interface between nanoscience and living matter. More specifically, we investigate the environment-sensitive photoreactivity of organic compounds that may be exploited to probe local interactions in biomolecules. We also investigate ultrafast excitation energy transfer reactions in functional, synthetic nanoparticles behaving like efficient light-harvesting antennas.
Research Activities
Position Open
- Openings: Post-doc in femtosecond XPS of bio-mimetic photoswitches (M/F). Link
- For Internship, PhD positions, and Postdoc positions, contact Stefan Haacke and Jeremie Leonard
Recent updates
- Ronan Viel won the 2nd place poster prize (100€) at the ITI QMat scientific day 2023. Congratulations!!!
- Ilias Nikolinakos received his Doctoral diploma at the PhD ceremony 2023, University of Strasbourg Congratulations!!!
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