The research activities of the team aim at providing a better understanding of spin dependent transport and magnetization dynamics in ferromagnets at the nanoscale. From the theoretical point of view, state-of-the-art finite-element micromagnetic simulations are being carried out to investigate the static and dynamic properties of various nanoscale magnetic systems. From the experimental point of view, we investigate spin-polarized transport in two extreme situations: Tunneling through low-dimensional structures is probed by growing them into epitaxial tunnel junctions and measuring their low-temperature magnetoresistance. Long-range diffusive spin transport is probed by measuring the propagation of spin waves along ferromagnetic metal films and its modification by an electrical current (spin-wave Doppler shift).
Research Activities
Team Members

Recent publications :

Microwave spectroscopy : Presentation

Microwave spectroscopy : Current-Induced Spin-Wave Doppler Shift

Microwave spectroscopy : Dynamical micromagnetism

Micromagnetism : Fundamental Research

Micromagnetism : Gallery

Micromagnetism : Development and Implementation of Numerical Methods

Micromagnetism : TetraMAG

Magneto-transport, tunnel junction : Electrical switching in Fe/Cr/MgO/Fe magnetic tunnel junctions

Magneto-transport, tunnel junction : Transport in tunnel junctions